The Best Cannonball Guy Quotes

Cannonball: This here is the A950.
Sue: You say this could shoot someone across a football field?
Cannonball: Several football fields, if you pack in enough explosives. Of course, that would be incredibly unsafe. See, if you want to go for more than, say, 50 yards, you're looking about a 70% chance of catastrophic failure.
Sue: Which is a 30% chance of catastrophic success. This is the button, right?
Cannonball: No, no, no, no!
[she fires it, launching the mechanic inside out; flying through the football uprights, he lands in a safety net]
Sue: You know, I try to make it a habit of not touching carny folk, but fella...
[shaking hands]
Sue: ...I'll take it. You got a smaller one?