The Best Captain Chuck Skinner Quotes

Jennifer: Since 1947 when a group of atomic scientists created the clock, the minute hand's been reset many times.
Dr. Spencer Reid: For the last five years, it's been consistently ticking down. It was last set at two and a half minutes to midnight.
Emily: And the closest it ever was was two minutes in 1953 when the U.S. and Russia tested the first H-bomb.
Jennifer: We could be looking at a doomsday cult.
Captain: So he's like one of these survivalists who lives in the woods and wears tinfoil hats.
Luke: Actually, the idea of preparing for the end is moving from the fringes of society into mainstream culture.
Matt: Yeah, they call themselves preppers. They're trying to retain a certain standard of living for themselves and others while riding out the Apocalpyse, be it nuclear or civil unrest.
David: The wealthy are jumping on board. They're hoarding cryptocurrency and buying custom survival shelters.
Matt: And the super rich are taking it to another level. They're buying private islands, land in New Zealand, their private jets are always gassed up ready to whisk them away at a moment's notice.
Emily: So, the victims are part of the unsub's prep to repopulate a new civilization in a post-apocalyptic world.
Dr. Tara Lewis: And the clock starting to tick steadily down five years ago was the trigger.
Matt: And with it being so close to midnight and us breathing down his neck, he may decide that it's time to cut all ties with the outside world.
Emily: We need to find him before that happens.

Captain: Local walking his dog noticed the body. Doesn't look like she's been here very long.
Luke: Well, the disposal site's inside the unsub's abduction zone. Probably knows the area, feels comfortable here.
Emily: [uncovering the body] This changes things. Dr. Roberta Childs. Five years older, but it's definitely her.
Luke: They didn't try to conceal the body. I mean, they could have hidden her here in the brush over there.
Captain: Maybe he didn't have the time.

Captain: Without any bodies turning up over the years, we debated if the three women just decided to up and leave their lives. It happens. But now with that chef gone missing...
Emily: Well, we're happy to help.
Captain: I should warn you the media's been reporting that the BAU's been called in on this. Before I got here, the relative of a woman who went missing years ago came in demanding to talk to you.
Jennifer: News stories often bring all kinds of people out of the woodwork.
Captain: This one's different.
Jennifer: How so?
Captain: Her name is Joanna Miller, and her sister Chrissy vanished five years ago. Any time there's a missing person case or a woman's body is found, Joanna shows up.
Emily: But you don't think Chrissy's case is related to the recent abductions.
Captain: She was sixteen and in all sorts of trouble; drinking, drugs. Chronic runaway. My heart goes out to the family, but no, I don't.
Jennifer: I can talk to her.
Emily: Let's bring her in.

Dr. Spencer Reid: We said the timing of the unsub's abductions may be important to him.
Captain: Why is that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Victim number one: Dr. Roberta Childs. She signed out of the hospital at 11:50 p.m. Now, victim number two, Diane Pearl, her home alarm system was tripped at 11:52 p.m., Victim three, Elise Waterston, she was a no-show for an 11:55 pickup from her dental office. Cell phone records show that Allie Leighton, the fourth victim, ended her phone call at 11:57 p.m., and lastly, Paige Burrell, the digital clock where she was abducted read 11:57:30.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Okay, so based on your timeline, our unsub's counting up to 12:00.
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, he's counting down.
Captain: Counting down to what?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I think the unsub's abducting women based on the doomsday clock.
Captain: And what's that?
David: The symbolic clock that warns the world how close we are to total destruction.
Matt: Midnight on the clock represents a hypothetical global catatrophe, like a... a nuclear war. Uh, the number of minutes to midnight stand for how soon that could happen.