The Best Carina Smyth Quotes

Carina: I'm not looking for trouble!
Captain: What a horrible way to live.

Carina: This has to be it.
- It has to be here.
- CAPTAIN BARBOSSA: Find that land.
- Or we'll all die.
- We're nearly there!
- It's here somewhere.

Carina: "To release the power of the sea...
- "all must divide."
- It's an island.
- The stars lead to an island.

Carina: Why isn't it glowing?
- Finish it, Carina.
- The missing star.
- For my father.
- Aye.
- Do it for him.

[Henry saves Carina]
Henry: From this moment forth we are to be allies!
Carina: Considering where your left hand is, I'd say we're more than that!

- Thank you.
- Die!
- Come here, you pirate scum!
- Hey, hey!
- Oh, no.
- What are you doing?
- No, no, no!
Carina: Careful!

Carina: Who am I to you?
Captain: Treasure!

Captain: [sees Carina's diary] Where did you get that from, Missy? I know this book, stolen from an Italian ship, many years ago.
Carina: Stolen? No, you're mistaken.
Captain: There was a Ruby on the cover, I would not soon forget.
Carina: This was given to me by my father. He was clearly a man of science.
Captain: He was clearly a common thief.
Carina: The memory of my father will not be befouled by the tongue of a pirate! This diary is my birthright. Left to me on the steps of a children's home. Along with a name, and nothing else.
Captain: Oh, so you are an orphan? What be you called?
Carina: The brightest star in the North gave me my name.
Captain: That would be Carina?
Carina: Carina Smith. So you do know your stars?
Captain: I'm a captain. I know which stars to follow home.

Carina: My calculations are precise and true. I'm not just an astronomer. I'm also a horologist.
Captain: No shame in that, dear. We all have to make a living.
Carina: No, I'm a horologist.
Scrum: So was my mum. Although she didn't crow about it quite as loud as you.

Henry: [about shotgun wedding] Wait. Surely... this is not legal.
Captain: This is not legal.
Carina: He's right. Does any man here object to these nuptials?
Captain: I do.
Priest: Congratulations, you may kiss the bride!

Carina: Give me my diary
Captain: Give me The Map That No Man Can Read
Carina: If you could read it then it wouldn't be called 'The Map That No Man Can Read'
Captain: Most of the men on this ship can't read, which makes all maps 'The Maps That No Man Can Read'
Carina: If you can't read it then you have no use for it, or me

Carina: This ship. Those ghosts. There can be no logical explanation.
Henry: Myths of the sea are real, Carina. I'm glad you can finally see you were wrong.
Carina: Wrong? Perhaps I had some doubts.
Henry: This is the worst apology I've ever heard.
Carina: Apology? Why would I apologize?
Henry: Because we've been chased by the dead, sailing on a ship, raised from a bottle. Where is your science in that?
Carina: Fine, I will apologize.
Henry: Go on, then.
Carina: Well then, one could argue that you owe *me* an apology, as my life has been threatened by pirates and dead men.
Henry: Which you now believe in, sorry to say.
Carina: Apology accepted.

Henry: Maybe Jack was right.
Carina: About what?
Henry: The unscratchable itch.
[he goes to kiss her and she slaps his face]
Henry: Why did you do that for?
Carina: Just checking it's truly you. That you're not just a ghost.
Henry: It's me.
Carina: Then I was...
Henry: Wrong.
Carina: Slightly in error. Although one...
Henry: [now he kisses her] Apology accepted.

- What are we going to do?
- As Captain, might I suggest...
Carina: Mutiny?
- You had to suggest a mutiny?
Henry: Carina, the dead are coming.
- Well, I choose not to believe in supernatural nonsense.
- Do you not see what's behind us?

Carina: Where is it?
- It has to be here.

Carina: My calculations are precise and true. I'm not only an astronomer, I'm also a horologist.
Captain: No shame in that dear. We all have to earn a living, eh?

Carina: Men on that ship are looking for Jack. And Jack is on this boat. I'm going to swim for it!
Captain: How dare you do exactly what I'd do if I were you?

Henry: Carina!
Henry: Carina!
- Henry!
- They took Henry!
- The Trident be all that can save him now.
Carina: Then we have to find it.