The Best David Buckland Quotes

Dr. William Masters: We believe our book, "Human Sexual Response," will reacquaint all of us with our natural selves, free of fear, but also full of understanding. So we thank you for, uh, coming here today and - and we appreciate your interest in our book.
David: If I may...
Dr. William Masters: Really, Mr. Buckland? Why ask for the floor now when you've hijacked it so unapologetically all afternoon?
David: And I may have abused more than my fair share of time today, Dr. Masters, because I believe your book deserves such scrutiny, deserves an honest evaluation as to the impact of such material societally, not just the immense scientific value it provides to the medical community, because the contribution is immense. I mean, this study sheds light on an area that has, up until now, been the dark side of the moon. And if we view the sexual union as so sacrosanct that it cannot be open to question, we should remember a similar view was taken regarding the stars in Galileo's day. And I think we can safely say Galileo had the last laugh on that one.