The Best Detective Ana Perez Quotes

Detective: I'm warning you, watch yourself. Because I sure as hell am.
Judy: Well, you know what? Good! Go ahead and watch me, because all you're going to see is a good fucking person trying to do the right fucking thing all the time! Maybe I shouldn't, maybe that's where I go wrong, but I can't help myself because it's in my stupid fucking nature! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go pick up those paper bags because I don't want to seal the choke.

Detective: Long time, no see.
Judy: Shit. Yeah, well, you're not going to see me anymore, because I told Michelle that I'm not going to hang out with her anymore because I respect boundaries.
Detective: Do you? Because from what I've seen you always seem to be everywhere you shouldn't be.
Judy: Well, maybe that's just how you see it.
Detective: It is. That's what I just said.
Judy: Well, yeah, so?

Nick: Why would I want to work with you or Hastings, for that matter? That shady racist, is he still chief of police?
Detective: He's also a misogynist, but yeah.

Detective: Miss Hale, thank you for coming.
Judy: Of course. Your hair looks amazing, did you do something different?
Detective: No.