The Best Dr. Uri Rosen Quotes

Dr. Uri Rosen: [Giving him his prognosis] I wish I had better news, based on the latest pictures the cancer has continued to metastasize from the lungs we. We now show masses in the Mediastinal lymph nodes both kidneys, and the brain
Johnny: The headaches, so the lobotomy, radiation, the God damn chemo. What was all that? For kicks?
Dr. Uri Rosen: Those were our options at the time
Johnny: Now what are our options?
Dr. Uri Rosen: Limited to the extent that I wouldn't recommend any. At this point we're looking at stage four small cell carcinoma of the lungs
Johnny: And there is no stage five
Dr. Uri Rosen: That's correct
Johnny: [Referring his life expectancy] how long?
Dr. Uri Rosen: Difficult to say, I have seen miracles over the years
Johnny: Forget the miracles
Dr. Uri Rosen: Three months: give or take