The Best Elderly DGD Member Quotes

Elderly: My great-grandfather was in the 28th. I wonder if you might have known him. His name was Tolliver Humphries.
Bill: Tolliver Humphries. Yes, I knew him very well. We fought together. Tolliver Humphries was my friend. He was a brave man, perhaps to a fault. I dare say it contributed to his death.
Elderly: What happened? Were you there?
Bill: I was.
[flashes back to a battle field with wounded and dying men]
Bill: We were about twenty miles north of where I stand now. The federals outnumbered us 5 to 1 and they had better fire power as well. We spent much of the afternoon recovering the bodies of those we'd lost. There was a boy in our troop, no more than 13 or 14, who lay wounded in the middle of a field under poor cover. He called to us all day. He begged us to help him. He knew he would die if we didn't. I admit I had considered shooting the boy myself just to shup him up. But Tolliver convinced me that would be an act of murder, not war. He told me God wanted him to rescue that boy. I pleaded with him not to go. To think of his own wife and children back home. But he ran into that field like it was a cool spring day. They shot him just as he reached the boy. It was obvious to us that he was beyond help.