The Best Eleanor-7 Quotes

Eleanor: Chidi... I'm scared.
Chidi: I know.
Eleanor: What am I supposed to be doing right now? I don't remember.
[morphs into a new body]
Eleanor: I'm having a hard time remembering.
[begins to morph repeatedly into many different bodies]
Chidi: Right. Memories. You need to remember who you are. You're Eleanor Shellstrop from Phoenix, Arizona. Your favorite meal is shrimp scampi. You listed your emergency contact as Britney Spears as a long shot way of meeting her, and your favorite movie is that clip of John Travolta saying "Adele Dazeem". You flew halfway around the world because... you wanted to be a better person, and it was very brave. You're sharp, and you're strong, you make fun of me a lot, you once called me a human snooze button, but you also showed up in my classroom when I was drowning in despair and canned chili, and... you basically saved my life. You have very high self-esteem and a very low tolerance for men who wear sandals, and your worst nightmare is someone saying something nice about you to your face, but too bad, because I need to say it. Because you deserve it. Because... Because...
Eleanor: Chidi...
[Chidi grabs Eleanor and kisses her. The two slowly morph back into themselves]
Eleanor: Nice work, bud.
Eleanor: Did you mean everything you said? Or did you just say it because the world was ending?
Chidi: I really wanna play this cool, but I'm afraid I'm gonna ruin it if I try to be sexy.
Chidi: I already ruined it. Um... saying the word sexy is not sexy...
[Eleanor kisses Chidi again]