The Best Gail Kippling Quotes

Gail: [the flash of the camera blinding Sabrina, Edward and Gail] Whoa! I think I blinked.
Sabrina: I think the whole block blinked.

Sabrina: So, you think you'll get married?
Edward: [at the same time as Gail] No.
Gail: [at the same time as Edward] Yes.
Gail: Did you say no?
Edward: Yes. Didn't you?
Gail: No.
Edward: You said yes?
Gail: Yes.
Edward: When I said no?
Gail: Yes.
Edward: That's not good.
Gail: No,
Edward: Are you upset?
Gail: Yes.
Edward: Would you like to talk?
Gail: No.
Edward: I think we should.
Hilda: Yes!

Sabrina: You know that love between two people is stronger than any legal document.
Gail: Yes, but as a lawyer I'm not supposed to admit it.

Gail: I'm very busy exploring the profit potential of Drell suing himself.

Edward: I thought you were in court today?
Gail: Oh, I was until Drell disintegrated the judge, so we adjourned for the weekend.