The Best James Quotes

James: She looked like a bag lady.
Cole: James, I think you're over-reacting. We really don't know anything about Sabrina.
Annie: He's right. I mean, this could be her sad, desperate attempt to give herself a little edge. You know, like when the Bush girls get drunk and make out with Democrats.

James: I used to be a spy, you know.
[points to the back of his head]
James: Sean Penn got me right here.
[points to his forehead]
James: P. Diddy got me right here.
[points to his chest]
James: Celine Dion got me right here.
Sabrina: She hit you?
James: No. The song she did for "Titanic" always chokes me up.

James: [photographer] All right, Roxie, I think we're about done.
Roxie: Done? We haven't even started. We've only shot coy Roxie and pouty Roxie. My fans deserve to see serious Roxie and sporty Roxie.
[goes off]
James: I got a Roxie I'd like to show them. Autopsy Roxie.