Top 50 Quotes From Hayley Shipton

Hayley: [on phone] Bryce, Marcus is dead. What the hell is going on? Does this have anything to do with your client?
Bryce: Hayley, I'm sorry. I lied, about everything. There is no cheating husband, nor an angry wife.
Hayley: What? How could you be so...
Bryce: I had no choice.
Hayley: Why? Who put you up to this?
Bryce: It doesn't matter. Not anymore. All you need to know is Code 44... I'm sorry, Hayley. I'm so sorry.

[talking about Castle]
Alexis: Is he as good as you?
Hayley: Good heavens, no! Why would you ask such a thing?

Hayley: Okay. Sorry, sorry. I don't mean to get so bitchy. It's just that your father blew off that meeting I set up with potential clients.
Alexis: He had an impromptu get-together this morning with Stephen King. Maybe he's still there.
Hayley: Do you have King's number?
Alexis: No, but his assistant called my dad's cell, which is linked the office computer. Okay. Here's his call log. Got it.
[calls number]
Alexis: It's disconnected. I must have misdialed.
[tries again]
Alexis: Something's wrong.
Hayley: [checking her phone] No. There's a new tweet from Stephen King.
Hayley: "Watch me live on Australia's '7PM Project' in twenty minutes."
Alexis: If Stephen King is in Australia... where's my dad?

Hayley: Damn it, Alexis, what are you doing here?
Alexis: Well, I needed some case files for work. But if this is how you get when people come over unannounced, I am happy to give you back your spare key.

[after bumping into Martha and Alexis leaving Castle's office]
Hayley: Why are you lying to them?
Richard: I'm not... I'm not lying to them.
Hayley: Oh, good. So you did tell them that your anniversary was cut short when Beckett received a mystery text.
Richard: I might've left that part out.
Hayley: Oh, did you also maybe leave out the part where you asked me to come in this morning in order to *hack* Beckett's cell phone to tell you who sent her that text?
Richard: Okay, I know how that looks, but... something is going on with Beckett, and I'm- I'm worried about her.

Kate: Look. Apparently, Ned was tricked by some woman named Karla into gaining access to the building and the secured server, most likely to help Marcus rob the place.
Hayley: Yeah, but clearly something happened between Marcus and Karla, because it looks like she's the one that drove that knife into his back.
Richard: And is that all?
Hayley: Why are you asking me?
Richard: Because clearly something is going on with you, Hayley. Something connected to this case. You know you can tell us.
Hayley: [pause] I was in that office last night.
Kate: Okay, we need to talk. Now.
[cut to them entering an interrogation room]
Hayley: Really, you want to talk in here?
Kate: [laughs] Yes, this is where we question all of our murder suspects.
Hayley: You think I killed Marcus.
Kate: Right now, I don't know what to think.

Alexis: Dad, did you notice any candy wrappers or fruit juice, anything with sugar, at the dry cleaner's?
Richard: Uh, an empty soda can. Why?
Alexis: I think Beckett's mystery man might have been having a diabetic incident. But based on his symptoms, sugar is not enough. You need insulin to regulate...
Richard: Honey, I need to go. Let's talk about this later, though, okay?
[as Castle leaves, Hayley hangs back]
Hayley: Red, don't wait for the old man. If you've got something, follow up on it. Look, Beckett's on the run. She can't go to a doctor, she can't go to a hospital, so how does she get her hands on insulin?
Alexis: She would have to get creative.
Hayley: There you go.

Hayley: Who did you just text? The cops? We had a deal. You shook on it.
Richard: If you wanted a binding agreement, we should have pinky-sweared.
Hayley: What are you, four?

Hayley: Ah. You know, Rick, I have never seen you in action at an NYPD crime scene.
Richard: Well, perhaps you'd like to tag along, watch the crime scene Jedi Master at work?
Hayley: Please tell me you do not refer to yourself as that. Do you? Really?
Richard: Perhaps you should come watch another time.
Hayley: No, no, no. Lead on, Castle-Wan Kenobi. You are my only hope.
Richard: I like that. But save it. Say it in front of the guys.

[last lines]
[Castle has discovered a video file he recorded for himself during his missing two months]
Richard: [on the video] Hey there, buddy. It's me. And by me, I mean you. And if you are seeing this, then you are an idiot. Because you are trying to figure out what happened to you in Los Angeles. What you discovered about Bracken's partnership with LokSat is too dangerous to pursue.
Richard: LokSat? I knew about LokSat?
Richard: [on the video] I am barely-living proof. I was shot trying to figure out where LokSat's plane was landing tonight. I barely escaped without being identified. I am erasing our mind for a reason. To protect Kate. 'Cause if she found out, then... she... will... die... So, do not tell her what you discovered in Los Angeles. For her sake.
Richard: Do you know what this means?
Hayley: Yes, you tracked LokSat. If we can cross-reference airports and identify what airplane landed the night you were shot, then we have a real chance of finding out who LokSat really is.
Richard: No, no. It means what happened was my fault. The murders of Beckett's former A.G. team. In trying to protect Beckett from LokSat, I inadvertently sentenced them all to death.

Richard: Having second thoughts?
Hayley: About having a ménage with a trophy-taking serial killer? No! What could possibly go wrong?
Richard: Look. This is the murder weapon. All you have to do is distract Austin long enough for me to find *this* knife.
Hayley: Let's just hope you don't find it in one of our backs.

Richard: The G.D.S. is requesting my presence at headquarters. This must mean I passed their test and they want me to join their ranks.
Hayley: I hate to burst your fanboy bubble, but how do you know this is on the up-and-up?
Richard: [turning to chauffeur] Is this on the up-and-up?
Chauffeur: Yes, sir.

[last lines]
Alexis: We really could've done movie night at my place.
Hayley: No, no, we need to get rid of some of the bad vibes in here.
Alexis: So what are we watching? Rom-com? Action? Comedy?
Hayley: Horror.
Alexis: You're kidding.
Hayley: No. Oh, come on. We just survived the ax-man. A little Freddy-Jason action will be cathartic.
Alexis: All right. But if I can't sleep tonight, I'm kicking your ass in the morning.
Hayley: In your dreams.
[Alexis sees the door to the safe creak open]
Alexis: Hayley?
Hayley: Hmm?
[she turns to see the door open, then looks back at Alexis]
Hayley: Run.
Alexis: Yep.
[as they run out of the room, Beckett and Castle poke their heads out of the safe]
Richard: That was genius... Now can we play naked Twister?

Richard: Hide me.
Hayley: What? How?
Courtney: Rick Castle.
Richard: Oh, hi, Courtney.
Courtney: [to Hayley] Hey. I'm Courtney.
Hayley: Hayley. So what's going on, you guys have a beef or something?
Courtney: Me and Rick?
Hayley: Yeah.
Courtney: No, no way. We're buds.
Hayley: Oh.
Richard: Buds? Last time I saw you, you tried to run me down with a golf cart 'cause I wouldn't let you get cast in the Nikki Heat movie.
Courtney: But what I didn't know then, which I do now, was that your movie was gonna be quite possibly the worst movie *ever* made. Not being cast in your movie was the best thing that could've happened to my career.
Courtney: So, thanks! Let's do lunch sometime. Nice meeting you.
[turns and leaves]
Hayley: Yeah.
Richard: Say hi to Brandon.
[to Hayley]
Richard: Can you believe her? "Worst movie ever made"?
Hayley: Yeah, I can believe her. It was a terrible film.

Hayley: You really love her, don't you?
Richard: Like a house on fire.

[Castle and Hayley are trying to hack Vikram's computer]
Vikram: She's almost in. I can launch a cyber-nuke, but it'll completely fry his system.
Kate: He's got a back-up system at home.
Vikram: Is that a go for launch?
Kate: Yes.
Hayley: No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Oh!
Richard: What... just happened?
Hayley: Armageddon, I'm afraid. Vikram's nuked the whole system. We've lost everything.
Richard: We've lo... I never liked that guy.
Kate: Did they get in?
Vikram: No. Another *second* and they would have. Thankfully our location and all our files are still safe.
Kate: Yeah. For now. I just hope I didn't nuke my marriage.

Hayley: You worry a lot about your father.
Alexis: You would, too, if Richard Castle was your dad. I mean, the guy is abducted, like, what, twice a year? I think that's a tad above the national average.
Hayley: Yet he always comes home. Do you know why that is?
Alexis: Yeah, he's really lucky.
Hayley: No. He's really good at what he does.

Hayley: I wish I'd remembered something about her. A tattoo, a scar...
Hayley: You want a laugh? The only thing I recall about this woman is poor Ned fumbling around with her fancy corset.
Richard: Tell me more. Was it cotton or lace?
Alexis: Ew.
Hayley: Perv much?
Richard: I'm serious.
[sits at his computer to start typing]
Hayley: Okay. It was lace with black leather. Why?
Richard: Narrows it down. Padded?
Hayley: No.
Richard: Back or front clasps?
Hayley: Back. Clasps and buckles. And it had a metal ring on front with snaps.
Richard: Were there crystal studs across the décolletage?
Hayley: Actually, yes.
Richard: La Seductrice. Now give me a moment to pull up the 2016 Mon Chéri collection.
Hayley: That's it. That's the one.
Richard: And voilà, my work here is done.
Alexis: Hey, Dad, uh, should I even ask?
Richard: Nikki Heat research.

Martha: I told you if you can't tell your mother what you're doing, you should not be doing it.
Richard: Yes, when I was eight.
Martha: Well, exactly, and you should know better by now.
Richard: My wife is in trouble. I have to know what's going on. I have to help her, I have to protect her.
Martha: No, you have to trust her.
Richard: But it's finally starting to make sense. Don't you see, Mother? Beckett broke up with me right after Allison Hyde's death...
[to Hayley]
Richard: That's... also when she brought in Vikram.
Hayley: So we have to ask ourselves, what if Allison Hyde didn't kill herself? What if she was murdered?
Richard: Yes... by the same people who murdered Senator Bracken *and* Beckett's former team at the A.G.
Hayley: [sighs] And of course Vikram used to work at the A.G.'s office. What if Kate brought him in to secretly help her investigate those murders?
Richard: Can you hack Vikram's firewall?
Hayley: Sure. It'll take a while.
Martha: Richard!
Martha: Look, regardless of what Katherine is doing, and why, are you sure that you wanna do this? Because if she finds out that you are spying, you may just have crossed a line you cannot uncross.
Richard: She may just get herself killed. She's left me no other choice.
Martha: There's always another choice.
Hayley: So... what's it gonna be, Rick?
Richard: [to Martha] I have to know. No matter the consequence.
[to Hayley]
Richard: Do it.

[Castle is trying to stall Beckett so Hayley can hack Vikram, while she's trying to stall him so Vikram can lock them out]
Richard: [answers phone] Hey.
Kate: Hey, babe.
Richard: Change your mind about tonight?
Kate: Uh, you know, uh, tonight's still not gonna work. But what about right now? Feel like steaming up your office?
Richard: My office? That sounds great. I'm, uh... sort of in the middle of something right now.
Kate: Really? That's too bad. 'Cause I'm right downstairs.
Richard: "Downstairs" downstairs?
Kate: Yeah. I can be up in ten seconds.
Richard: Ten seconds is... not long at all. Hang- Hang- Hang on one second.
[he mutes the call]
Richard: [to Hayley] We have to shut it down. She's gonna walk in the front door.
Hayley: No. She's lying. Her phone is pinging from Queens.
Richard: She knows it's us who's hacking her.
[taking the phone off mute]
Richard: Sorry about that. Just taking off my pants. You coming up?
[Beckett mutes the call]
Kate: [to Vikram] He knows I'm lying.
[unmuting the call]
Kate: Hey. Uh... You know what,
Kate: something just came up. Rain check?
Richard: Sure. You know where to find me.

Kevin: And when you ID'd the tattoo, did you pull the towel off or did it just... fall off?
Hayley: Well, actually, Kate pulled the towel off.
Kevin: Right.
Hayley: But I'm not quite sure how this is relevant.
Javier: You're pathetic, bro.
Kevin: Somebody's gotta write this report.
Javier: Wow... So, Hayley, it must have been pretty hard for you guys to chase her, 'cause you and Beckett were both wearing towels, right?
Kate: [entering, to Hayley] Hey. Okay, here you go. This is your voucher, just take that up to Evidence, and that painting is yours.
Hayley: All right. I'll see you perverts later.
Javier: Yes, you will.
[seeing Beckett's expression]
Javier: Ryan was trying to get details on your wardrobe malfunction.
Kevin: Me? You were the one asking if Beckett was wearing a towel.

Hayley: Okay, then tell us something unique about the killer's scent.
Kate: Yeah.
Mia: There was a hint of nail polish remover.
Kate: A six-foot-tall guy who smells like nail polish remover? This is a waste of time.
Richard: Hang on.
[to Mia]
Richard: Tell her the thing.
Mia: Okay, how about this? There was an old oil painting in that briefcase.
Richard: Boom.
Kate: How do you know that?
Mia: Are you slow? I smelled it.
[to Castle]
Mia: Are you sure you want her back? 'Cause I think you can do better.

Richard: Guys, tell me you're seeing this. A targeted orphan standing to inherit an empire in the center of a religious Armageddon plot? Hello, it's "The Omen"! Shaw believed that Victor Crowne was the Antichrist.
Alexis: The A... as in...?
[gestures devil's horns]
Richard: As in the personification of the Devil. Yes, dear, yes. It... That's why Shaw went after the Crownes. He... He was going after their son.
Hayley: Except that was a film.
[sees Alexis on her phone]
Hayley: Please don't tell me you're Googling "the Antichrist" right now.

Alexis: [entering hotel room] Hmm, not too shabby.
Richard: Glad you like it. 'Cause this is going to be home base, and you are going to be running it while Hayley and I hit the streets.
Alexis: Wait. That's not fair.
Richard: Too bad. We don't know what we're gonna find here. I was shot while I was missing, remember? That could have happened in L.A.
Hayley: Your father's right. Until we get more information, we *have* to proceed with caution.
Richard: Look on the bright side. There are worse places to be trapped than a five-star hotel with room service.

Hayley: [questioning a suspect, Ryan and Esposito can't understand a word he's saying] He's a Geordie. From Newcastle. Though technically English, the language has evolved to include a certain unique vocabulary and grammatical structure. I can translate.

Hayley: You remember when we first met?
Richard: How could I forget? You sucker-punched me in the face.

Hayley: You are a hot mess. I take it your talk with Beckett last night went well.
Richard: Less of a discussion, more of an Irish intervention.
Hayley: So you just sat around drinking whiskey and avoiding the subject.
Richard: Yes. But I can tell she's still upset with me. She left this morning without waking me.
Hayley: So, what do you plan on doing about that?
Richard: Nothing.
Hayley: Well, that has to be the stupidest thing I've heard all day.
Richard: I am holding onto the thin hope that Beckett can find it in her heart to forgive me.
Hayley: Rick, come on, stop moping about, go do something about it.
Richard: What? Have Beckett's memory wiped?
Hayley: No, we track down LokSat. Our West Coast adventure yielded fruit. We have a window of time in which LokSat arrived in L.A. If we scrub the identities of everyone who landed in any area airport, be it public or private, then sooner or later we'll find our target. I can start now. Say the word.
Richard: I'm not making any more decisions concerning LokSat without Beckett.
Hayley: Now, that is the smartest thing I've heard all day.

Alexis: So, I pulled the police file and court records for Shaw's prosecution twenty years ago. And according to this, Shaw's attack on the Crowne family was anything but random. He was working as a consultant for a P.I. named Noah Kramer.
Hayley: What kind of consultant?
Alexis: Spiritual. Kramer had been hired to investigate the Crowne family.
Hayley: Wait, wait. Why would a P.I. hire a spiritual consultant to help investigate a billionaire philanthropist?
[looking at the report, Alexis laughs to herself]
Hayley: What? What is it?
Alexis: I know why Shaw came to this office. Twenty years ago, this was Noah Kramer's office.

[Castle is on the phone with Beckett and Hayley]
Richard: Now, is that any way to talk to the man who can ID your killer?
Hayley: Wait, you can ID him?
Richard: Well, no. But Mia can.
Mia: No, I can't.
Hayley: Who's Mia?
Richard: She's an eyewitness. Well, technically, she's a... nose-witness.

Kendall: Are you kidding me with this?
Hayley: Oh, come on, sweetie, all's fair in love and murder investigations.
Kendall: What, do you think this is a game?
Richard: As hot as it would be to see you two fight, especially after that kiss, we need to work together on this. It is in all our best interests.

Hayley: I put you down once. I won't hesitate to do it again.
Richard: My name is Richard Castle. That missing captain is my wife.
Hayley: I didn't know. I'm sorry.
Richard: Keep your sorry. Just give me your help. There's more to this story than you're telling us. Now she's been injured and abducted.
Hayley: I don't know anything about that.
Richard: Name your price. Anything you say, I'll pay it. I just want my wife back.

[Castle hands Hayley a pair of binoculars]
Hayley: And what do I need these for?
Richard: Like I said, you're the lookout.
[Hayley hands the binoculars back and leaves the room]
Richard: Wh- When we do our surveillance of LokSat's accountant, we're gonna need you to find a high vantage point, be our eye in the sky.
[Hayley returns with a guitar case in hand]
Richard: There's not a guitar in there, is there?
Hayley: Not the kind that plays music.

Martha: Okay, ladies, I have decided that I should change my autograph. So... what do you think?
Alexis: Gram, that looks exactly like your usual autograph.
Martha: No. No, no, no, no. My *usual* autograph when I am *merely* an actress is like this. Sort of carefree and- and whimsical...
[she shows them the two autographs; they look exactly the same]
Martha: ...Whereas the other conveys insight, wisdom. They're completely different. Can't you see that?
[Alexis and Hayley look at each other and play along]
Hayley: Insight.
Alexis: Wisdom.
Alexis: [at the same time as Hayley] Absolutely. Good job.
Hayley: [at the same time as Alexis] Sure. Look at that.
Hayley: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a business to run. Especially since you-know-who is completely useless.
Richard: [entering] I heard that. And if I'm so useless, why would Beckett ask me to consult on a murder? Oh, Mother, new autograph.
Martha: Yeah.
Richard: Nice. Conveys wisdom, insight. I like it.

[London has been hit by a cyber attack cutting all power]
Kate: So, I spoke with the FBI and they are considering this an act of terror.
Hayley: How bad's the damage?
Kate: Uh, it's gonna be a few days before the power is back up in London. Maybe more.
Hayley: Fantastic. So, I've unwittingly plunged my hometown back into the 16th century.
Richard: Oh, that might not be all that bad. I mean "Hamlet" was written in the 16th century.
[sees their looks]
Richard: I'm not helping.

Kevin: Castle stole our car after we arrested Slaughter.
[Alexis and Hayley start laughing]
Alexis: I... I'm sorry. That's, uh, that's really not funny.
Hayley: It really is, though.

[first lines]
Hayley: Remind me, why am I doing this?
Bryce: Because I saved your ass in Marrakech.
Hayley: Uh, I let you save my ass, old man, so that you could impress little miss naughty-knickers who you had a crush on.

Richard: I know why Shaw came here wielding an ax last night.
Hayley: To commit unholy murder on two unbelievably exceptional women?
Richard: Close, but no.

Hayley: You didn't tell Kate what happened in Los Angeles? You chickened out.
Richard: I did not chicken out, all right? I was interrupted. And now I'm wondering whether it was a sign from the universe.
Hayley: What? The universe sent your mother? To tell you what?
Richard: To take my own advice.
[he plays the video he discovered in L.A]
Richard: [on the video] I am erasing our mind for a reason. To protect Kate.
Hayley: Okay. *Enough*. Go and talk to your wife.
Richard: If I hadn't wiped my memory, Beckett's friends at the A.G.'s office might still be alive. What if she can't forgive me?
Hayley: That decision's not yours to make, Rick.

Hayley: What's with the reunion? And why today of all days?
Richard: Because Bracken's behind this.
Hayley: I know he was a powerful man, but that sort of influence dries up when you're serving life in prison.
Richard: You don't know the kind of people Bracken was aligned with. Mercenaries, dealers, the worst of the worst. He made a lot of people rich. A lot of whom may still owe him favors.
Hayley: You're saying that William Bracken ordered a hit on your wife?
Richard: Beckett ruined his so-called legacy, his life. He's out for payback.

Hayley: Are you not packed?
Richard: I can't do it.
Hayley: Pack your clothes?
Richard: Walk away. Hayley, I need to know what happened to me.

Richard: You mean, this whole time, you knew? Who the hell are you?
Hayley: I'm... Hayley. I didn't lie about that. Technically, I didn't lie about anything. I... misrepresented, sure, but I- I didn't lie.
Richard: But why?
Hayley: Because a year and half ago, you asked me to. In fact, you begged.
Richard: I don't understand.
Hayley: So, ages ago, I did some freelance work for MI-6. And I met an American... spy on an Op. He was an older gentleman. Very handsome. Smart as a whip.
Richard: My father.
Hayley: Jackson Hunt. Year and a half ago, he calls me. Asks me to keep an eye out on you, here in L.A. Said you were sticking your nose where it didn't belong.
Richard: What did he say I was doing?
Hayley: [sighs] I didn't ask, he didn't say. But I do know that after your two weeks in Thailand, your undercover mission for the CIA was over. And you were supposed to go home. But, instead, you went rogue and you came to L.A. To keep tabs on you, I borrowed a GPS tracker from a friend of mine, Malcolm, and I placed it...
Richard: In my watch. That was you.
Hayley: Yeah, only you left it in that Korean restaurant. So, I lost track of you. By the time I found you, you'd been shot in the side.
Richard: Who shot me?
Hayley: You wouldn't say. You did... mention your CIA handler, a guy named Jenkins. And you said that you were going to go and ask him to erase everything that had happened to you here.
Richard: But that doesn't sound like *me*. I am... curious by nature. Why would I do that?
Hayley: I have no clue, but you were adamant. And you made me promise that... if I ever met you again, I'd never say any of this.
Richard: Well, that doesn't explain why you stuck around. why you agreed to come work with me.
Hayley: I'm fond of you, Rick. And I adore your daughter. And after a lifetime of caring about nobody but myself, I decided to stick around and keep an eye on you two.
Richard: It's like a Philip K. Dick novel. Wish I could go back in time, tell myself not to erase my memories.
Hayley: Or... you could trust that you did it with good reason. Maybe just let your lost time go. Because if you keep looking, if you keep searching for that answer, well... there's no telling what kind of hell you'll unleash.

Martha: Richard?
Richard: In here.
Martha: [entering with coffee cups] Ah. I thought you two might need a pick-me-up. Oh, and look who I found downstairs.
Hayley: [entering] Hey.
Richard: That's funny. Last time I saw you, you said we were done.
Hayley: Look, I feel bad about what happened. If I had known I could have used you as bait, I would have stuck around and followed your kidnappers.
[seeing Castle, Martha, and Alexis aren't amused]
Hayley: It was a joke.
Martha: Not a very good one.

Richard: If only I knew someone who could crack a safe.
Hayley: It's a Jefferson Titanium 500 Vault.
Richard: Meaning?
Hayley: I need 28 minutes and a chocolate milkshake.

Hayley: The Falcon Unit, it's a private company that specializes in transporting sensitive and occasionally illegal items for wealthy clients.
Javier: So our victim was a transporter. Like the movie?
Kevin: That explains the armored sports car and secret compartment.
Kate: So what was in the briefcase?
Hayley: I'm afraid the answer to that comes with a price. I want in on the investigation.
Kate: And what's in this for you?
Hayley: The item in the briefcase has a rather large insurance policy. The insurance company's hired me to recover it.
Kate: You know, this isn't a treasure hunt. We're trying to solve a homicide.
Hayley: And your victim was killed for that briefcase. So, you find your killer, I find my missing item, everyone goes home happy. Hmm?

[leaving Alexis and Martha in the safe room, Castle starts to leave to go to the precinct and Hayley moves to follow him]
Richard: What are you doing
Hayley: You can't go out there alone. Someone has to watch your back.
Richard: And someone has to watch theirs. I don't know those guys out front. I know you. Stay with them. Please.

Alexis: So, there'll be time to hit the beach while we're in L.A., right?
Richard: No, we're here to learn about my missing time, not work on your tan.
Alexis: Oh, give me a little credit, Dad. I'm not that shallow. We were hoping to scope out some quality man candy.
Hayley: Hmm, surfers are hot.
Alexis: Mmm.
[she and Hayley fist bump]
Richard: You are a bad influence.
Hayley: Thank you.

Vikram: Just us again. What now?
Kate: Now we figure out what the hell LokSat 2011BD means.
Richard: [cut to Castle's office] It's a product number. Serial number?
Hayley: Keypad code.
Alexis: Safe deposit box.
Kate: [cut back to Rita's safe house] Okay, so LokSat represents the CIA operation used to transport drugs for Bracken and Vulcan Simmons.
Vikram: So it's a... it's a...
Richard: [cut back to Castle's office] A code name?
Kate: [cut to the safe house] Uh, maybe. But you know what? Maybe it's something more. Maybe it's not just the name of the operation. Maybe it's the name of the transportation company.
Vikram: A modern-day Air America.
Kate: Exactly. And 2011DB is the tail number on an airplane.
Richard: [cut to Castle's office; "simultaneously" with Beckett] The tail number of an airplane.

Richard: Wow, this is actually gonna work out great. While you and Kendall keep Austin distracted, I'll search his house for proof that he's the Phantom. Membership in the G.D.S. is as good as mine.
Hayley: Oh, yay for you.
Richard: What's wrong? Was it the kiss with Kendall? Was it? Too much tongue? Not enough tongue?
Hayley: No, well, not enough. No, Kendall was right. This is not a game. If Austin Elektra is in fact the Phantom, then we are walking right into the lair of a serial killer.
Richard: I'm sorry. Repeat everything you said after "not enough."

Javier: [answering phone] Yo.
Alexis: Dad's missing, and we can't reach Beckett's cell.
Javier: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, hold on.
[puts on speakerphone]
Javier: Beckett's at a forensics conference, Alexis.
Alexis: No, she never showed.
Hayley: Rick was lured into an empty building this morning. I hacked a nearby street camera and got footage of a white van fleeing the scene.
Javier: [to Ryan] Neighbors saw a white van in front of Emma's building.
Alexis: Who's Emma?
Kevin: A murder victim. We think her killer might have been driving a rusty white van.

Marcus: You know, for a couple of ex-spies, you sound a lot like sorority girls on spring break.
Bryce: Hayley, this is Marcus. He's going in with you.
Marcus: Bryce told me you were a badass, but he didn't say you were an X-rated fantasy.
Hayley: It's very hard to focus on how charming you are when your breath smells like a festival toilet.
[hands him a breath mint, to Bryce]
Hayley: Please tell me he's a better sneak than he is a pickup artist.