The Best Kendall Frost Quotes

Kendall: Well played, Castle... You beat me, unfair and square.

Kendall: Are you kidding me with this?
Hayley: Oh, come on, sweetie, all's fair in love and murder investigations.
Kendall: What, do you think this is a game?
Richard: As hot as it would be to see you two fight, especially after that kiss, we need to work together on this. It is in all our best interests.

Mason: The competition has ended. Richard Castle, you have solved the murder of Phillip Harris.
[the G.D.S. members applaud as Castle stands]
Richard: Thank you. Thank you very much. You're too kind.
Mason: You have proven yourself worthy, and we, the members of the Greatest Detective Society, offer you a place at our table.
Richard: I am humbled and flattered. But I'm afraid I must decline.
Mason: What?
Kendall: What are you doing? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with the best of the best.
Richard: Not for me. I already work with the greatest detective in the world, and I cannot wait to get back home to her. But, sir, you should seriously consider Kendall for membership. She is one hell of a detective, and sneaky in all the right ways.
Mason: You're sure about this?
Richard: Absolutely, sir.
[they shake hands and Castle turns to leave]
Mason: You just keep getting more and more interesting, Mr. Castle. I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you.

Richard: I know you. You were at the crime scene. You're a cop.
Kendall: No. But I wear the hell out of a uniform.
Mason: This is Kendall Frost. She's a private detective based out of San Francisco.
Richard: I'm afraid I'm a little confused. What exactly are we doing here?
Mason: Phillip Harris was a member of our society. His death is a tragedy. But it is also an opportunity. For you or Miss Frost. Phillip's death has left an opening in our ranks. Whichever one of you solves his murder will be invited in.