The Best House of Cards, Season 1, Episode 2 Quotes

Janine: You're a metro scrub, and now look at you. You'd have to be fucking somebody important.
Zoe: I'm just doing my job, Janine.

Francis: They talk while I imagine their slightly salted faces frying in a skillet.

- The president should stop this pageant and simply make the call.
- Why are we still talking about if they're going to nominate durant?
- Why don't they just do it already so we can all stop talking about ifs and start talking about when and what and how durant's going to shape our foreign policy.

- Roy. Hi, my name is Peter
- Russo. Congressman Russo.
- I'd like to just speak to you for just...
- Sir? Either you're lying, and you can fuck off, or you're telling the truth, and you can absolutely fuck off.
- I saw your web site. Pmamn and I brought you something.

- We do not consider the issue of
- Israel and Palestine a laughing matter.
- And he calls Israel "illegal"? Well, he's an anti-semite and he is wrong.
- We would have grave, grave concerns about appointing such a man our next secretary of state.
- It's too easy.

- When it comes to your life,
- Peter, and what I know about it, you should assume that there's no such thing as a secret.
- Stay in touch.
- You call me on my cell, never at the office.
- Good luck.
- Knock 'em dead, tiger.

- It's your heart we're talking about.
- Use the machine.
- She's right. I should take better care of myself.
- But it's the principle.
- I won't be a slave to anybody or anything you can order with a toll-free number.

Reporter: It came from your office though, correct?
- We wrote it...
- Who will be managing the bill now?
- Frank Underwood.
- Was that your choice?
- Or did the administration...
- I feel very confident placing the bill in frank's capable hands.

- Okay, frank. Fine.
- This is yours now.
- If this thing can't make it to the roor in the first hundred days, thenlflletyou explain to the president why he lied to the American people.
- I'm gonna get back to work.
- Please do.

Francis: When the tit's that big, everybody gets in line.

- Medium decaf latte.
- Med, iatt, dec...
- I don't know how to get it to go back.
- Manager: This one and this one.
- This one?
- No. Let me do it.

- There's no direct link.
- I can't get this past hammerschmidt.
- Remember this moment when you resisted me.
- When you said the words,
- "then there is no story."
- Get a good night's sleep, Ms. Barnes.
- You have a big day tomorrow.

- what I like about Freddy is that he doesn't even pretend to change.
- Oh, I'm late.
- Every Tuesday I sit down with the speaker and the majority leader to discuss the week's agenda. Well, discuss is probably the wrong word.
- They talk while I sit quietly and imagine their lightly-salted faces frying in a skillet.

- I'll have to ask you to stay back, congressman.
- What's going on?
- Some guy was trying to get into the building.
- When we said no, he started tearing his clothes off.

- What's in it for you?
- Poetic justice.
- Come on, you're one of them.
- Can a corporate sell-out roll ajoint like this?
- If I wanted to do this thing, how might I go about that, precisely?

- Stop! Hey, hey, where have you been?
- God, you're fucking high. No, I...
- Yes, you are, look at your eyes.
- Please, just lay off.
- You promised me itwouldn't be like this.
- Cancel whatever I have for the rest of the day.

- I'm sorry, Evelyn, I truly...
- No, you're not.
- You don't give a fuck.
- Eighteen people, Claire.
- Nineteen if you count me.
- Ihaveto_.
- I have to call my daughter.

- That's my reservation.
- But you'd show yourself above party politics, and I know she'd work all the harder for it.
- Decent experience.
- Respect across the aisle...
- So you think we can seriously consider her?
- It's not the worst idea in the world.

Francis: Such a waste of talent. He chose money over power - in this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes. Money is the Mc-mansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.

- Thank you.
- Calling ita night.
- See you tomorrow, sir.

- You're a Metro scrub, and now look at you.
- You'd have to be fucking somebody important.
- I'm just doing my job,
- Janine. Excuse me.
- All right. One sec. Okay.
- Is this your first remote?
- Yeah, it's my first time.

- There was no arrest.
- None of that exists.
- All that exists is the money sitting right there in front of you.
- Do you understand?
- Yeah.
- Good.
- Open your mouth.

- But you're not planning on talking to him. Uh-uh.
- Peter Russo.
- Good. [Telephone rings]
- Soundshke a perfect match.
- Dennis.
- Any chance you're watching stephanopoulos?

Francis: What a martyr craves more than anything is a sword to fall on. So, you sharpen the blade, hold it at just the right angle, and then... 3,2,1...

- and now durant.
Zoe: I'm just thrilled to be reporting news that matters.
- And it's truly been a team effort.
- Everyone at the herald pitched in.
- But yes, a lot of firsts.
- First national story, first...

- Fuck. Echo! I told you to put the...
- It's okay.
- I'll keep your secret if you keep mine.
- A congressman, you say?
- Right now, I'm just a drinking companion.
- Well all right, companion, have yourself a drink.