The Best Jack Ryan, Season 1, Episode 5 Quotes

- Who the fuck is hanin?
- Justwait a minute.
- He's onto something.

- Bonjour.
- Bonjour.
- Mousa suleiman.
- We interned at credit suisse together.
- Mousa.
- Best foot forward, right?

- it'll translate directly from English to French and vice versa.
- Got it.
- Okay.
- Dgsi is on site in chamonix, ready to move in if suleiman sends anyone for his brother.
- All right, everybody, here we go.

- Be careful.
- Slowly.
- Sheikh.

- It's just... they're getting anxious.
- The longer...
- We will wait for my brother.
- Understood?
- Any news about my wife and daughters?
- Yazid hasn't checked in.

- Time's up.
- I promise you...
- Everything will be different when I get out.
- Peace be with you.
- No, brother.
- Not if she's been with you first.

- Relationships and trust...
- Are the currency with which we've operated on for over 260 years.
- If you please...
- That kind of trust cannot be built over a computer.
- Merci.

- Maybe for just one of you.
- No, no, please.
- I have two small daughters.
- I can't help you now.
- But once you have more money...
- Come back.

- What's going on here?
- Okay.
- Go fuck yourself!
- Leave him alone!
- Gun!
- Run!

- I am. Dr. Daniel nadler.
- Médecins sans frontiéres.
- How are your people doing?
- They're frightened.
- I mean medically.
- Dehydration's a problem. Nutrition.

- Called airport security because they had dirty shoes?
- Of course not.
- That would have been irrational.
- And you...
- Blaming yourself for this...
- That's irrational, too.
- Not to mention narcissistic.

Dr. Daniel Nadler: Wait. You know, we have ransom insurance...
Suleiman: Americans think everything is about money.

- All right, what's going...
- Why isn't he answering?
- He's tracing our I.P. Address.
- Is that a problem?
- No. No, we expected it. I got it.
- Okay.
- Chamonix, France.

- I ask you to return to your homes...
- All my brothers and sisters.
- Come back to your senses.
- Come back to your homes.

- Peace be upon you.
- Come here, you.
- How are you?

James: [to Ryan after church gas attack] A friend of mine in the Bureau told me a story. After 9/11, a guy who worked for American Airlines called the FBI tip line to turn himself in. He was working at Dulles the morning of the attacks, checking tickets at the gate business as usual. And these two Middle Eastern fellas come through the line. They presented their boarding passes, he checked them in and waved them on through. As they're walking away, he happened to look down at their shoes, and he notices they're cheap. Scuffed up. They don't match the first-class tickets or pressed collared shirts and new khaki pants. One hour later, those men flew that Boeing 757 into the side of the Pentagon.
James: He blamed himself for putting those hijackers onto the plane, but what should he have done? Called airport security because they had dirty shoes? Of course not. That would have been irrational. And you blaming yourself for this that's irrational, too.
[walking away]
James: Not to mention narcissistic.

- What if they've repainted it?
- Best guess, guys.
- That looks old to me.
- You're right.
- Just go with green.
- 'Cause we're sure, right?
- Yes.
- Is it correct?

- He knows no one's coming.
- Justwait a second.
- Ryan.
- What are you doing?
- I said shut it down, Ryan.
- We have to close.
- Wait a minute.
- Jesus Christ, he knows who you are.

- He bought it.
- Wait a minute, why isn't he...
- Why isn't he signing off?
- Well, maybe he's waiting for you.
- He's still online, Jack.
- This is some kind of test.
- What?

- If you don't respect yourself, no one else will respect you.
- Go and bathe.
- Get this man some of my clothes.
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
- May god bless you, sheikh.
- God be with you.

- So, tell me, without putting us in a vulnerable position, how exactly would you do that?
- Well, of course we're gonna coordinate
- -with our foreign partners.
- We", exactly.
- But the United States has a critical role to play here.
- The game.

- you leaving, it's...
- Cathy, look.
- I-I'm not trying to hide anything from you.
- Jack, I'm not asking for anything.
- I just want to keep it casual.
- Are you okay with that?
- Yeah.

- I'd be happy to run some tests, if you like.
- That's generous of you. Thank you.
- W-Wait. Y-You know, we have ransom insurance.
- Americans think everything is about money.
- What do you want with us, then?
- You will get your supplies, doctor.

- Careful.
- Jack.

- and he notices they're cheap.
- Scuffed up.
- They don't match the first-class tickets or pressed collared shirts and new khaki pants.
- One hour later, those men flew that boeing 757 into the side of the Pentagon.

- They didn't tell you?
- Tell me what?
- Some battalion s-2 officer fucked up.
- That target was misidentified.
- Wait. Misidentified?
- You mean he wasn't...?

- You ready?
- In position.
- Okay.

- He's on.
- Here we go.
- We're okay.
- All right.
- Come on, Noreen.
- Right here.

- Please! Our lives are in danger...
- Turkey can't accept any more refugees.
- Especially after Paris.
- Paris? What do you mean?
- Here's your tent assignment.
- Let's go.

- The attack happened on a weekday.
- That church should have been empty.
- How did he know that itwould be filled with other priests and dignitaries?
- Because he researched his target.
- He took out that priest knowing exactly what would happen.

- I'm sure.
- Sure about what?
- There's a woman.
- There's a woman in a Turkish refugee camp who claims she's his wife.
- It's her.
- Then find her.

- all your tribes...
- But he isn't Muslim.
- And your beliefs...
- He's just a fucking psychopath.
- No, that's what he wants you to believe.
- So you would react to him emotionally.

- So... that's your plan?
- A video game?
- You got a better one?
- The director's gonna need a presidential finding, but you just proceed as ifyou've got one, okay?
- This meeting's over.
- Thank you, sir.
- Guys,