20 Best Kenny Daly Quotes

Kenny: [after Ann has left restaurant unceremoniously] This one hurts, doc. I had a souffle coming.

Kenny: You know, it's too bad that Trudy was just setting me up to get mugged 'cause up to that point, we were really cookin'. Well, here's to dating!

Kenny: Roz, Larry Gamba couldn't make it, so if he wins can you accept for him?
Roz: Sure, Kenny. Nothing takes the sting out of not being nominated like accepting an award for my former intern.

Dr. Frasier Crane: Dad! I thought you were going to clear out tonight. I've got a date.
Kenny: Doc, I need you in the bedroom.
Martin: Pretty.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Very funny!

Bulldog: Roz, you just missed the classic prank of all time. I'll admit it, this was my masterpiece.
Roz: Oh, who, who? Who'd you get?
Kenny: [entering] There he is!
Bulldog: I got this friend down at the impound lot, who came across a smashed-up BMW, same make and model as Frasier's.
Roz: You didn't! You got Frasier! Bulldog: I had his car towed from the garage, the wreck went in its place.
Kenny: The doc totally freaked when he saw it. First he started swearing, and then he implored the heavens, and just when his lip started trembling, Bulldog comes out, tells him it's all a prank.
Bulldog: Hey, Bulldog observes the mercy rule. Besides, I got the whole thing on tape.

Roz: [to Kenny, who has passed the presenter's role to Martin] You are such a weenie.
Kenny: Yeah, weenie like a fox.

[during Frasier's 2,000th show]
Frasier: Roz, what do we have next?
Roz: It's time for another blooper.
Frasier: Oh, well, I believe we're up to number four, as voted by you, the listeners. Here's what happened when a certain producer didn't realize her microphone was on, during the show...
Roz: [on tape] Now what the-
Roz: Is this? You call this a-
Roz: Paycheck? How the-
Roz: Am I supposed to live on this-?!
Roz: I'm gonna have a little word with that-
Roz: -damn station manager, walking around here like he owns the mother-
Roz: -ing place!
Kenny: [who's entered] Can't believe that wasn't voted number one.

Kenny: If you can't solve their problems with therapy, solve 'em with drinking.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Let's just keep that out of the ads, shall we?
Kenny: Too late.

Kenny: Frasier's up next, and he's not here yet. What'll we do?
Martin: Stall.
Kenny: Stall... Stall!
Dr. Niles Crane: Like that.

Dr. Frasier Crane: After one night out with you in a bar, the man is ready to throw away three weeks of intense analysis.
Martin: Well, Fras, the guy's finally having a little fun. Don't you want him to be happy?
Dr. Frasier Crane: I am not trying to make him happy! I am trying to cure his depression.
Kenny: Hey Marty, does this remind you of anything?
[Kenny downs his cup of coffee like a shot of liquor]
Kenny: Ow, hot!

Kenny: Hey, Julia! You're going to the Bike-a-Thon, right?
Roz: Oh, don't embarrass her, Kenny. It's got to be tough finding a comfortable bike seat when you're such a tight-ass.
Julia: This from a woman who "peddles" her ass all over town.

Kenny: Since I fired you, I haven't been able to eat or sleep.
Frasier: Kenny, it's only been an hour and a half.

Kenny: Doc?
Dr. Frasier Crane: Hmm?
Kenny: Hey, small world!
Dr. Frasier Crane: Oh, Kenny, hi.
Kenny: This is my cousin I was telling you about. This is Dr. Crane.
Liz: Dr. Crane--I heard your show today. It was great.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Well... is this, uh, your first time in Seattle?
Liz: Yes, it is. I'm a fine arts dealer, but I'm considering a curator position at the Seattle Art Museum.
Dr. Frasier Crane: That's impressive.
Kenny: Oh, that's nothing. She teaches kids ballet, and she rock climbs. She plays the harp. Oh, what am I doing. I haven't introduced you. Dr. Frasier Crane. Liz Wright.
Dr. Frasier Crane: [completely beguiled, and recognizing the irony] It's lovely to meet you... Miss Wright.

Dr. Frasier Crane: [to Dr. Nora before her first show] Listen, I want you to remember it's all right to be nervous. Even my first show was a tad bumpy.
Kenny: Bumpy?
Kenny: It was a train wreck! Medic, we got incoming!
Dr. Frasier Crane: Yes, thank you, Kenny. As I recall, you weren't even here then.
Kenny: Oh, I got a tape of it from my Secret Santa.

Kenny: Hey, Doc. Merry Christmas.
Frasier: Hi, Kenny. My, the station has certainly outdone itself this year with the "Christmas in Mexico" theme.
Kenny: It was my idea. It hit me when I realized their sauces are red and green.
Frasier: Well, that's why you're the boss.

Dr. Frasier Crane: Kenny, divorce can be one of life's most difficult transitions. Have you considered seeing a professional once or twice a week?
Kenny: I've thought about it, but prostitutes are expensive.

Martin: [after watching Bulldog shoot a zombie on the CCTV] Kenny, it's a fake gun.
Kenny: What?
Martin: It's a fake gun!
Kenny: What about the bullets?
[Martin and Roz share a look]

Kenny: So, Bike-A-Thon, you're in, right?
Julia: Nah, I can't be bothered, I'll just send a check.
Kenny: Oh, cheese and rice, what's wrong with you people?
Julia: Relax, Kenny, I'm just pulling your leg. How can I not go? This is funding AIDS research, for God's sake. I know you think I'm heartless and self-centered, but at least give me credit for being human.
Kenny: Well, Frasier's not going.
Dr. Frasier Crane: [gives a loud, forced, fake laugh] What? Kenny, come on! I was pulling your leg too! I tell you what, we should have a fund raiser for your sense of humor! All right, I'll see you there.
[ducks into Roz's booth]
Roz: You're pathetic.
Dr. Frasier Crane: I know.

Dr. Frasier Crane: You know, I think it's high time that you and I got together outside of the workplace. So, there's a little club downtown that I go to. How would you like to join me tomorrow for a little massage, a little steam, huh? What do you say?
Kenny: Are you kidding? I'm front and center with a fistful of singles!
Dr. Frasier Crane: Kenny, it's not that kind of club.
Kenny: Oh... fives?

Dr. Frasier Crane: [about the KACL Bike-a-thon] I am not going.
Roz: But you just told them you'd see them there.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Yes, Roz, I'm merely getting the rubes into the tent. I will gladly give my money, but spending the afternoon riding bicycles with a bunch of hooligans is not my idea of fun.
Kenny: It's just kids and families.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Frasier: Yes, well so was the KACL family picnic at the zoo, until those urchins jostled me into the orangutan grove. Let me tell you: orangutans are not the playful gentlemen of the trees the nature shows claim.