The Best Law & Order, Season 1, Episode 10 Quotes

Max: Maybe I'll walk around the block. Maybe your memory will get better,
[he suddenly knocks over a bunch of bar glasses]
Max: Or I'll get angrier.

Capt. Donald Cragen: People always know things they don't think they know, you know?

Detective: Died of?
Hoexter: Asphyxiation during a state of sexual arousal. You ever hear of anything so damned stupid? Something must have gone wrong.
Max: Yeah. He died.

[Stone and the police are searching a suspect's apartment. Stone comes upon a locked chest]
Elizabeth: It's my hope chest.
[the chest is unlocked. Stone, absolutely stunned and dumbfounded, pulls out an assortment of S&M gear]
Executive A.D.A. Benjamin "Ben" Stone: What were you hoping for?

Max: Bought a Sam Cooke collection. My taste in music.
Detective: Armani suits. Not your taste in clothes.
Max: Gave to Big Brothers, Save the Earth, World Education... guy had a social conscience.
Detective: That's the only kind of conscience he had.
Max: Sent a check home every month, more than my salary. Good son. Took care of Mom and Dad
Detective: Hey, he should've taken better care of himself.

Max: I'm a Catholic. Maybe it's old-fashioned, but I still believe in sin. Remember sin? Right and wrong? I don't know if it's harps, or pearly gates, but whatever it is, these freaks aren't going to the same place You and I are. OK?
Capt. Donald Cragen: Wow. I can see this is leading to a whole new penalogical outlook: We will only pursue homicides where the vic died in a state of grace.