The Best Mr. Franklin Quotes

Mrs. Sheila Fine: Yes, Mr. Franklin, I knew Peter Campbell.
Mr. Franklin: And how did you know him?
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Lying down.

Mr. Franklin: State your name and address, please.
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Sheila Fine. 5093 Rockridge Road... but call first!
Mr. Franklin: Mrs. Fine, did you know Peter Campbell, the deceased?
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Did I know him?
[to judge]
Mrs. Sheila Fine: Do you know what this jerk did to my life? He comes into my house where I'm sitting with my husband, and he says I have to testify since I was having an affair with Peter Campbell! My husband called his lawyer, grabbed his girlfriend, and flew to Acapulco. I hope a taco chip gets caught in his throat and he chokes to death!

Mr. Franklin: Mr. Tate, let me put this as candidly as possible. Now, your wife, as we know, has the motive. The murder weapons were found in her room, with her fingerprints all over them, and she had no alibi for that night. Plus which, the judge, as you can see from the astronomical bail that he has set, hates rich people.
Chester: So, what you're saying is it'll be a difficult case?
Mr. Franklin: Mr. Tate... Clarence Darrow in his prime, arguing this case against a mute prosecutor with a jury of Mrs. Tate's relatives, with you sitting as the judge, could not possibly hope to win!

E. Ronald Mallu: Now, in your lifetime, have you ever killed anything?
Jessica: No, never. Unless you want to count the times that I accidentally stepped on ants.
Mr. Franklin: I object!
Jessica: [distraught] Mr. Franklin, you can't help stepping on them! They're so tiny! But I never put out ant poisoning, and I never deliberately tried to kill them!
Mr. Franklin: ...I'm sorry.

E. Ronald Mallu: I move for dismissal!
[courtroom bursts into applause]
Judge: Order! Order! Now, it seems Mr. Mallu is correct, Mr. Franklin. Unless you can give me a good reason to continue, I'm going to have to dismiss this case.
Mr. Franklin: Alright! It was gonna be a surprise, but... Your honor, tomorrow you will hear testimony so startling, so damaging to the defendant that we'll be lucky if the jury doesn't leap over the railing and lynch her on the spot.