50 Best Mr. Robot, Season 2, Episode 1 Quotes

- Don't be half in like the others.
- This thing we started, it deserves more than that.

- Sir, are you all right?
- Should we come in? Are you all right? [Phone chiming]
- Is that your phone?
- Man: [Distorted] You have
- 10 seconds to do what it says, or every bank of e system will be bricked.
- Sir, who was the caller?

- Do you understand, Elliot?
- Everything.
- Truth is, Elliot, it doesn't matter.
- You start adding up all the choices you've been making, they all add up to one thing.
- You add up to one thing...
- What's going on over there?

- My confidence is powerful.
- I recognize myself as exceptional.
- I recognize myself as exceptional.
- I recognize myself as exceptional.
- I will follow my dreams no matter what.
- I will follow my dreams no matter what.

- "'I am Alpha and omega,
- "'the beginning and the end.
- "'I will give unto him that is athirst
- "of the fountain of the water of life freely.
- "'He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his god, and he shall be my son.

- You know I'm right.
- We didn't finish them off.
- That's all there is to it.
- People everywhere came out to support us, mobley, and right now they need to know we haven't given up, that we meant what we said about changing the world.

- Darlene comes by sometimes.
- Is there anything you miss about your old life?
- It doesn't matter even if I did.
- Why would you say that?
- 'Cause I can't trust myself back there.
- Why do you think you can't trust yourself?

Elliot: We keep fighting.
Elliot: Like the world we unmasked, we will find our true selves again.
Elliot: Maybe after wiping away the thick, grimy film of Facebook friend requests and Vine stars, we can all see the light of day.

- Make it a four-hour sdr if necessary.
- Take surveillance detection stops.
- Go into pharmacies.
- Run errands.
- Disrupt data points.
- No one takes the same route back here twice.
- I don't want anyone burning this location.

Elliot: Hello again, yes im talking to you this time. I'm sure you
Elliot: want to hear what I told Krista back there. But i'm not ready to trust you yet.
Elliot: Not after what you did, you kept things from me and I don't know if i can tell
Elliot: you secrets like before, friends are supposed to be honest with each other,
Elliot: and you wern't; it's gonna take a while to rebuild this relatio...

- Without literal power, we will have no power.
- This is part of a strategy to declare economic war on this country, and they know it, they know exactly what they are doing, and 2015 will be known as the year that america, this great nation, swapped democracy for dictatorship.

- Sometimes my mask takes over.
- Why did you talk to him?
- Because I'm gonna make you realize.
- What?
- What will you make me realize?
- That they see me.

- a con doesn't work without the confidence.
- If this was the best idea you could come up with for a win,
- I shouldn't be the one resigning.
- I have to head back to New York.
- Let me know when you've locked up the votes, and wipe your goddamn mouth.

- Elliot.
- It took a lot for me to talk to you after what you did, but I agreed with the condition that you were going to be more open with me.
- I was very clear when we discussed...
- It's not that I don't trust myself.

- We started a movement.
- We were meant to lead it.
- Now, get back on a terminal now.
- Give me what I want or keep shooting me.
- Tell me where Tyrell is, or shoot me again
- 'cause the only one it's gonna drive mad is you...
- Not me.

Elliot: I am Mr. Robot.
- I've always told you we'd end up working together, Elliot.
- But still,
- I have to know.
- Why did you do it?
- I wanted to save the world.

- Man: The tracking on her phone is working, and she's headed north as we speak.
- How long you think she's gonna stay away for?
Darlene: Long enough.

Elliot: How do I take off a mask when it stops being a mask? When it's as much a part of me as I am.

- Even though we're technically not friends, I told my wife we were, was too embarrassed to say otherwise.
- You know, you two would get along.
- She likes to ignore me, too.
- Hey, man, I don't mean to be an asshole, but like I said before,
- I'm all good.

- of Facebook friend requests and vine stars we can all see the light of day.
- I know we haven't talked in a while.
- Maybe you only trust me about as much as I trust you right now, but I'm gonna ask you to have hope for me anyway.
- Just, please, have hope.

- I'm gonna take a selfie.
- I'm gonna take a selfie.
- You guys ready? Oh, yeah!
- We got the balls!

- than you've ever done for me or yourself.
- I have value, and even though you don't see it, they do.
- They are barbarians in $10,000 suits, but I see your resolve.
- I know when to cut my losses.

- Janet, Mary, Jack, please.
- Tell me you didn't ask me to fly down all the way to DC just so you could, what, hear yourselves complain?
- You've got to resign.
- We have no other options.
- The president can't go to congress with a bailout right now.

- we agreed it was only gonna be for a brief trial basis.
- I think we were both clearly wrong about their motives.
- Oh, I think you are being naive.
- And I don't think that we need to have these talks anymore.
- I like my job, and I'm not quitting.
- That's my decision.

- I understand.
- James... yes.
- Yes, I'm aware of
- Mr. Goddard's request, but it needs to be removed this moment.
- Can you escalate it?
- Thank you, James.

- on top of all your other bills?
- Don't touch me.
- Mr. Robot: I told you, there won't be any bills.
Doctor: Mr. and Mrs. Alderson, please,
- I'm going to have to ask you to step outside for a second.
- I'd like to talk to Elliot alone.

- You really don't remember.
- You feeling okay, chief?

- but, really, I'm confused.
- I thought we were on the same page.
- About what?
- When we spoke last night.
- I don't know what you're talking about, man.
- I didn't see you last night.

Elliot: I'm not gonna lie,
- Gideon got to me, but now is when I need the regimen the most.

- No, wait. It's too risky. We need to fly in.
- Wait.
- Are you... from e corp?
- Who are you?
- Just making a delivery.
- Please sign here.

- Man: Maxine's been acting a little off lately.
- She really perked up when she saw you.
- You a dog person?
- Used to have one.
- Oh, yeah? What happened to it?
- Don't have her anymore.

- Tomorrow I'm gonna be a hero.
- I'm sorry?
- You may just be a patsy, but you're an important one.
- In fact,
- I don't think I've ever met a bigger crisis actor than you before.
- This is for our country.

- Are you done?
- What's next on this roller coaster of a regimen, needlepointing?

- Rj: For more variety from the '80s through today.
- Anything?
- Nothing yet.

Tyrell: It should be ready.
- What is it?
- It's happening.
- It's almost as if...
- Something's come alive.

- The collective result of these attacks could be a cyber Pearl harbor, physical destruction and the loss of life, and create a new, profound sense of vulnerability.
- As director of the CIA and secretary of defense...
- I hope you don't mind I came.

Mr. Robot: [about Gideon] Now he's doing what all small animals do when they're scared, pretend they're bigger and scarier.

Doctor: Elliot.
- Elliot, I want you to know that you are going to be just fine.
- Now, that was quite a spill you took today, but I promise, you have a long and healthy life ahead of you.
- Now, Elliot, there are just a few questions that I need to ask you and anything you tell me will be between us...

- She stops and considers the offer very seriously.
- The guy changes his mind, says,
- "what if I change my offer to a dollar instead?"
- Woman is aghast.
- "What kind of woman do you think I am?"
- Guy says, "we already figured that out. Now we're just negotiating."

- Freaks me out.
- Can't he wait downstairs?
- He's doing his job.
- She's still in the tub.
- You said 2:00. It's 2:15.
- Hand me a towel?
- Go. We can't leave together.

- I'm done doing business with you crooks.
- You deserve what you're getting.
- Ma'am, I can't say for sure we can give you all your money if you close right now.
- Unbelievable.
- I know what I have.
- I just want to cancel.

- It's gonna take a while to rebuild this relation...
- Mr. Robot: Talking to your friend again?
- I thought we were done with all that.
- Here.
- Check that out.
- Lots of nicer friends in there for you.

- Ifwe're going to even consider doing this, we shouldn't give them any reason to do more damage.
- I'll do it.
- I'm chief technology officer.
- I qualify.
- I'll do it.

- Ifwe're gonna pay these bastards,
- I want to be the one that faces them.

- Leave.
- Excuse me?
- Leave.
- When Melissa finds out...
- Get her.
- Go ahead and get her.
- Tell her whatever you want, but right now get out of my fucking cubicle.

- Well?
- You moved.
- And?
- Now I'm gonna punish you.

- without ever having to think about them, isn't that what everybody does?
- Keep things on repeat to go along with their nc/ses and Lexapro.
- Isn't that where it's comfortable?
- In the sameness?

- We got the balls!
Darlene: Give me your phone.
- Why? I didn't post any...
- Give me your phone.

Elliot: I still don't understand why people like sports. They get so emotional over the weirdest things. But I do see the beauty in the rules, the invisible code of chaos hiding behind the menacing face of order.

- What is this?
- Guard: Someone grab the biker.
- Grab the biker.
- No, no, no, they haven't picked up the money yet.
- Guard: Mr. Knowles, we don't recommend that.
- We should have our unit search it first.