The Best Narcos, Season 3, Episode 3 Quotes

Amado: What happens after that?
Jorge: The business will adjust.
Amado: This I know. It will always adjust. This will never end. There will be other partners and more drugs. But what about you? What will happen to you? You can't tell me you're going to retire, as if this was any normal business. You know this is a way of life. It retires you when it's done with you.

Gilberto: Never, in human history, have two brothers accomplished what we have.
Guillermo: We aren't the first people in history to build an empire, Gilberto.
Gilberto: But we're the first to retire leaving the empire intact.

Javier: [narrating] Money makes the world go round. Legal or illegal, good guys and bad guys, we all chase money. For the DEA, it's about budget meetings and kissing the right ass to keep the funding flowing. But if you're a trafficker, getting the money is easy. It's holding onto it that's hard.

Javier: So the whole surrender plan is about fucking fundraising! The Colombians get a check and you get to play army men in the jungle?
Bill: I'm thinking about the next battle, the one that really counts.
Javier: Which means you're willing to lose *this* one!
Bill: The Drug War? Oh, come on, man! We *lost* it! You were there!

Alan: You can't put a price on freedom. Though Lord knows I try.