The Best Person of Interest, Season 1, Episode 8 Quotes

- She has my mother's eyes.
- Don't do anything stupid, ulrich.

Harold: [Reese hands him a cup] No thanks, I don't drink coffee.
John: Sencha green tea, one sugar.
Harold: You've been paying attention.
John: Relax Finch, it's just tea. I haven't guessed your favorite color yet...

- I never had a tomorrow.
- How did you know I'd shoot?
- You are a soldier, like me.
- They took everything I had.
- But part of me survived.
- It was her.

- To see both of your faces.
- You told her about her father?
- That he was a hero.
- That he saved you?
- Without him, we wouldn't have had this life.
- Either of us.
- Part of me has been with you always.

John: Anonymous tip for you, Lionel.
Detective: You got to stop calling me here.
John: [Ignores this] Homicide in the west village. I think the shooter might have others planned today. I left you a care package at the scene. I need you to find out whatever he knows.
Detective: Yeah, well, I can't do anything till someone calls in a crime.
John: You'll get a call - "Shots fired".
Detective: Were there shots fired?
John: [Shoots his gun] There were now.

John: That's a Welrod, isn't it? Only 73 decibels when fired. But it won't stop me before I get to you. and I lose my patience when I get shot.

- Negel's cemetery plot?
- It was a buried stash kit.
- He dug it up a few hours ago.
- What was in it?
- If it was anything like the ones
- I used to Bury, ids, weapons.
- And definitely money.
- So it seems kohl the spy is back.

Heinlein: I don't know who you are or how you know to be here, but this is just the beginning.
John: Then this is going to be a long day.

Kara: You're the new guy, right? Let's go somewhere private so we can talk.
John: You're Stanton? I'm...
Kara: No, you're not. The ID NCS gave you didn't pass muster, so you're nobody. Which means I get to name you. Wilson, maybe.
[Looks at him, testing the name]
Kara: No.
[Hands him a glass]
Kara: You should have a drink.
John: I don't drink when I'm working.
Kara: No? Well, start. You tier one boys are all the same - Tense. Out here, "tense" gets us killed. In your old job, you were behind enemy lines for 6, 12 months?
[John nods]
Kara: In this job, you never go back, because there is no line to cross back over. Never was. So you may as well get comfortable.

Kara: [about the agents she just killed] You didn't even question them.
Kara: We don't have time for questions. Only answers. These men took a bribe to let a mass murderer escape.
John: How do we know it was them?
Kara: Anonymous source. Very reliable.
[He still looks uncertain]
Kara: You need to know this is right? I'll tell you one last time before it gets complicated. This is right. The threat is real. Your country needs you. No teeth, no fingertips. One last thing - You don't have any old friends. You see them, you don't know them. We're walking in the dark here, you understand?
[Looks at him thoughtfully]
Kara: I think I've got it. You'll be...
Harold: [Cut to Finch] Mr. Reese.

Kara: Relax. We're on the same team. And besides, where would I hide a gun in this dress?
Contact: You're Stanton, right?
[Gestures to John]
Contact: Who's this?
Kara: Haven't decided yet.

- This is Carter, report.
- Who has a 20 on that shot?
Anja: Are you all right?
- Finch, get them out of here.
- You were right to fear me.
- You were right.

- You don't have any old friends.
- You see them...
- You don't know them.
- We're walking in the dark here, you understand?
- I think I've got it.
- Finch: Mr. Reese.

Harold: After all that, he goes in the ground under a name that isn't even his. The German government will sweep the whole thing under the rug.
John: And Ulrich Kohl never existed. I always thought I'd die in a place that didn't know my name.
John: You think anyone will care for our names?
Harold: After we're dead.
John: I thought we already were.

Ulrich: I have taken lives. Positioned on a wall with a rifle. Then the Stasi came calling. They said, "your country needs you. "
John: They always say that.
Ulrich: Hmm. For my country, I left my country And killed wherever they sent me. For that, I was called a monster. Even the blackest heart still beats.
John: I was you, Kohl. Revenge won't help.
Ulrich: They kept me buried in that hellhole. I thought about nothing but today.
John: What about tomorrow?

- This dead guy was hauffe.
- Kohl killed his stasi teammate.
- Man: And he will kill again.
- I don't know who you are or how you know to be here.
- But this is just the beginning.
- Then this is gonna be a long day.

- He shared trigger duties with a team leader named steiller.
- They were backed up by a document forger named wernick...
- Ah, and they reported to a case officer named hauffe for orders.
- So who's this dead guy?
- The apartment is leased to Andrew honem.
- An unmarried, retired architect.

- Wouldn't worry.
- You aren't going anywhere.
- Fusco, untie me.
- Where do you think he's going?
- To find his daughter.
Marie: Okay, it's late. Good night.
- Girl: See you later.
- Bye, you guys.
- Uh, have fun. Call you tomorrow.

- Hello?
- Hello?
- Anja is alive?
Steiller: She found me a few years after we all defected.
- She was more afraid of you than anyone, ulrich.
- So you see, your revenge was all for nothing.

John: How did you know I would shoot?
Ulrich: You are a soldier, like me. They took everything I had. But part of me survived. It was her.

- I was strong. I survived.
- What they did to Anja, though...
- You will pay for that.
- Wait. Wait, ulrich.
- There is something you don't know.
- I was the only one who knew.

- Officer 1 [over radio]: All units. Located source of that shot.
- Shooter male, down. Dead.
- Officer 2: Bravo team leader, report in.
- Who do you think it was, Carter?

- I told myself that he had lied first.
- So much death.
- How could he?
- The Americans staged the car accident to keep me safe.
- Ulrich believed I was dead, but I started a new life.
- This could take all night, unh.

Joss: We got a killer out there, and our best lead is getting deported.
Detective: You still got your vigilante looking for the shooter. That's not bad news.
Joss: You can't send a killer to catch a killer, detective.
Detective: Hey, your guy still gets results.

- I'm not sure what you mean.
- How about the Soviet submarine schematics...
- That you sold back to Russian intelligence?
- You registered that income with IRS, FBI?
- Be hard to run this store from prison, don't you think?
- Reese: Row 18, plot 20...

- And his teammates end up living cushy lives in New York.
- This could be revenge for something.
- Maybe more than we know.
- The wife's death?
- Car crash?
- She died in '87, the same year he disappeared.
- And I know a staged accident when I see it.
- We need to get to wernick before kohl does.

- Man 1 [over phone]: He's on his way there now.
- What do we assume he knows?
- Man 2 [over phone]: Assume he knows everything.

- They got her too.
- The car accident?
- Ugh, yes.
- Who will kohl go after next?
- Ste... steiller.
- He defected with the rest of you?
- Hey, what's his alias?

- Now, I know she's alive.
- I need to know where.
- This man has nothing to say.
- Any communication would violate...
- There's nothing I can do.
- Save her if you can.
- Anna klein. An address in morningside heights.
- It's Anja.

- You hid this?
- Her name is Marie.
- You're not a monster to her yet.
- It's too late for you and me, but she could have a normal life.

Wernick: What happened to you, Ulrich?
Ulrich: I paid for my sins, for yours, for the team. The people who caught me kept me in a hole, but I never stopped thinking, planning.
Wernick: It was long ago. I let myself forget.
Ulrich: I did not have that luxury.
Wernick: It was wrong what we did. You'll go after Steiller next?
[Gets a look]
Wernick: Then be at peace, my old friend.

- Man 2: That's also in our intel.
- Like we said, he must've paid customs a fortune.
- And how much did he pay you?
- Kidding, heh.
- Like I said, you boys are too tense.
- Here's to taking the gloves off.

Pilcher: Before the country reunified, East Germany was the greatest surveillance state the world has seen. The Stasi knew everything.
Harold: I've read about them. I'm a sucker for surveillance.
Pilcher: They had millions of hours of wiretaps, sweat and body-odor samples.
Harold: I just need a name to go with an alias.
Harold: Real name Ulrich Kohl; part of an espionage team.
Pilcher: I've read about the Stasi teams - Kohl's unit went around the world, in and out of Western Europe and the US. That's why he needed the American papers. The team hunted down east German defectors and neutralized them before they could talk.
Harold: "Neutralized. "
Pilcher: Where guys like him went, people died. Um... how did you know about the submarine schematics?
Harold: Told you - I'm a sucker for surveillance.

- Kohl's job was killing defectors.
- Sounds like this guy might've been one.
- Hang on, Finch.

- Reese [over phone]: Let me guess, the seller was ulrich kohl.
- Correct.
- He used the store's phone, waited for an answer, hung up...
- I traced the call to that address in the west village.
- Apartment 4a.
- Reese: Finch, we're too late.

Harold: Mr Reese, I'm highly uncomfortable being here!
John: I'm highly uncomfortable having you here... but I need a spotter.

- They wouldn't act, so I decided I would.
- But I needed a partner.
- Someone with the skills to intervene.
- Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret.
- You will never find us.
- But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we I! Find you.

- Because there is no line to cross back over.
- Never was.
- So you may as well get comfortable.
- When you were in transit...
- Did you see any old friends?
- Why are you asking?

- You still got your vigilante looking.
- That's not bad news.
- You can't send a killer to catch a killer.
- Your guy still gets results.
- They'll take side streets to the airport.
- Standard procedure.
- Tell fusco to send the GPS tracker number for the consulate car.
- Finch: I found their position, Mr. Reese.
- But how do you intend to stop them?

- Range it.
- I don't know, 500 yards?
- Reese: Six.
- Finch: Forty-five-degree oblique wind.
- Three-quarter value wind speed.
- Very impressive, Finch.
- What if you miss?
- Reese: I wouldn't know. Never have.

- Officer: I need an ambulance at 4319th street. Craftbar cafe.
- Ma'am, stand back, please.
- Paramedic 1: Weak pulse, but tachycardic. BP is 70/30.
- Shallow respiration, internal asphyxia, convulsions.
- Guy's having a seizure.
- Paramedic 2: What's going...? Hey.

- Mr. Reese, I'm highly uncomfortable being here.
- I'm highly uncomfortable having you here. But I need a spotter.

- German government will sweep the whole thing under the rug.
- Reese: Ulrich kohl never existed.
- I always thought I'd die in a place that didn't know my name.
- You think anyone will care for our names?
- After we're dead.
- I thought we already were.

Liaison: Stop. We have diplomatic immunity.
John: [Pushes him out of the way] I'm not a diplomat.
Heinlein: Who are you?
John: I'm the guy who still has time to save Anja Kohl.

Ulrich: Anja is alive?
Steiller: She found me a few years after we all defected. She was more afraid of you than anyone, Ulrich. So, you see, your revenge was all for nothing.

Harold: What if you miss?
John: [Aiming for the car] I wouldn't know. I never have...