The Best Person of Interest, Season 4, Episode 7 Quotes

- Harold? I'm about to do something you're not gonna like.
- No need. I'm done.

- Now, how are those magic fingers gonna open that one?
- Hm.
- Heh-heh.

- I already have a job.
- It's weird, and the pay sucks...
- But we could use a guy like you.
- Finch: I'm in position, Ms. Shaw.
- I've circumvented the building's firewall and accessed their security.
- Ready when you are.

- Finch: We have yet to prevent a murder...
- But we can add another grand larceny to our list of accomplishments.
- I'm hacking the hotel security...
- To determine precisely what jewels you've stolen.
- Perhaps they're so valuable that Tomas is willing to betray a client...
- And kill his teammates just to keep them.
- Hi, Shaw. How's your date?

- We're not on camera, are we, Finch?
- Not yet. And you should know that you're not alone.
- Our friends from the relevant side are in the building.
- Which means central command will be running opsec from a remote location.
- If you see us, so will they.
- That's why I'm looping the security feeds to cover your tracks.

- If we move before we know what he's up to...
- This thing could go sideways and we won't stop it.
- Plus, she won't get to look at him anymore.
- Are you trying to make me kill you?
- Let's try to stay focused on the murder that Mr. Koroa is poised to commit.
- To uncover his plans, we would need to have a man on the inside...
- Or in this case, a woman.

- Now, John.
- What the...?
- Who are these guys?
- Trained government assassins...
- With orders to kill.
- It's not cool you ask me to do this stuff with you, man. Not cool.

Root: Samaritan's blind, Harold. You're up.
- Accessing the system.
- I'll need about 10 minutes.
- I got a text offering me 3000 bucks if I can fix your Internet in the next five minutes?
- I don't wanna rush you, Harold, but I think samaritan's onto us.
- Surprisingly, Ms. Groves, that does not help me concentrate.

- You really think you can crack that before the cops get here?
- Cute, but that's gonna make one hell of a noise.
- Koroa: All right, good to go.
- It's veteran's day...
- And we're three blocks away from the celebration at the intrepid.
- You're pretty proud of yourself right now, huh?

- But, unfortunately, I have another criminal act to attend to first.
- Ms. Groves, I'm on my way.
Root: Good. Wilkins is about to leave for the night.
- And now we are cooking.
- Nice work, you guys.
- First batch should be done by morning.

- Full decontamination.
- This could take all night.
- We haven't recovered the virus yet. Are you sure we shouldn't be tracking it down?
- I got new orders and a list of new numbers to take care of in South America.
- Nothing good comes out of asking questions.
- Remember?

- A score worth 1.6 mil, you sure you won't come?
- You, me, here, no pay...
- We both eventually wind up dead, are you sure you won't stay?
- Ms. Shaw and Mr. Koroa are leaving, John.
- And considering that the police are en route...
- Now might be a good time for you to make your exit too.

- Something's wrong indeed.
- The only item in that vault was placed there yesterday...
- By a guest of the hotel,
- Dr. Juilianna petrova...
- A researcher at the CDC.
- She's an expert on level 4 infectious diseases.
- Ms. Shaw, I'm no longer certain that you were stealing jewels.

- Something just started hacking my phone.
- Samaritan.
- It's coming through Wilkins' computer.
- Get out of there now.
- Veronique, I'm off the phone.
- How are you and Sebastian getting...?
- Pretty.

- Shaw: Hang on a sec. It's the girl who checked him out this morning.
- Tomas may have a tail.
- Same workmen from this morning too.
- That's not a tail.
- We're looking at some kind of a hit squad.
- On second thought...
- This may not be that kind of hit.

- One-time wires, no-name e-mails.
- But whoever he was, he knew everything.
- He knew Tomas was the only person to pull off a plan like this.
- He also knew Tomas wouldn't have done it...
- If he knew what he was stealing.
- And he knew for the right price, you three would turn on a friend.

Root: [to Shaw] He's a dangerous criminal after all, and i just couldn't bear if anyone hurt you. I mean, besides me.

- Was build schools, good schools, so that the people would love him.
- I know that samaritan's motives are amoral at best...
- But the thing that Mr. Wilkins was trying to do...
- Was an absolute good, and we destroyed it.
- I'm not sure what we're becoming, and it makes me wonder...
- How much wrong are we willing to do in the name of right?

- But unlike you,
- I don't leave important things behind.
- I knew you would come for these, Tomas.
- Just like I knew you'd never be bold enough to steal them if you really knew the score.
- Which is convenient.
- You see, my buyer wants the virus delivered right here in New York City.
- And who better to start a pandemic than two healthy human hosts?

- Marko's vault is fifth on your left.
- And please work quickly, the others aren't far behind.

- Fusco: Whoa, easy, bear.
- He's trained to smell drugs.
- Sit. Stool. Stil.
- Yeah. N.Y.P.D., ma'am.
- I'm gonna need to take a look at your bag.
- Enjoy yourself. I have nothing to hide.
- You sure about that?

- I say, let's go for it.
- Then let's get to work.
- The plan's ready to go.
- All we need is you.
- Okay, so when were you planning on doing this?
- Twenty minutes.

- I'm looking at an operative from the relevant side.
- Finch: A government agent?
- Are you certain? How do you know?
- Because I trained him.
- Devin grice, crimson 6 Alpha.
- I know him and his partner.
- And now that Marko has the virus, this whole damn thing just went relevant.

- To fake your own death?
- What the toxins that simulate cardiac arrest do to your health?
- This will be worse.
- Finch: I hate to trouble you, Ms. Shaw, but your counterparts from the relevant side...
- Are about to turn this perilous situation into something dangerously chaotic.
- So it may get a bit loud.