The Best Peter Lockwood Quotes

Ben: I think maybe we should leave.
Lydia: Leave? This is our home.
Ben: Yeah, it is, but it's quickly running out of food and water.
Lydia: There is nowhere for us to go. The Daxamites have set up checkpoints.
Ben: Okay, well, then we drive as far as we can, maybe we can sneak around the checkpoints, get to Coast City, but we have to try something.
Peter: [entering] Try something? Yeah. No, how about we try this? How about we... we stay and we fight for what's ours? This is our home, Ben. We're not refugees.
George: [entering behind Peter] Dad, just wait here. Supergirl will come and save us.
Ben: No. No, she won't, because Supergirl is an alien just like the invaders. And fight, dad? Fight with what? Because all we have is right here, but you know what? That's okay, because we are a family. And we can come together as a family. So, dad, you and Georgie get the bags. Lydia, ready the car. I'll get the supplies.
[seeing his father is reluctant]
Ben: Hey, listen. We can do this.

Peter: Ooh! Look at that. Gin rummy.
George: Okay, I'm a hundred percent sure you're cheating.

Ben: What are you doing home?
Peter: I shut it down.
Ben: Oh, not another blaster.
George: Whole factory.
Ben: What?
Lydia: He went to the bank for the loan. They said no.
Peter: Hell with them and everyone else.
Ben: Oh, god, dad, uh... I am so sorry.
Peter: Spare me. This is what happens when you're too soft, when you don't stand up and fight.
Ben: Fight... dad, fight who?
Peter: You know who.
George: The roaches.
Ben: George!
George: Sorry.

Peter: [watching Supergirl on TV] Yeah, sure. We can all leap tall buildings in a single bound. And we can punch him into the middle of next week.
[Ben turns the television off]
Peter: I was watching that.
George: More like hate-watching it.
Ben: George. Uh, dad, I think it's quite enough.

Ben: Why in the world is the FBI working with Supergirl?
Peter: The real question is why are they working against us?

Ben: [his father is trapped in his steel plant] I can do this, dad. I can get you out of here.
Peter: I don't want you to.
Ben: What? Dad, what did you just say?
Peter: I came here on purpose, Ben. This is my home. And this steel... it's my life. Always has been. Now its time is over, and so is mine.
Ben: Hey, hey, no. Don't talk like that. You've got a lot of years left.
Peter: Maybe, but all the good ones are long behind me.

Ben: I'm gonna get us out of here.
Peter: You can't.
Ben: Okay. You're right. You're right. I'm gonna lift this up, and you just slide out from under it, okay? One, two, three!
Peter: [Ben strains to lift a steel beam] You're not Supergirl.

Peter: We lost the Luthor Corporation contract last week.
Ben: What?
Peter: I had to shutter two blast furnaces. Takin' on statue commissions just to make ends meet.
Ben: What if you retrofitted the factory to process Nth metal? You could re-train your employees.
Peter: This town was built on steel. American steel. You rip out that foundation, and everything will crumble around it. You mark my words.
Ben: People thought textiles would be the end of modern society, but the Industrial Revolution, it created unprecedented opportunities...
Peter: I'm not one of your students, Ben. And I'll remind you, it was called a revolution for a reason. And I'll also remind you that steel is what paid for that fancy college education of yours that you only wanna use when you wanna condescend to your old man.
Ben: Worth every penny. Right, dad?
Peter: Not so much.

Peter: Firing up that alien factory across the street today.
Ben: Two dozen known alien worlds, and Nth metal is just the strongest material brought to Earth by any one of them, by far. It's... you gotta think of the good it can do. Cars, skyscrapers.
Peter: It doesn't even have a vowel. It's supposed to hold up skyscrapers?

Peter: Remember how I raised you, kid. And you raise Georgie the same way.
Ben: Yes, sir.
Peter: All right? You stand tall. Stand proud. You're a Lockwood. You're human. This planet belongs to you. Stand up and fight for what's yours.
Ben: [crying] Dad!
[with a rumble, a steel beam falls down nearby]
Ben: I love you, dad.
Peter: Love you, too. Now, go. Go be the man I raised you to be.

Peter: The FBI are supposed to work for the people.
J'onn: Indeed, we work for the American people, and per the Alien Amnesty Act...
Peter: Alien. Alien?
J'onn: The man your workers just attacked is an American. He has just as much right to work here safely as you.
Peter: He impaled my son with a freak spike.
J'onn: I think you're talking about his biological defense mechanism.
Peter: Biological what? It was an assault!
J'onn: [gesturing around] What do you call this?

Peter: Show that speech over and over again like it was the Gettysburg Address. Project Maniac was weeks ago.
Lydia: It's "Myriad".
Peter: Oh, that's right. Project Myriad. Stupid name. And who was responsible? Other roaches from her home planet.
Lydia: Pete, we don't talk like that in this house.
George: No, it-it's fine. I hear it at school sometimes.
Peter: W-w-what's the problem? Just saying that, you know, aliens are resilient like cockroaches. You know, a planet may die, but they survive and infest someone else's.
Ben: Dad!
Peter: What? Supergirl's family invades our planet with the power of gods. And all us little people are just supposed to sit back, relax, and have hope? Is that it? Meanwhile, our president offers them all amnesty? Amnesty. So, you tell me, Georgie, how deep does this conspiracy go?

Ben: [learning his father closed his steel mill] Okay, we might not have much, but we still have the house. We can... we can get a second mortgage. I'm gonna go talk to the bank.
Peter: Talk. That's mostly what you do, right? Talk, talk, talk. When what you should be doing is go out there...
Ben: Hey.
Peter: ...and be a man.
Ben: Dad, calm down, all right? You're drunk.
Rhea: [they hear static on the television, and Rhea appears] People of Earth, do not be afraid. We come in peace. We have crossed a sea of stars in order to bring you a new way.
Peter: You were saying?