The Best Robert Sippel Quotes

[after Sippel, a child molester, is moved to Unit B]
Vernon: How do you live with yourself?
#88S510: How do you?
Vernon: Whatever I've done. I've done for righteous reasons. Any laws I've broken don't deserve to *be* laws. But you... you...
[grabs Sippel and throws him against the cell bars]
Vernon: [shouts] Fucking *baby raper*! You should be *dead*!
Officer: Back in your cage, Schillinger. Don't make me use this.
[shows her baton]
Officer: You wouldn't want me to enjoy myself, would you?
[Schillinger leaves]
#88S510: Thank you, officer.
Officer: [disgusted] Hey. Just doing my job, pal. For once I agree with that Nazi fuck.