The Best Sergeant Moore Quotes

Sergeant: What are you trying to prove, Hunter? Everybody else quit! One of your buddies is surrendering in the garbage can! You know, you are the one who dropped my daughter! Why are you working so hard to impress me? Why don't you impress your own father!
Shawn: My father's dead, sir!
Sergeant: Well, impress your mother then!
Shawn: My mother's gone too, sir!
Sergeant: Both your parents died, boy?
Shawn: My mother abandoned us, sir!
Sergeant: What?
Shawn: Two times!
Sergeant: Your mother walked out on your family?
Shawn: Yes, sir! She had some issues, sir!
Sergeant: Relax, kid. We're just talking.
Shawn: It really tore my father up. We never really recovered. I-uh-I haven't trusted a relationship since then. Until Angela, sir.
Sergeant: [exasperated] But she doesn't seem to like you, son.

Angela: There is no relationship! You don't know what you're talking about.
Shawn: Hey, he told me, okay?
Angela: Oh, no. How could you do that?
Shawn: How could *you've* not told me?
Angela: That my mother walked out on me just like your mother walked out on you?
Shawn: Yes! Don't you think I would've understood? Don't you think that that would have brought us closer together?
Angela: Yes! I don't want to be closer together!
Shawn: Why not?
Sergeant: Yeah, why not?
Angela: Because I don't want to hurt you.
Shawn: What are you talking about? You're already killing me. How are you going to hurt me more if you love me?
Angela: I can't love you.
Shawn: Why not?
Angela: [crying] Because.
Shawn: Because why?
Angela: Because I'll leave you!
[She starts moving towards the stairs but Sergeant Moore stops her by grabbing her arms]
Sergeant: No. Nuh-uh, nuh-uh no. Do *not* surrender to this! I did not raise a daughter to surrender!
[He takes her hands in his]
Sergeant: You are not your mother. You're you! The difference between your mother and you, is that she was not in love. And you are.
Angela: Daddy, I'm so sorry.
Sergeant: It's okay. *I'm* okay. But this is about you. I just want you to be happy, but how can you ever be happy if you're afraid to tell the man you love that you love him?
[Angela walks back over to Shawn]
Angela: I love you! I love you so much! I just don't want to hurt you anymore.
Shawn: I love you too. I always have.
Sergeant: You take care of my daughter, young man.
Shawn: Sir, yes sir.

Angela: [Shawn and Sergeant Moore are standing in Angela's doorway, dressed in their army uniforms] Will you stop bothering my father?
Sergeant: I asked him to come here, Angela.
Angela: Why?
Sergeant: Because I'm leaving and I wanted to say goodbye and I wanted to know that you are all right.
Angela: Yeah, well I'm better than all right. I'm in my new apartment with my friends, looking forward to the next part of *my* life.
Topanga: That's right, Sergeant Moore.
Rachel: Three women together.
Sergeant: Dismissed!
Topanga: Yes, sir.
Rachel: Gone sir!

Sergeant: Matthews!
Eric: Sir, yes sir!
Sergeant: You are a disgrace to this university, to this country and humanity in general!
Eric: [laughing] Wow!

Sergeant: [about Shawn] I like this boy. But I like my country more. And I don't want this boy anywhere *near* the army!

Sergeant: So, fill me in on this Shawn Hunter will you, Mr. Feeny?
George: Well, I have seen Shawn overcome every obstacle that life has thrown at him and grow up to be one of the finest young men that I know.
Cory: What about me? Tell him-tell him how much you like me.
George: Shawn is a deeply sensitive and caring indivdual, and I've never seen him as happy as when he is in the company of your daughter, and I always thought that Angela felt the same way.
Sergeant: So they were real close?
Cory: Until she ran away and do you know why she ran away?
Sergeant: Yeah, I think I do.
Cory: Topanga! She's poison but don't hate her, sir. She's my problem. I love her so much but poison she is!
[Topanga comes up and glares at Cory who flashes a goofy, innocent smile. Topanga walks past him and over to the front counter. As she leaves we see Eric hiding in the glass display, waiting for his moment to strike, his nose pressed right up against the glass]
George: Under no circumstances, however, let your daughter go anywhere near him.
[Feeny indicates Eric]

Sergeant: Boy you are disgrace to this community, this country, and humanity in general!
Eric: Oh, wow!