The Best Sgt. Michaels Quotes

Sgt. Michaels: [to Eric] There's been an accident.
Rev. Eric Camden: Tell me it's not Lucy.
Sgt. Michaels: No, but the girl does go to Lucy's high school. Their car smashed into a telephone pole. One girl was killed instantly. The other one survived, but she's not in good shape. Evidently, they were trying to dodge a kid who ran in the middle of the street.
Rev. Eric Camden: Which one?
Sgt. Michaels: Sarah. Just 14 years old. This is gonna be a tough call to make, Rev. I was hoping you'd go with me.

Sgt. Michaels: [to Eric] I talked to the folks in juvenile. Johnny has a record. And just as you thought the family has a gun, a registered .38 special.

Mr. Morton: I have a license for that gun!
Reverend: I don't care if you have a license for that gun. License or no license, you seem to be in complete denial that something could go terribly wrong here.
Mr. Morton: I know my son, okay? I know he would never shoot anyone!
Sgt. Michaels: Just the same, until this situation is resolved, you might want to take the gun out of your house.
Reverend: That gun is for our protection
Sgt. Michaels: Did you know that people who own guns are 33 times more likely to kill themselves, a family member or an acquaintance than to be killed by an armed intruder?

Simon: [to Sergeant Michaels about Sarah] What, you think this girl has parents? What kind of parents would let their child run around hungry and dirty like that? She must be an orphan. I can feel it in my bones.
Sgt. Michaels: I think we owe it to the child to go a little bit beyond that.
Simon: Why? Even if she does have parents, they shouldn't get her back. When something belongs to you, you have to take care of it! It's the law.
Sgt. Michaels: Well, not exactly.

Sgt. Michaels: [about Mary] If you need any help trying to find a lawyer...
Annie: What?
Sgt. Michaels: We're releasing her without bail on your recoginance, but this isn't over. She's... you're gonna need a lawyer.