The Best The Handmaid's Tale, Season 4, Episode 4 Quotes

- I wouldn't have told them where we were.
- You know that's why they're dead.

- -We're gonna go West.
- -Okay.
- -We're gonna follow the tracks.
- -Mmm-hmm.
- And we're gonna be okay.
- All right?
- Mmm-hmm.
- -We're gonna be okay.
- -Okay.
- Okay.

- but you're strong, you're smart and you'd be a great mom.
- You have no idea how much you would love this baby.
- You don't have to rush.
- You have plenty of time to think, to make the right decision, okay?
- Okay.

- Fuck, fuck, fuck! It's freezing.
- -I know.
- -[gasping] June!
- I know. It's okay.
[Guardian] Let's go!
- Close that up!
- He's coming. He's coming.
- Shh! Shut up. We have to hide.
- Okay? Ready?

- So you can't keep me in the dark and feed me lies and shit and expect me to just be okay with it!
- -I don't do that.
- -Yes, you do.
- You don't... you don't know where we're going, you don't know if we're gonna be okay.
- I'm keeping us alive.

- Hi.
- It's just us.
- -Down.
- -[woman] Come on, let's go!
- -It's okay.
- -[Janine] Okay.
June: Let's go.
[man] Come on, come on, come on.

- What?
- Either one of you is fine.
- That's not what I meant.
- It's what you've got.
- Nothing's free here.
- Not her.

Steven: This isn't a charity.
- Whatever we pulled off that train is all we've gotten in weeks.
June: We're not asking for charity.
- You have no idea what we've done.
- We can be useful.

- Hey.
- I'm not gonna force you.
- You guys can just go.
- You're not Mayday, are you?
- What's Mayday?

- Two minutes, two minutes!
- -[woman 2] Hey!
- -[gun cocks]
- Who the fuck are you?
- My name is June.
- -Please, we're not armed.
- -[woman 2] We?
[softly] Come on.

- Come on.
- You first.

- I don't know.
- Being able to say your piece to her face?
- Lotta girls I know would kill for that kinda closure.
- Or you could let her fucking rot.

Janine: [to June] This is stupid and dangerous! We're going to the front of a war in a refrigerator!

- We're gonna find someplace safe.
- -I promise. We'll be okay.
- -Okay.
- We'll be okay.
- Um, well, you should change first.
- Okay.
- It's okay.

- Go on. Go with her.
- I'll be fine.
- -[Janine] Are you sure?
- -Yeah.
- Please get her something warm.
- It's fine.
- We'll see you soon. Go on.

- inflicted upon her by her husband.
- She wants me to blame the Commander.
- That seems to be their strategy.
Rita: Mmm.
- Apparently she was very moved by your visit.
- She believes the two of you share a strong bond.

- Did you tell the Eyes where to find us?
- We didn't tell anyone where we were going, just like you said.
- They had her.

- But if your symptoms last more than two days,
- I want you to call me.
- That's it?
- You already did the hard part.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- I won't let anything happen to you.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- -[soldier 1] Give me a hand.
- -[soldier 2] Yeah, hang on.
- -Ready?
- -Yeah.
- Go!

- -Something smarter.
- -Like what, huh?
- Like what, Janine?
- Something stupid and dangerous, and then I would've had to save your ass again.
- This is stupid and dangerous!
- We're going to the front of a war in a refrigerator!

[Guardian] All clear.
June: Shit.
- We need something.
- We need something.
- There has to be a drain.

- -Just kill me.
- -Oh! [chuckles]
- Not one Handmaid can be spared.
- You are all going to a Magdalene Colony.
- -[June grunts]
- -[Aunt Lydia gasping]
[Alma] Go!
[screaming] Stop!

- Thank you for coming.
- Please, sit down.
- -[door closes]
- -I try not to be on my feet for too long.
- I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you here.
- Yes, Ma'am, I am.

- She must know that I've been deposed.
- I told them everything.
- I'm sure she's furious.
- Let her be furious.
- She's in a cell where she belongs.
- She's only there because she wanted to be with Nichole.

- June!
- I feel something.
- -[thuds]
- -[Janine] June!
- I found it. I found it.

- And I didn't know what they were gonna do to her.
- And I didn't know if they were gonna hurt her.
- 'Cause she was really scared.
- So, yes...
- I told them where you were.
- Okay?
- Okay.

- She made sure we waited for you.
- 'Cause she loves you.
- Loved you.
- They all loved you.
- Like... like a real, real love.
- I know that.

- Did you know in Gilead I was officially considered property of the Waterford family?
- I did, yes.
- Hmm.
- Registered and everything.
- Like my old Nissan Altima.

- Why God wanted them.
- And not us.
- At least not you.
- No.
- Hmm. That's not how God works.
- Well, I think he does!

- Yes, I am.
- It's nice to see a friendly face.
- We aren't friends.
- No.
- I suppose we're not.
- Why have you come?

- You deal with your family.
- It's not my job anymore.
- And I thank God for that every day.
- I was never cruel to you.
- I'll pray for your son.

- -[chortles]
- -Hey, you. Come here.
- I got you. [chuckles]
- Oh, you.
- You're supposed to be in bed.
- You silly.
- Okay, here we go.
- Let's go, Squirmy.

- So that's what we want.
- -What--
- -[man 2] Let's go fast!
- -Come on, give me a leg up.
- -Um...
- -Janine.
- -Okay.
June: Okay?
- Okay.

[man] Let's go! Come on, go!
- -Hey. Are they Mayday?
- -I don't know.
- They're mean.
- They're on our side, and you're coming.
- -[man] Ride over with him.
- -[woman] Okay.
- -Where else am I going to go?
- -Okay.