Top 50 Quotes From The Prom

Principal: A distraction is momentary. An escape helps you heal.

- So, theater's a distraction.
- Is that what you mean?
- A distraction is momentary.
- An escape helps you heal.

Principal: Straight people like Broadway too.
Dee: I've heard that. Always thought it was a fairy tale.

- Instead, we have some guests who've come from New York to sing us a song about intolerance.
- -[crowd jeering]
- -Hi there.
- I'm Trent Oliver, actor, activist… and Juilliard graduate.
- Emma, this one's for you.

Dee: We have come to show this community that gay people, and gay positive icons such as myself, are made of the same flesh and blood as they are.

- Yes!
- -♪ Love thy neighbor ♪
- -♪ Love thy neighbor ♪
- Oh!

- -♪ Not… ♪
- -♪ Not… ♪
- -♪ About me! ♪
- -♪ This is not about… ♪
- -♪ What is happening? ♪
- -♪ This is not about… ♪

- I felt so alone.
- Nothing made sense until him.
- She's the best thing in my life.
- The only good thing.
- But we're always hiding.
- You're not the only one.
[all] ♪ No matter what
- The world might say ♪

- That was me.
- It was awful in every way, and I spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself.
- So I wrote a song for all the people out there who love someone in a way that the world just doesn't understand.
- I know we all have stories to tell, and here's mine.

- -Our first prom-goers have arrived.
- -Yeah.
- -Girls, this is unbelievable.
- -Oh, look at you. You're so beautiful!
- You look incredible, sweetheart!
- -Can you believe we pulled this off?
- -I can't!
- And kids are coming from all over the state.
- -We're letting them in in one minute.
- -So let's do this right.

[chuckling] ♪ To the freakin' prom ♪
- Going to the prom.

- -[Dee Dee] Aw.
- -You wanna know who's playing the role?
- -Kelly Ripa?
- -Cher?
- -Connie Chung.
- -Kris Jenner?
- No, Tina Louise.
- Ginger from Gilligan's Island.
- Oh, my God, is she still alive?

Kaylee: What?
- Hey!
Shelby: What?
Kaylee: Really?

- But the worst part…
- The worst part was that you didn't come even though you knew what happened.
- You didn't come and try and hold my hand or take me out of there.
- -I couldn't, okay?
- -Why?
- You know what my mother is like.
- She's a complete and total control freak.

- I'm sorry to say.
- Oh, Barry.
- Please forgive me.
- I've missed you so much.
[crying] I missed you too.
- I did.
- I missed you too. I missed you.

- -You're such an idiot. Yes!
- -[boy 1] Whoo!
[boy 2] Hey, Shelby, you're next.

- -Oh, my God. This is so cruel.
- -I'm gonna cry.
- Okay, honey. Look at me.
- -Angie.
- -Yeah.
- -I want to go home.
- -I know you do.
- -This isn't happening.
- -And you got us, and this is awful.
- -No, no.
- -Honey.

- It's my mom. I gotta go.
- Okay.
- Bye…

- I'm asking you and your friends to back off for a few days.
- -Back off?
- -Yeah.
- Backing off is exactly what we're not going to do.
- I see what's happening here.
- You're trying to disarm me with flattery.
- It's not going to work, Tom.
- Flattery makes me stronger.
- Fuels my ego.

- -♪ Earth-shaking! ♪
- -♪ Life-affirming! ♪
- -♪ Breathtaking ♪
- -♪ Gut-wrenching! ♪
- -♪ Heart-aching ♪
- -♪ In two words, it's history-making ♪

- Are you choosing not to comment?
[reporter 2] Hey, there's Emma!
- Can we get a comment?
[reporter 3] Can you answer some questions?
[reporter 1] Can we get a statement?
[reporter 2] Emma, what do you think of the PTA's decision to cancel prom?
[reporter 1] Emma, do you have a response?

- Yeah, wanting to isn't enough.
- I believe you have feelings for me.
- But I can't do this anymore.
- It hurts too much.
- Are you breaking up with me?
- I guess I am, yeah.
- Bye.

- -Emma!
- -♪ Emma, for can't you see ♪
- Sing it, Eleanor!
- Get them out of here now!
- No.
[chuckles] That's cute.

- -[boy 1 whistles]
- -Hey!
- I need you to stop.

- -Hey! It's the Godspell kids!
- -Hey, Trent. What's going on?
- -[Trent] You guys'll back me up.
- -With what?
- He's just trying to confuse us.
- Because my stepdad always says--
- Stepdad?
- Do you mean your parents are divorced?
- Yeah, and?
- Well, divorce is a big no-no.

- We should be helping Emma.
- -We gotta get her on TV.
- -Sheldon is on it. Come on.
- -How does this work, anyway?
- -[Barry] It's infrared.
- -It reduces inflammation.
- -[Dee Dee] Oh, good.
- But you can't keep it on too long.
- It'll blow your face off.
- What?

- Close your eyes.
- Think about Mrs. Greene.
- Think about that fake prom.
- Now think of finally doing something about it.
- -Oh, I'm seeing it! I'm seeing your zazz!
- -[chuckling]
- Now, follow me!

Dee: To Eleanor!
- May she run for eternity!
[all] To Eleanor!

- People are gonna see us dancing together and kissing.
- It's gonna be impossible not to kiss you.
- Oh, my God, and you know, what's my mom going to think?
- I mean, she'll be in public, so she can't totally freak out.
- It doesn't matter what she does.
- This is about us.
- This is about us finally being us.

- They want me to go on as Roxie Hart!
- -[all gasping]
- -What'd you tell 'em?
- -I said, "No way. I got a prom to go to."
- -Attagirl!
- No! Just kiddin'.
- I'm on the red-eye tomorrow.
- So let's get this party started!
- Yeah!

- And that girl was you!
- What?
- How old do you think I am?
- It was 1975! No.
- The point is every Fosse girl knows that story.
- It's all about finding your light.

- -Okay.
- -Okay. Okay.
- Mom…
- -[Emma whispers] Just breathe.
- -Hey, why don't we decorate?
- Yes, let's decorate.
- Let's decorate everything.
- -[Trent] All right.
- -[Sheldon] I need you here.
Dee: We're gonna make this place really pretty.

- -Don't let me destroy him.
- -I'll try my best.
- -Is this what not failing feels like?
- -Yeah. I think it is.
- -Pretty good, huh?
- -Yeah! [chuckles]

- I imagine it must be hard being
- Dee Dee Allen, being a Broadway star.
- You know, it is hard.
- Sometimes I think I really…
- I just want to quit.
- No. No, please, you can't--
- You can't do that.
[laughing] Why not?
- Because I need you to do what you do.

- -[giggles]
- -All right.
- -Thank you.
- -You're welcome.
- How nice of you.
- -Guess what today is?
- -What?
- Promposal day!
[boy 1] Hey, Kaylee!

- -It's our way of saying thank you, Emma.
- -Yeah. Thanks for canceling prom.
- I didn't cancel prom. Your parents did.
- Come on. Lay off her.
- -Oh, are you on her side now?
- -[scoffs] No.
- I'm just not in third grade.
- See you at practice.
- Unlike your social life, this isn't over.

- -God. [sighs] Don't make me cry.
- -[both chuckle]
- Of course I will go with you.
- We are going to the prom.
- God.
- -[door opens and shuts]
- -[exhales]
[chuckling softly] I can't believe it.

- Hey, Emma. Hey, who's this girl you were gonna bring to the prom, anyway?
- I didn't know we had more than one lesbo in town.
- -You don't know her. She's new here.
- -Like an exchange student?
- -Maybe.
- -Mmm.
- Well, then why don't you, like, exchange her for a guy?
- Ooh! Dude! Nice!

- -Mom.
- -Yeah?
- I just want you to know what's gonna happen tonight.
- No. Can we not spoil this, please?
- I have worked so hard for tonight.
- I have a right to enjoy it too.
- You are going to have a wonderful prom like a normal girl.
- -I've made sure of that.
- -What is that supposed to mean?

- I was the kid!
[crying] I was 16.
- Sixteen years old. I was terrified.
- Terrified!
- And I needed one thing from them and they couldn't give it to me.
- So don't you…

- my… teachers, the kids on the school bus, my horrible parents, that I could do something.
- Something important.
- That's exactly what we are doing.
- Something important.
- I just hope we don't screw it up.
Angie: Hit it.

- Yes, ma'am!
- What?
- Oh, God,
- I can't believe this is finally happening.
- I know.
- She almost ruined it for all of us.
- Well, what goes around comes around.
- -You look hot.
- -You look so hot.

Sheldon: This is a PR problem.
- No, Sheldon.
- We had a PR problem back in New York.
- This was supposed to solve that.
- But this…
- This is heartbreaking.
- This is why you came here? For publicity?

- -♪ The minute our group arrives ♪
- -That's right!
- -♪ Those fist-pumping ♪
- -♪ Bible-thumping ♪
- -♪ Spam-eating ♪
- -♪ Cousin-loving ♪
- -♪ Cow-tipping ♪
- -♪ Shoulder-slumping ♪
- -♪ Finger-wagging ♪
- -♪ Hoosier-humping ♪

- because there is one thing that matters to me more than anything else.
- You.
- You are my daughter, and I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you, and that is never going to change.
- Ever. Okay?
- -[crying] Okay. Okay.
- -Okay.

- I'm so proud of you. Look at what you did.
- I can't believe this.
- -[Emma gasps]
- -[Alyssa] I think we're early.
- -Yeah, it looks like it.
- -Mm-hmm.
- You want to hit up the punch bowl?
- No. There's only one thing that I want to do.

- -That's who I thought you were.
- -Well, I'm not.
- I'm not Dolores.
- I'm just a really, really, really good actress. And you…
- You're just some hick town high school teacher who can't even tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
- -Are we done?
- -Oh, yeah, we're done.

- Ooh!
- -Okay. Okay.
- -Okay. Okay.
- -Go ahead.
- -No, come on.
- Okay. [chuckles]

- What do you prefer? Gardenias or orchids?
- -For what?
- -Your corsage.
- Gardenias.
- All right.

- -Ready?
- -Yep.
- -Clutch in this hand.
- -Oh, sorry!
- Aw.
- Come on.
- -[Trent] Who wants punch?
- -[Angie] Only if it's spiked.
- The walk away. The cute little truck.