The Best The Sinner, Season 1, Episode 4 Quotes

- I want you to show me how you shoot up.
- You don't know how to do it, do you?
- It's not true.
- None of that, that you thought you went through, was true.
- Then what happened to me?
- How are you feeling today, Cora?

- We were having fun.
- You screw me in the photo lab and then you wouldn't look at me in public.
- So, no, no, that wasn't fun.
- This is some crazy, illegal shit you're pulling.
- Okay? You could get...
- You could get me fired and get yourself killed, so just stop!

Cora: [to Ambrose] Please don't give up on me.
Harry: I won't.

- So there was no pregnancy, no suicide attempt, there was no Frankie.
- There was just... J.D. Lambert.
- At that bar, that night.
- And then we drove to somebody's house.
- Like I told you.
- What happened there?

- Her boobs are weird.
- How is anybody supposed to actually want that?
- If you weren't such a prude, maybe you'd find out.
- You're so mean sometimes.
- Well, you're annoying.
- You can go out, do anything you want, but you'd rather stay home and pretend you're a nun.

- And... And then it just all goes blank.
- What's the next thing you do remember?
- Waking up in the street.
- In Poughkeepsie?
- Two months later.
- Holy shit.
- Why can't I remember?

- So, how do you know Jordan?
- You know, I forgot how.
- Just from around, you know.
- We know a lot of the same people in common.
- So, what exactly did you want?
- Oh, yeah, just blow. Yeah.
- Maybe three, if you got it.
- Okay, stay here.
- No problem.

Cora (13 y.o.): I had two orgasms.
Phoebe (9 y.o.): [squeals] Tell me everything.

- Don't you think?
- Harry?
- Um...
- Harry.
- Just hold on a minute.
- Harry.

- Please don't give up on me.
- I won't.
- 13-A?
- Put her in A.
- All right. Come on.

- I don't... I don't understand.
- Maddie's touching me.
- Where are you?
- I'm on the dance floor.
- She can barely stand up.

- that she can't remember, and it's in there.
- It's in there somewhere.
- I don't work with people who are unstable.
- They can get re-traumatized.
- You know her case.
- She's got nothing else going for her. Right?
- Okay.
- Talk to her today.
- Let's get it started.

- No, that's what he's telling you.
- But he's sitting on J.D. and he's gonna turn on you.
- I know how these guys are.
- Just...
- Just... You can't... You can't say anything to them.
- You understand?

- J.D.'s ex.
- She hates me.
- Why?
- Because of him.
- J.D. has, has a plan.
- And she's in on it. DR.
- What's the plan?
- I don't know.
- They're not telling me.

- Try to find a moment of pleasure.
- I'm kissing J.D.
- And?
- And he tastes like gasoline.
- Where are you?
- We're at the bar.
- By the Taproom.

- Exhale.
- You're standing at the edge of a body of water.
- Ten.
- Nine, eight.
- Seven, six, five.
- Feel the water hold you up as you sink deeper.

- A few weeks later, she was gone.
- Moved out?
- No, she was gone.
- But her makeup, her clothes, her jewelry, she left them. She left them all.
- And when was this?
- 2012.
- Fourth of July weekend.

- I misjudged which information should and should not be shared with Mason Tannetti, and I'm, I'm really sorry.
- Personal relationships can't interfere with work.
- You know that.
- Yes, sir.
- Just make sure he keeps his head down.
- Yes, sir.

- It's the song from the beach.
- Okay. Let's just ease off.
- I don't wanna do this anymore!
- I can't do it. You can. You can.
- You're right there.
- Just a little bit closer.
- Just a little bit more.

- I appreciate...
- You're being very candid.
- I know. I...
- So, I thank you.
- And you're married?
- Trying.

- Right.
- Of a water tower.
- Maybe of a night, where maybe something happens to her that maybe made her kill some dude.
- I'm not getting Lyme disease from all these "maybes."
- So you can pick me up after you do all this.
- There you go.
- Okay.

- I'm your neighbor.
- Yeah, I know.
- So?
- I was wondering about something.
- Well? Go ahead.

- And then she walks over to Kevin's.
- She's a shameless harlot.
- You know what that means?
- Stop.
- Kevin's fair game.
- And I could watch it all from here.
- Cora, you won't even think about it?

- And it's, it's everywhere.
- It's on every wall.
- So... Okay.
- Wallpaper, a guy in a mask.
- That's everything, nothing else?
- Yeah, that's it.

- I'm a...
- And I'm, I'm a kid.
- It left me.
- I'm sorry. I'm not sure why this is coming up.
- It's okay. The mind makes associations, like in a dream.
- It doesn't always make sense.
- Try going back to that night.

Phoebe (9 y.o.): [to Cora] You know my favorite thing about our dear neighbor Kevin's girlfriend? I've seen her with another boy. Drops her off down the block and then she walks over to Kevin's. She's a shameless harlot. You know what that means?
Cora (13 y.o.): Stop.
Phoebe (9 y.o.): Kevin's fair game, and I could watch it all from here.

- What are you doing up? Are you all right?
- Don't go over there, Dad.
- Well, Dede called. Water's pouring out from under the sink and she can't figure out how to turn it off.
- Please. Don't go.
- Right. Go to sleep. This is nothing to get upset over.

- Revisiting trauma can be destabilizing.
- I wanna try it.
- This is like a guided meditation.
- I'm going to be talking to you throughout.
- You just let the images come to you, and we'll see what happens.

- Uh-huh.
- And then come back home, together, but not needing so much.
- Sure. I think you should take that trip.
- You should...
- I think you should go wherever you wanna go.