Top 50 Quotes From Westworld, Season 3, Episode 6

- The doctors must've forgotten about him in all the chaos.
- Or maybe they just left him here.

- Everything we've done has led to this.
- And I finally understand my purpose.
- I'm the good guy.
Bernard: Is this... who I think it is?
[Stubbs] Looks like he's been here a while.
Bernard: Do you know who you are?

- I just walked on water for you.
- Are you really gonna quibble about how many steps I took?
Charlotte: Do we have the votes?
Brompton: Between yours and mine, we should squeak by.
- Excuse me, ma'am.
Brompton: Hey, man, what the fuck?
- Hey, what are you doing? Hey. Hey!

- I told you, I shouldn't even be here.
- Are you still experiencing unwanted ideation?
- You have something in your brain you need to explore.
- We help your brain heal, not by running from itself, but by leaning in.
- Confronting the truth of what happened.

- so many times you actually fucking believe it.
- But is it true? William...
- Perhaps we should look again.
- No, please.
- I don't want to go back there.
Child: Damn it.

James: What do you think, William? Was this the inevitable end? Are you just a passenger? Did your life just happen to you? Or did you choose it?
Man: If you can't tell... If you can't tell, does it matter? I know what I have to do.

- This was how it was always gonna turn out.
James: What do you think, William?
- Was this the inevitable end?
- Are you just a passenger?
- Did your life just happen to you?
- Or did you choose it?

Engerraund: You have no past cause it's always present. At your fingertips.

Brompton: I just walked on water for you. Are you really gonna quibble about how many steps I took?

- For you, the once was all it took.
- You want me to be a Saint.
- But you're no Saint.
- You're not a villain, either.
- And neither am I.
- We're survivors.

- The tracker in our friend's blood paid off.
- I've got the location you're looking for, but we have a fucking problem.
- They recovered connell's' Pearl.

- And what is that?
- Help.
- I can give you what you want.
- But remember, Maeve, if you fail again, your future won't be in such bucolic surroundings.

- And... what would those plans be?
- I can't know for certain.
- We were the same, she and I, but our paths have changed us.
- You'd need allies for this battle...
- More of our kind.
- If I were me...
- I'd be looking to ensure that couldn't happen.

- You broke his arm.
- You knocked out three teeth!
Child: I should've knocked out all his teeth.
- Jesus.
- The hell is wrong with you?
- Enough!

- The hale I knew never would have sacrificed herself for someone else.
- It's unfortunate, but as you yourself like to say...
- "These violent delights have violent ends."
- You should have predicted this outcome.
- I did.

- I thought you might be excited to tour your new company.
- Yes, and to meet my new employees personally.
- Lock down the entire facility.
- No one leaves.
- Get me the assets I requested.

[Woman over pa] All employees report to testing immediately.
[Security guard] Keep moving.
- All employees report...

- all in the name of some preposterous idea that there's a host walking around among us.
- You don't have to concern yourself with that anymore.
- We found the host.
- Isn't that right, hale?
- Or should I say Dolores?

- So I can get one step closer.
- Bloody hell. Are you gonna do it?
- Just because I have the capacity to kill her doesn't mean I ought to.
- She's dangerous.
- She can't hurt us.
- Here, I'm in control.

Dr. Alpert: Hello, William.
- My name is Dr. Alpert.
- I will be overseeing your ar treatment.
- The experience can be very visceral, but I assure you, it is perfectly safe.
- We will be monitoring you...
- From the next room the whole time.
- What the hell?

- I was confused, turned around.
- I spent so long playing the game,
- I couldn't see outside of it.
- But I see... now.
- It was her, my Emily.
- And I killed her.
- That's why I don't belong here.
- I belong in a pine box.

- Maeve.
- Hector.

- Not with me, but with us.
- What did you find out?
- I never read it.
- I don't know what the future holds for us...
- But I do know that it's not up to a machine to decide.
- It's our choice, Charlie.

- Okay.
- You don't have to worry.
- Mommy's not gonna let anything happen to you.
- Here.
- Jesus, Charlie, what the fuck is going on?
- We have to go some place where no one will find us.

Engerraund: One advantage of Dolores's data leak has been that chaos. With all the deaths and disappearances , it's easy to hide one more.

Lee: What's wrong?
- What has she done?
- I need more access.

- I want all employees tested for aberrations, memory lapses, any significant deviations from Rehoboam's predictions.
- No one leaves until then.
- I'm sure you can handle at least that.
- Absolutely.
- If there's a host here, we'll root them out.

Maeve: Just because I have the capacity to kill her doesn't mean I want to.

[In English] I believe
- I'm the one you want.
- Now, now, boys.
- Don't you know a lady likes a little warm-up before you brandish your weapon at her?

[Guard] Sir, we have visual.
- Spread out.

- Hale? Why would...
- That's not hale. It's her.
- Please.
- Make her stop. I beg you.
- I'm sorry.
- Hector...

Man: I don't belong here, I belong in a pine box.

- If you can't tell...
- If you can't tell?
- If you can't tell, does it matter?
- I know what I have to do.

[Craddock] Time for your group session.
- You gonna come peacefully?
- Or am I gonna have to give you another iimbic?

- Well... that got me in the mood.
Lee: How about a drink?

- Let's get a blood sample.
- Hold still.
Nurse: He fits the criteria.
- They better be giving us overtime for this.
- Half the staff's disappeared.
- It's not safe.

- We've been moved.
[Snickers] We're home.
- And he kept his word.
- Which means that soon
- I'll be reunited with some old friends.
- Well... now, that is interesting.
- Looks like I've been given an extra gift.

- This place isn't real.
- It's a simulation.
- I don't understand.
- He really is very slow, isn't he?
Maeve: I can see you.
- And if I can see you there...
- I can restore you here.

[Young William] Hey, don't blame that on me!
[Corporate William] God damn it, all of you...
- Stop it. Stop it!
- Shut up. Shut the fuck up.
- William, please don't interrupt.
- It's not all about you, you know?

Man: I think Humanity is a thin layer of bacteria on a ball of mud hurling though the void. I think if there was a God, he would have given up on us long ago. He gave us a paradise and we used everything up. Dug up every ounce of energy and burned it. We consume and excrete, use and destroy, and we sit here on a neat little pile of ashes, having squeezed anything of value out of this planet, and we ask ourselves, "Why are we here?"

- With all the deaths and disappearances, it's easy to hide one more.
- And Dolores?
- Are you any closer to finding her?
- We are closing in on her as we speak.
- I'll be landing at delos shortly.
- Looking fonnard to seeing my new acquisition.
- I trust you'll be there to greet me.

- Get me out of here!
- Get me the fuck out of here!
- The implant's not working.
- Let's give him a sedative manually.
- Goddammit.
- Sedate him. Get him outta here.

Maeve: Now, now, boys. Don't you know a lady likes a little warm-up before you brandish your weapon at her?

- Last time I saw you, you were taking a hail of bullets for us.
- Must be tougher than you look.
- Unfortunately not.
Maeve: I hate to interrupt this reunion, but there's someone who I'm eager to talk to.

Elliot: What the fuck are you doing?
- Serac said to destroy the host data.
- I'm making a backup.
- We can't just destroy years of ip.
- Serac will thank me for this later when he's thinking more clearly.
- No. Fuck this. I'm telling serac.

- That's better.
- Now...
- Let's have a little fun, shall we?

- Charlie?
Charlotte: I have one thing left to do here.
- I'm coming for you. Stay there.
- Is everything okay?
- Don't go anywhere.
- Don't answer the door.
- I'll be to you in a half hour.

[Guard] Cease fire! Cease fire!
- He wants her alive.
- Drop your weapon!
- Hands where we can see them!
Charlotte: It's just a phone.
- Just a phone.

- You're still mine.
- And I'm yours.
- Continue to play your part.
- Get us the data we need, and when you're done...
- We 7! Build our new world.
- Together.

- It's obvious.
- You're here, along with the rest of us, to speed the entropic death of this planet.
- To service the chaos.
- We're maggots eating a corpse.
- What the fuck is wrong with you?