The Best Winston Zeddemore Quotes

[the three living Ghostbusters interact with their deceased friend, Egon]
Peter: Had a feeling you'd turn up.
Ray: I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
Winston: I should've called. I miss you, my friend.
[Egon smiles]

Winston: [Powering up his Proton Gun] I love that sound.

[second half of post-credit scene with Janine and Winston talking at his office]
Winston: Egon was the brains. Ray was the heart. Peter just kept it cool.
Janine: Who were you?
Winston: The sex appeal.
[both chuckle]
Janine: You've done very well for yourself. A lot of shelf space.
Winston: [cut-scene of him entering the firehouse] See, that's the thing. I don't do it for me. I do it for my kids, and I wanna be example of what's possible.
Janine: You still covering the rent at Ray's bookshop?
Winston: Ray's gonna turn a profit one of these days.
Janine: I remember the day you came in.
Winston: I came in looking for a steady paycheck. But busting ghosts with the guys taught me not to be afraid. That I had the tool and I had the talent. I started this business with one employee. And I've grown it into a thriving global enterprise. I may be a businessman, but I will always be a Ghostbuster.
[the Ecto-1 pulls into the firehouse, a red light blinks on a panel in the basement]

Callie: [being cornered by Gozer] Oh, no.
[Gozer raises its hands and steadily sends lightning toward Callie and Phoebe, but before it reaches them...]
Peter: [off-screen] Hey, flat-top!
[Gozer looks toward the sound of the voice, stopping its attack. Callie and Phoebe look back too as they see Peter Venkman, Ray Stanz, and Winston Zeddemore standing there]
Peter: Have you missed us?
Ray: Gozer the Gozerian! In the name of the county of Summerville, state of Oklahoma, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, all the members of Ducks Unlimited, the Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons, I command you under the National Invasive Species Act to depart this world immediately.
Peter: Bravo.
[Gozer growls and stares at them malevolently]
Winston: I think she remembers us.
Gozer: [approaches them] Are you... a god?
Winston: [seeing Ray hesitate] Ray?
Peter: Oh, come on, Ray.
Ray: Yes.
Winston: Yeah, we're all gods.
Peter: Yeah, I mean we're all pretty dang special down here. On a personal note: I thought that we had busted up for good. I mean, it wasn't working for me. My friends didn't think so, and I know yours didn't.
[Zuul tries to attack, but Gozer signals her to stop]
Winston: Okay, playtime's over. Let's toast this muffin.
[they get out their proton-wands]
Peter: Light them up.
[they activate the wands]
Winston: Man, I love that sound.
Peter: On the count of three, go on two. One, two...
[they open fire on Gozer, restraining it]
Ray: Yeah, nothing stings like a billion electron volts!
[they begin to cross the streams and Gozer leans forward in pain]
Callie: Yes!
[Gozer grabs hold of the proton streams]
Winston: Did you feel that?
Ray: Yeah.
Peter: Uh-oh.
[Gozer begins to pry the streams apart]
Ray: She's uncrossing the streams!
[Gozer whips the streams back at the Ghostbusters, sending them flying back]
Callie: No!
Podcast: Are they dead?
Ray: [slowly getting up] I don't remember this job being so painful.
Winston: I do.