Top 30 Quotes From Carrie Coon

Gloria: Probably we should have a milkshake, maybe some curly fries, ponder all future moves.

Callie: I have an allergy to science.
Grooberson: Have you tried Benadryl?

George: Gladys must make friends, Bertha.
Bertha: Mr. Baldwin is not what we want.
George: How do you know?
Bertha: Because he's not what I want.

Gloria: Got married straight out of high school to a guy I knew since fifth grade summer camp. Summer wedding. Guests were mostly mosquitoes. We had a baby boy, then a toddler, now a teen. Last year, my husband phones me at work, tells me he's got a boyfriend named Dale. Says they're moving in together. Says he's sorry. He loves me, but not like that. "What else is there?" I say. You think the world is something, then it turns out to be something else.

Callie: Let's go. You were supposed to look after her this summer.
Grooberson: I was?
Callie: Not you. Him.
Trevor: This was her idea.
Phoebe: But what about our stuff? The Ecto-1?
Sheriff: Everything will remain nice and safe in our impound locker.
Phoebe: No! We need it.
Callie: Phoebe, let's go.
Phoebe: We caught a ghost tonight.
Deputy: Dirt farmer's family.
Phoebe: It's true. And there will be more.
Sheriff: Hey, kid. You're starting to sound like your lunatic grandfather.

Bertha: Well, I have said before now that I must begin somewhere.

George: Couldn't she have a maid instead?
Bertha: She has a maid.
George: I mean a real lady's maid that could accompany her when she goes out. Although why that's considered necessary beats me.

Bertha: How can you be sure that Mr. McAllister will want to meet me?
Aurora: He's dying to see this house. It's one of the only palaces on the avenue he's never been inside. And...
Bertha: And?
Aurora: He loves money.

Vera: Most of us spend our lives trying to suppress the parts of ourselves we deem inappropriate. We spend our lives trying to detach from all of that beautiful feeling. And it doesn't work, does it? Julian is a new kind of man. At one with nature. Fluid with all of the darkness, and all of the light.
Harry: You're never going to show me what the work actually is, are you?
Vera: You've already been doing it.

Phoebe: Mom? Mom?
Callie: [whispering] There is no Mom. There is only Zuul.
Phoebe: Mom, are you okay?

Callie: [being cornered by Gozer] Oh, no.
[Gozer raises its hands and steadily sends lightning toward Callie and Phoebe, but before it reaches them...]
Peter: [off-screen] Hey, flat-top!
[Gozer looks toward the sound of the voice, stopping its attack. Callie and Phoebe look back too as they see Peter Venkman, Ray Stanz, and Winston Zeddemore standing there]
Peter: Have you missed us?
Ray: Gozer the Gozerian! In the name of the county of Summerville, state of Oklahoma, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, all the members of Ducks Unlimited, the Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons, I command you under the National Invasive Species Act to depart this world immediately.
Peter: Bravo.
[Gozer growls and stares at them malevolently]
Winston: I think she remembers us.
Gozer: [approaches them] Are you... a god?
Winston: [seeing Ray hesitate] Ray?
Peter: Oh, come on, Ray.
Ray: Yes.
Winston: Yeah, we're all gods.
Peter: Yeah, I mean we're all pretty dang special down here. On a personal note: I thought that we had busted up for good. I mean, it wasn't working for me. My friends didn't think so, and I know yours didn't.
[Zuul tries to attack, but Gozer signals her to stop]
Winston: Okay, playtime's over. Let's toast this muffin.
[they get out their proton-wands]
Peter: Light them up.
[they activate the wands]
Winston: Man, I love that sound.
Peter: On the count of three, go on two. One, two...
[they open fire on Gozer, restraining it]
Ray: Yeah, nothing stings like a billion electron volts!
[they begin to cross the streams and Gozer leans forward in pain]
Callie: Yes!
[Gozer grabs hold of the proton streams]
Winston: Did you feel that?
Ray: Yeah.
Peter: Uh-oh.
[Gozer begins to pry the streams apart]
Ray: She's uncrossing the streams!
[Gozer whips the streams back at the Ghostbusters, sending them flying back]
Callie: No!
Podcast: Are they dead?
Ray: [slowly getting up] I don't remember this job being so painful.
Winston: I do.

Gloria: Six people dead, including a state trooper. $200 million unaccounted for. Those are facts. And you at the heart of the morass. What else am I supposed to see?
V.M. Varga: A man wakes up one morning and decides to kill four men over a certain age, all with the same last name.
Gloria: [laughs] That didn't happen.
V.M. Varga: And yet, if evidence is collected, if confessions are made, if a verdict of guilty is entered in a court of law, then it's happening becomes as the rocks and rivers, and to argue that it didn't happen is to argue with reality itself.

- like Eden Village or Eden...
- Eden Valley.
- Triple goddam bingo.
Gloria: Night pops.
- Can I run the siren?
- Once, on the highway.

Bertha: Well, I'll see her, I suppose.
Larry: There was a time when you would've run a red carpet to the edge of the sidewalk if you thought Mrs. Charles Fane might pay you a visit.
Bertha: I'm stronger now than I was.

Grooberson: [after being a terror dog] I'm bleeding, why am I bleeding?
Callie: Oh, you headbutted a park bench.
Grooberson: Okay.

Janine: Your father wasn't much of a homemaker. He could barely keep the power on.
Callie: You're saying he left us nothing?
Janine: Well, I wouldn't say nothing... there is quite a bit of debt.

Bertha: So what is it you want me to do?
Anne: I want you to ask him to show a little pity. To show mercy.
Bertha: Forgive me, but this is in payment for what?
Anne: I don't understand.
Bertha: You come into my house, you make this strange request, and I'm trying to establish why. Do you feel I owe a debt of gratitude? Have you granted me a favor that merits a return?
Anne: No...
Bertha: No. Mrs. Morris, I hesitate to teach the basics, but life is like a bank account. You cannot write a check without first making a deposit.

[last lines]
Gloria: Let me tell you what's gonna happen next. Three agents from Homeland Security are gonna put handcuffs on you and take you to Rikers. And then we're gonna charge you with felony money laundering and six counts of conspiracy to commit murder. And then I'm gonna go home to my son; it's his birthday tomorrow. I promised I'd take him to the state fair. You ever guess a pig's weight? Or eat a deep-fried Snickers bar? There's no better way to spend a Saturday in this, our great American experiment. So, while you're eating mashed potatoes from a box in a dark room, think of me among the amber waves of grain.
V.M. Varga: [long pause] No. That's not what's gonna happen next. What's gonna happen next is this. In five minutes that door is going to open, and a man you can't argue with will tell me I'm free to go. And I will stand from this chair and disappear into the world, so help me God.
Gloria: [smiles] Rikers and Snickers bars. You'll see.
V.M. Varga: [chiding tone] Agent Burgle. Gloria. Trust me. The future is certain. And when it comes, you will know without question, your place in the world. Until then, we've said all there is to say. Any further debate would be simply wasting our breath. And if there's one thing I can't abide, it's waste.
V.M. Varga: Goodbye.

George: There are moments, my dear, when you are quite marvelous.
Bertha: Hmm. Useless, each without the other.

George: Where's Gladys?
Bertha: She went out with Miss Grant. Why?
George: It isn't right, you know. Miss Grant may be nice, but she's a jailer. And Gladys is a grown woman whether you like it or not. Girls get married at her age.
Bertha: And live to regret it.

Bertha: You are a young girl. And I am your mother, and I have every right to know who's corresponding with you.
Gladys: I'm not a girl. I am a woman, whether it suits you or not.

Callie: I'm sorry the night went sideways.
Grooberson: No. I-I- had a blast. Why don't we just pick it up tomorrow night, same time.
Callie: You really want more of this?
Grooberson: Are you kidding me? We had kung pao shrimp. We went to jail. I don't know how we're gonna top this. This is a home run.
Callie: Um, my life is a dumpster fire.
Grooberson: I love dumpster fires. You should see my apartment.

[on Phoebe's lack of social skills]
Grooberson: [jokingly] Maybe she'll take up pole dancing?
Callie: She's not that coordinated.
Grooberson: I don't think that matters.

Officer: Look, I'm just gonna cut to the chase here, gorgeous... Am I getting laid tonight or what?
Gloria: What.

V.M. Varga: Are you familiar with the Russian saying, "The past is unpredictable"?
Gloria: I'm pretty sure you made that up.
V.M. Varga: Possibly. But which of us can say with certainty what has occurred, actually occurred, and what is simply rumor, misinformation, opinion?
Gloria: A photograph is considered proof in a court of law.
V.M. Varga: Well, photographs can be doctored. One's eyes can be deceived. We see what we believe, not the other way around.

George: May I stay with you tonight?
Bertha: You have only to ask.

Gloria: [ON RADIO]
- Got anything back there?
Winnie: Nope, it's all locked up back here.
Gloria: Come back tomorrow.
- Hon?
- Heat's on. We better blow.

Trevor: At least we're only here for a week.
Callie: Give or take.
Trevor: What's that mean?
Callie: We're living here now.
Trevor: You said it would only be a week!
Callie: That was before we got evicted.
Trevor: You said you had money saved up!
Callie: That was before I had children.
Phoebe: To be fair, you've never been good with money.

Oscar: The United Manhattan Trust was founded in 1797 by Arnold van Rhijn, among others. We've been at it ever since.
Bertha: I see. What a wonderful tradition.
Larry: So you don't have to waste your time worrying about what you want to do. It's already decided.

Gloria: You don't have to like the truth for it to be true.