The Best Cassie Howard Quotes

Nate: Why the fuck are they laughing? That shit is so fucking homophobic.
Cassie: Babe, I'm so sorry, I had no idea Lexi...
Nate: She's your fucking sister!
Cassie: No, I...
Nate: You know what? Pack your shit, get the fuck outta my house. I'm fucking done.

Cassie: I just wanted to dream about it for a minute.

Cassie: What if these are, like, the big moments in life? Like, my mom always talks about how high school was like this big, monumental part of her life. But I cannot imagine being 40 and looking back at this, like, "Wow."
Maddy: Yeah, but that's because most people peak in high school.
Kat: I definitely haven't peaked, so...
Lexi: I feel like I'm not even a person yet.
Cassie: Yeah, I'm definitely at, like, 25% peakness.
Jules: I feel like I'm at a 100. But I can definitely get to 150.

Rue: I can't get clean, I can't do that shit forever.
Cassie: You don't have to. Just take it one day at a time.
[looks around the room for approval and is mostly met with awkward nods]
Suze: [whipsers] Yeah.
Rue: Hey, Cass?
Cassie: Yeah?
Rue: I have a quick question for you.
Cassie: What?
Rue: How long have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?

Kat: I guarantee you Maddy and Nate are gonna get married. And probably, like, get divorced three times, and in some strange way live a pretty happy life.
Lexi: Yeah.
Cassie: Yeah.
Rue: Yeah.

Lexi: [to Cassie] You said you needed advice on two things.
Cassie: I don't remember. What would you do?
Lexi: Um, I don't know. I've never really been in a situation where two guys have been interested in me.
Cassie: That's 'cause you're shy.
Lexi: I guess so, but I've also never been in a situation where I've been interested in two guys.
Cassie: That's also 'cause you're shy.
Lexi: Maybe.
Cassie: But if you were in my situation, what would you do?
Lexi: Honestly, I don't think I would say anything.
Cassie: What if not saying something makes you feel really bad?
Lexi: Worse than saying it?
Cassie: Yeah.
Lexi: Well, then, I don't think you have any other option.