The Best Chris Partlow Quotes

Chris: Don't fret, boss. I got you covered. Quick and clean, I promise...

Chris: You can look him in the eye now... no matter who he is or what he done you look him right in the eye.

- You on the list.
- Go on down there any time you want.
- No problem.
- That's the dude right there.
Marlo: A'ight.
Chris: Ya hear?
- Time for y'all to earn your pay, niggers.

- Come on. Answer the question.
Chris: Michael.
- Michael.
- The gun.

- See it?
Chris: You ready?
[Snoop] Mm-hm.
- Now you handle that thing.
- You give me a sign, meet me out front.
- Michael, you go round the alley.
- Body come bustin' out the back, you drop that shit.

'Monk': Boy been throwing up all kind of backtalk about shit. Buck wild about this and that.
Marlo: Like what?
'Monk': Crying about how Junebug and his people got lit up. Crying about how Omar on the street running his mouth, calling for you to step to.
Marlo: Omar say what?
Chris: Nothing.
Chris: Omar tried calling you out by name, but shit, no one --
Marlo: What he say about me?
Chris: Nothing, man. Just talking shit.
Marlo: He used my name? In the street?
Marlo: Talk, motherfucker!
'Monk': He just, you know, say that you need to step to and that . . . I don't know. He just running his mouth some.
Marlo: He call me a punk?
Chris: It was bullshit, man. You ain't need that on your mind.
Marlo: What the fuck you know about what I need on my mind, motherfucker? My name was on the street? When we bounce from this shit here, y'all going to go down on them corners and let the people know: Word did not get back to me. Let them know Marlo step to any motherfucker -- Omar, Barksdale, whoever. My name is my name!