The Best Commander Hugh Dobbs Quotes

Cmdr. Dobbs: How long were you on the cliff watching someone rape your wife...?
Cmdr. Riker: Not just "someone". It was Ensign Calavicci.
Cmdr. Dobbs: ...before you tried to get to the beach?
Cmdr. Riker: A minute. Maybe two.
Cmdr. Dobbs: A minute or two?
[pauses and looks at his watch]
Pollack: Sir, I object.
Cmdr. Dobbs: I'm trying to demonstrate how long two minutes really is.
Judge: I had a ship blown out from under me in the Leyte Gulf in less than two minutes, Commander. It can be a lifetime - or a blink of the eye. Now, get on with it.
Cmdr. Dobbs: [to Riker] Did you do anything during this two minutes other than to watch?
Cmdr. Riker: No, I believe I did not.
Cmdr. Dobbs: You didn't yell?
Cmdr. Riker: Yell?
Cmdr. Dobbs: "Hey, stop that!"
Pollack: I object. Defense Council is badgering the witness.
Cmdr. Dobbs: The Commander requested clarification. I simply gave it to him.
Judge: Objection overruled.
Cmdr. Dobbs: Did you yell?
Cmdr. Riker: No, sir.
Cmdr. Dobbs: You watched a man rape your wife for a minute or two, and didn't even yell "Stop"?
Cmdr. Riker: No, sir.
Cmdr. Dobbs: For God's sake, Commander, why not?
Cmdr. Riker: Because she *deserved* it.