The Best Dr. Otto Octavius Quotes

Dr. Otto Octavius: [talking to his arms] Listen. Listen... to me now. Listen... to ME now!

[Spider-Man is unable to stop the reactor, so he turns to the only person who can help him...]
Spider: Doctor Octavius!
[Doc Ock frowns puzzledy, He recognizes that voice - and as if to confirm it, Spider-Man removes his mask and reveals his identity...]
Peter: We have to shut it down! Please tell me how!
Doc: Peter Parker...?Brilliant but lazy."
[He chuckles at this statement made by his old friend, now seeing its irony]
Peter: Look at what's happening! We have to stop it!
Doc: I can't stop it... I WON'T!
[He clamps a tentacle on Peter's neck and glares at him]
Peter: You once spoke to me about intelligence... you said it was a gift to be used for the greater good...
Doc: A privilege...
Peter: These things have turned you into something else... don't listen to THEM...
Doc: It was my dream...
Peter: Sometimes... to do what's right... we must be steady... and give up the things we desire the most... even our dreams.
Doc: You're right.
[a piece of wreckage gets sucked into the machine. Outside several cars are pulled towards the vortex]
Doc: [to his arms] He's right...
[the tentacles click and whirl, strongly disagreeing with him]
Dr. Otto Octavius: Listen... listen to me now! Listen to ME now!
[He finally acquires his sanity, and control over his tentacles. With a jerk, a tentacle lets go of Peter]
Peter: Now... tell me how to stop it!
Dr. Otto Octavius: It can't be stopped. It's self-sustaining now.
Peter: THINK!
Doc: Unless... the river! Drown it!
[Peter turns to leave, but a tentacle grips him once again...]
Dr. Otto Octavius: I'll do it.
[He heads towards his Frankenstein creation, pausing for a moment to look back at Peter. Peter meets his glance, and then sensing someone, looks behind him and sees Mary Jane...]

Dr. Otto Octavius: Peter Parker! And the girlfriend!
Peter: What do you want?
Dr. Otto Octavius: [grabs Peter with a tentacle] I want you to find your friend Spider-Man. Tell him to meet me at the Westside Tower at 3 o'clock.
Peter: But I don't know where he is.
Dr. Otto Octavius: [takes his sunglasses off with a tentacle] Find him. Or I'll peel the flesh off her bones...
[Tentacle snaps at Peter]
Peter: [angrily] If you lay... one finger on her...
Dr. Otto Octavius: You'll do what?

Dr. Otto Octavius: Before we start, has anybody lost a large roll of $20 bills in a rubber band? Because we found the rubber band.
Dr. Otto Octavius: It's a terrible joke... but thank you for coming.

Rosalie: Peter, tell us about yourself. Do you have a girlfriend?
Peter: Uh, well... I don't really know.
Dr. Otto Octavius: Well, shouldn't you know? Who would know?
Rosalie: Leave him alone. Maybe it's a secret love.
Dr. Otto Octavius: Love should never be a secret. If you keep something as complicated as love stored up inside, it could make you sick.

Rosalie: You need to sleep soundly tonight.
Dr. Otto Octavius: Did Edison sleep before he turned on the light bulb? Did Marconi sleep before he turned on the radio? Did Beethoven sleep before he wrote the fifth?
Peter: Did Bernoulli sleep before he found the curves of quickest descent?
Dr. Otto Octavius: Ahhh, Rosie, I love this boy.

Peter: These things have turned you into something you're not.
Peter: Don't listen to them!
Dr. Otto Octavius: It was my dream.
Peter: Sometimes, to do what's right, we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams.
Dr. Otto Octavius: You're right.
[the tentacles hiss and snap]
Dr. Otto Octavius: He's right.

Doctor: Do you know a Peter Parker who's Spider-Man?
Otto: Yes.
Doctor: [points to Peter] Is that him?
Otto: No.

Otto: You're flying out into the darkness to fight ghosts.
Peter: What do you mean?
Doctor: They all die fighting Spider-Man. It's their fate. I'm sorry, kid.
Peter: Yeah, me too.

Dr. Otto Octavius: [to Spider-man] I should've known Osborn wouldn't have the spine to finish you!

[the mentally restored Doctor Octavius is reunited with his universe's Peter Parker]
Otto: How are you, dear boy?
Peter: [smiling] Just trying to do better.

May: [offering him a glass of water] Thirsty?
Otto: Well, yes. I am thirsty.
May: Freshwater or salt? You know, because you're an octopus.
Otto: [confused] What?
May: Freshwater it is.

Otto: [Holding an Arc Reactor] The power of the sun...
Peter: the palm of your hand.
Otto: Peter?
Peter: [Peter unmasks] Otto.
Otto: Oh, it's good to see you, dear boy.
Peter: It's good to see you.
Otto: You're all grown up.
Otto: How are you?
Peter: [smiling] Trying to do better.

Green: [Norman's personality has shifted into the Goblin's] That some neat trick, that sense of yours.
Otto: Norman?
Green: Norman's on sabbatical, honey!
Max: The hell?
Spider: The Goblin...
Green: "No more darker half"? Did you really think that I'd let that happen, that I'd let you take away my power just because you're blind to what true power can bring you?
Spider: You don't know me.
Green: Don't I? I saw how she trapped you, fighting her holy moral mission. We don't need you to save us, we don't need to be fixed! These are not curses, they're gifts.
Otto: Norman, no...
Green: Quiet lapdog!
Spider: You don't know what you're talking about.
Green: I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes, struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose. Gods don't have to choose. We take.
Spider: May, Run!

Dr. Otto Octavius: Parker... Now I remember you. You're Dr. Connor's student. He tells me you're brilliant.
[Peter looks flattered]
Dr. Otto Octavius: He also tells me you're lazy.

Dr. Otto Octavius: I will not die a monster.

Otto: [unmasks MCU Spider-Man] You're not Peter Parker.
Peter: I am so confused right now!

Otto: [Otto Octavius has Peter Parker with his mask off pinned to a column] You're not Peter Parker.

Peter: I'm sorry, what was your name again?
Otto: Dr. Otto Octavius.
Peter: [him, MJ and Ned laugh] Wait. No, seriously, what's your actual name?

Dr. Otto Octavius: The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand!

Peter: If I can fix what happened to you then when you go back things will be different and you might not die fighting Spider-Man.
Max: What do you mean fix us?
Peter: Look, our technology is advanced...
Norman Osborn: I can help you. You know, I'm something of a scientist myself. Octavius knows what I can do.
Otto: Fix? You mean like a dog? I refuse.
Peter: I can't promise you guys anything but at least this way you actually get to go home and have a chance, a second chance.

Dr. Otto Octavius: I finally got lucky in love when I met Rosie here. She was discussing T.S. Eliot, and I was discussing... I still don't know what she was talking about!