The Best Dr. Saban Quotes

Dr. Saban: This is wrong.
Patrick: Oh, please.
Dr. Saban: Ethel was dignified in live. She'd want to remain so in death.
Patrick: Doctor, you of all people should know there's nothing dignified about death.

Patrick: How would you describe Abby?
Dr. Saban: Oh, uh, a good-hearted woman. Full of life. Vivacious.
Patrick: [Jane's phone rings] Oh excuse me.
[Jane hands some grapes he was holding to the doctor. Then Jane answers his phone]
Patrick: Lisbon, hello.
Teresa: Jane, where are you?
Patrick: I'm just talking with the family doctor here. Says our missing girl is an unstable nymphomaniacal stoner. Interesting, no?
Dr. Saban: Uh, I didn't say that.
Patrick: Yes you did. You practically screamed it.