The Best Gordie Quotes

Gordie: I'm sorry.
Libby: Oh, you are so transferred.
Sabrina: Libby, lay off him. It was an accident.
Libby: It's just like a freak to defend a geek. Maybe the 2 of you can get weekend jobs at the carnival.

Libby: You have to let me come with you. I will do anything to meet Gordon Gano. You know I hate this word but... Please? The more the merrier.
Sabrina: All right, you can come.
Libby: Thanks! This is so great. I love the Violent Femmes.
Gordie: You're going to see the Violent Femmes? Can I come, too?
Libby: No! Jeez, Gordie, you can't just invite yourself along.
Sabrina: I thought you just said 'The more the merrier'?
Libby: Twist my words, why don't you.

Libby: [Ren and Stimpy is on the TV] I thought we were gonna party, not watch stupid cartoons.
Brian: Shhh! I missed what Ren said.
Guy: He's going to "The Muddy Mudskipper Show". I've seen this one three times.
Gordie: Yeah, it really holds up, doesn't it?
Libby: I can't believe this is what you guys do for fun.

Zellary: That reminds me, anyone want snacks?
Harvey: Yeah!
Zellary: I brought carrot-sticks and hard boiled eggs.
Gordie: My favourite!
Harvey: [to Sabrina] Who taught her what a snack was?

Zellary: And Frankly I think it's time for Allan Greenspan to step down.
Gordie: I couldn't agree with you more.
Sabrina: Well, that was a fun conversation. Now can we talk about anything else? Music? Cars? Food?

Gordie: I wanna know everything. Let's start with how you got such an unusual name? Zellary.
Zellary: It's not that unusual.
Gordie: I think it's tantalising, and very poetic.
Zellary: It rhymes with celery.
Gordie: Ha-ha! You are just delightful.

Gordie: We hope you'll all join us. Any questions?
Libby: Yeah, can we get outa here?

Gordie: Wow, Libby, you look cool!
Libby: Thanks. Wait, did Gordie say that? He knows nothing about cool.

Gordie: Jumping to the end of the millennium, the Science Club will be meeting every day after school to celebrate national science week.
Libby: You mean national geek week.

Sabrina: I never knew a pickle could be used as a light bulb.
Gordie: Oh, it's super-versatile.