The Best Hadley Hale Quotes

Eric: [playing yahtzee] How long does this game go on for?
Sophie: We play to five million.
Hadley: [whining] She's way ahead.
Sophie: It's pure luck. Yahtzee is the most egalitarian game in the world. You could be my social, physical or intellectual inferior, but your chances are equal to mine. It's the perfect antidote for this world, where things of inferiority and superiority do matter.

Hadley: I didn't come here to visit. I've got a message for you from Eric Northman.
Sookie: How do you know Eric? What's he done to you?
Hadley: Nothing too bad yet. But if I don't tell you this exactly, it ain't gonna be pretty.
Sookie: Tell me what?
Hadley: Russell is coming for you. Don't trust Bill.
Sookie: Oh, and I'm supposed to trust Eric?