The Best Invisible Boy Quotes

Invisible: [after becoming invisible for a moment and reappearing naked] I'm invisible. Can you see me?
The: Yes!
Mr. Furious: Wow.
The: Two hands there, son.
[Invisible Boy covers up]
The: Maybe you should put some shorts on or something, if you want to keep fighting evil today.

The: Why are you guys always dissing me? It hurts my feelings. I'm a superhero too. I have powers.
Invisible: Really? Like what?
The: So glad you asked. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Well, it all started when I was just 13 years of age. One day, while walking with some friends, I accidentally cut the cheese. Well, in my adolescent awkwardness, I blamed it on an old gypsy woman who happened to be passing by. BIG MISTAKE! The gypsy woman placed a curse upon my head. Because I smelled it, she decreed I would forevermore BE HE WHO DEALT IT!

Invisible: Hey Dad, I'm going to my room with three strange men.

Invisible: [Listing superheroes he has met] Let me see, who else have I met? There's The Pincer, The Pickler, Princess Headbutt, um... White Flight And The Black Menace - they work together.

[last lines]
[to the news reporters]
The: Excuse me, could I say something? I think we would all like this victory to go out to all the other guys, and I'm talking about the people in this city who are super good at their jobs but never get any credit. Like the lady in the DMV - that's a rough job.
Invisible: To the people that remember jingles from tons of old commercials.
The: And uh, uh, people that support local music and seek out independent film.
The: And the guy that drives the snow-plow. And the school nurse, that's a...
Mr. Furious: Eddie, Eddie, I think they got the point.
Becky: What's the name of this group?
Invisible: The Super Dudes!
The: No, no, no, not the Super Dudes.
Mr. Furious: We're not the Super Dudes. We don't have a name yet, but we're definitely not the Super Dudes.
The: I gotta get home, it's late...
[a photojournalist approaches]
The: Picture, picture time!
Becky: Well, whatever you call them, Champion City will forever owe a debt of gratitude to these mystery men.
The: Wait! Wait, that's it!... We are the Super Squad.
The: No, no! Alliteration in these situations is corny... What?
[She opens her bag, where Carmine sits smouldering]
The: Yes, we're all very aware that you saved the day, and I'm sure we'll be hearing about it for the rest of our lives...