Top 30 Quotes From The Thundermans

Max: Am I, Nora? Am I?

[to Max]
Dr. Colosso: Why are you pointing that thing at me?

[to Link]
Phoebe: Don't worry. It's picture time.
[Phoebe, Cherry, Maddy, Roxy, Allison, Gideon, Wolfgang, Link, Oyster, and Max all line up together and have their prom photo taken]

[to Oyster, Gideon, and Wolfgang]
Phoebe: Thundergirl has a fan club?

[to Dark Mayhem]
Max: I already have it all.

[repeated line]
Max: Max in the house!

[after Dark Mayhem reveals his plan for Hiddenvale. To Max]
Phoebe: Is that really what you want, Max? To lose everything? Your friends? Allison? Your family?

[At prom, Dark Mayhem and his associates have arrived]
Dark: I'm already here.

[At prom, after everyone finds out that the Thundermans have superpowers]
Principal: Man, my life sucks.

[At prom, the Thundermans are battling Dark Mayhem and his associates. Phoebe is battling Dark Mayhem]
Phoebe: Max!
[to Allison]
Max: Gotta save the world.
[Allison smiles. Max stands up to go help Phoebe battle Dark Mayhem]

Nora: [to Billy Thunderman] If your dumb foot touches me again, I'm gonna laser it right off.

[after Max's lair has been transformed into a regular bedroom]
Max: No!

[Repeated line]
Strongdor: Strongdor here too.

[At Max's cape ceremony, Hank is crying and is using Phoebe's cape as a tissue. To Hank]
Phoebe: Dad, that's my cape.

[At prom, the Thundermans are battling Dark Mayhem and his associates. To Phoebe and Max]
Dark: I don't think so!
[Dark Mayhem blasts Phoebe and Max across the museum]

[At prom, the Thundermans are battling Dark Mayhem and his associates. To Barb]
Strongdor: Strongdor's turn.

[Repeated line]
Chloe: Thunderbaby, away!

[to the Thundermans]
Super: Electress, you were exposed as superheroes on TV.

[Repeated line]
Cherry: I'd love to. Pick me up tomorrow at eight.

[after the Thundermans secret has been revealed]
Chloe: The Thundermans are famous, baby!

Wolfgang: Telekinesis.
Max: Oh, so that word you know.

[At prom, the Thundermans are battling Dark Mayhem and his associates. To Barb]
Strongdor: Strongdor will crush you
Barb: Strongdor will have to catch me first.

Phoebe: It's always me.

Dr. Colosso: Please take me with you, Max. I would do anything for a joyride in the Thundervan.
Max: No can do, Colosso, but I got you this guy to keep you company.
Dr. Colosso: A stuffed bear? What am I, a child?
Max: No, you whine way more than a child.
Dr. Colosso: [whining] I do not!
Max: You'll be fine - just use your imagination.
Dr. Colosso: Fine. I'll imagine you care. Like I'm gonna play with some toy. Hmm... Okay, I'm intrepid explorer Colosso Beauregard, and you're my faithful sidekick Teddy Stuffington. Today we conquer Mt. Everest!

[At prom, after everyone discovers that the Thundermans have superpowers. To Roxy and Maddy]
Cherry: I knew like a year ago.

[to the rest of the family]
Max: But I've got a sister to destroy.
Chloe: Hey, what did I do?
Max: Not you. Phoebe.

Dr. Colosso: I was watching the whole time, and I still don't know how this happened!
Max: [grunting] Come on.
Dr. Colosso: [laughing]
Max: This is for a prank that's gonna be so big, the school's going to name an entire day after me.
Dr. Colosso: Dancing turkey head day?
Max: No, Max Thunderman day. You know the chemical in turkeys that you make you super sleepy after you eat 'em?
Dr. Colosso: Of course. It's one of the top ten evil chemicals, right after the stuff in asparagus that makes your tinkle smell.
Max: Well, when I steal my machine back, I'm going to use it to boost that turkey chemical and make super sleepy sandwiches for all my classmates.
Dr. Colosso: Then when they fall asleep, you're going to draw mustaches on them, right?
Max: I am now!

[At prom, the Thundermans are battling Dark Mayhem and his associates. After Barb knocks Strongdor down to the ground. To Strongdor]
Barb: Thank you for the dance.

Phoebe: Am I, Max? Am I?

[after Phoebe defeats Lady Web and saves Oyster, Gideon, and Wolfgang. Announcing to Oyster, Gideon, and Wolfgang]
Phoebe: I'm Thundergirl.