The Best Jim Beckett Quotes

Jim: Sounds like a great offer.
Kate: Yeah, it is.
Jim: Your mom would be proud. Hell, I'm proud... So... what're you gonna do?
Kate: I don't know, Dad... It's like I'm standing at a crossroads and I have to choose between two possible futures.
Jim: Why do you think you have to choose?
Kate: Because, Dad, he's right. If I take this job, then there's not gonna be time for anyone else. And then if I don't...
Jim: It'll be because of him, and you'll end up resenting him for it.
Kate: Or... worse... Dad, I don't know what we have. I don't know if it's... real. It's like we've been doing this dance for the past five years, and... I mean, what happens when the music stops? What if all we were in love with was the dance?
Jim: You know, your whole life you've never had a relationship go this far. You know, somewhere around here you always end them. Now, why is that?... Look, Katie, I know you. When you get scared, you hide in your work. And I just want you to be sure, whatever decision you make, it's because it's what you want. Not because you're afraid.
Kate: This job. It's what I want.
Jim: Then tell him.
Kate: [heavy sigh] He's gonna hate me, Dad.
Jim: That's something you'll have to live with.

[last lines]
[learning their parents are in the precinct]
Kate: Well, I guess we can't avoid dealing with them forever.
Richard: No. But you know what? Who cares if they don't get along? They aren't us. And... so what if we don't make sense on paper? We don't live our lives on paper... And if we did, we'd never be astounded or... surprised
[they see Jim and Martha actually getting along]
Martha: [to Jim Beckett] So, so, no. Anyway, so he says, "Don't touch me. No." Then he said, "Yes."
Kate: How did that even happen?
Richard: I don't know, but let's just, let's just... let's just go with it.
Kate: Dad?
Jim: Aw.

Martha: Oh. Well, I hope you find time to cut loose, Jim, and just do something fun.
Jim: Well, of course, I-I try to take in a baseball game every now and again.
Martha: Oh, Lord. Baseball? Isn't that dreadfully dull?
Jim: Well, it requires a certain patience.
Martha: [laughing] A certain lack of *pulse*, you mean.
Kate: I think, uh, what my dad responds to is the game's nuance.
Martha: Oh, well, yes, of course. It has its merits.
Richard: Yeah, I think my mother just means it's not exactly, uh... action-packed.
Kate: Right, but that would depend on how you look at it, right?
Jim: Yeah, I mean, I suppose it does appeal to the more... serious, more... discerning crowd.
[Martha gives Castle a look; Castle tries to nonverbally tell her to let it go]
Martha: Jim... what *exactly* does that mean?
Jim: Just that... actors, by their nature, aren't the most serious people in the world, right?
Martha: Oh, is that so? So you think I'm not a serious person?
Richard: How about if we dive into this dessert?
[after a long pause]
Richard: 'Cause honestly, that whole death thing is sounding pretty good right now.
Kate: [checks her phone] There's been a murder downtown.
Richard: Close enough.

Martha: Jim... I don't know how you do this. You know, I thought I would get used to this... new part of Richard's life, that constant danger, and the never knowing, and I, but I really thought there would come a moment, just a moment, when the worry would stop.
Jim: Katie's been doing this for more than a decade now... and I've had this clench in my gut since the day they handed her the shield... She does say she always feels safest when your son's watching her back.
Martha: He says the same thing about her. Well... at least, wherever they are, they have each other to lean on.

Jim: I've already lost my wife over this. I've already lost... Now, look, I... It took me years, but I've made my peace with that. But Katie... She won't listen to me, and she won't back down. Not unless someone can convince her that her life is worth more than her mother's death... Look, she cares about you, Rick... And unless you're a lot dumber than you look, I know you care about her... Don't let her throw her life away.