The Best Jo Anderson Quotes

Diana: Joe Maxwell came by to see me this morning. He knows what happened last night. He's looking for you.
Vincent: He won't find me.
Diana: I found you.
Vincent: There are no safe places for anyone.
Diana: The place you destroyed belonged to Gabriel. It was his. I can't prove it, but I know it's true.
Vincent: Gabriel.
Diana: Vincent, why? If you didn't know, why did you do it?
Vincent: I had a friend. His name is Rolley. I did it for him.
Diana: And did it help him? Is he better now? Vincent, I've been there, too, and this is not the way.
Vincent: Then where is the way? What would you have me do? He has my son and I have nothing but these.
Diana: [he balls his hands into fists] Those can't help you find your son.
Vincent: They can make Gabriel bleed. Night after night, until...
Diana: Until you kill him or he kills you. By then it won't matter who wins, Vincent. What kind of father do you want your son to have? You continue alone in this, you are going to lose everything.
Vincent: Where is the hope, Diana? Where is the hope?

Gabriel: Do you know what prison is? A place to grow stronger. No court will convict me. Jurors have families, too. And even if they did, you can rule the world from a prison cell. I own nations, Diana. I'll have the child back. In the end, I always win.
Diana: Not this time, Gabriel.
[raising the gun Father gave her]
Diana: This is Catherine Chandler's gun.

Diana: What kind of roses did she like?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: What do I look like, her florist?
Diana: The only way that you can get a red and white rose to grow off of the same bush is with a special grit. Did you know that?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Maybe she couldn't make up her mind.
Diana: Joe, there's a language to flowers. The red rose means passion and love, and the white rose is eternity or... or death. Now, somehow, I don't know how, but somehow Vincent knew whenever she was in trouble, and... and he came to her. He was her protector.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: You sound like you know this guy.
Diana: Well, sometimes I feel like I do.

Diana: You can't continue alone in this.
Vincent: I am alone.
Diana: Then you'll fail. What chance do you have in a world where you can't even show your face? I can help you.
Vincent: I cannot accept that responsibility.
Diana: You're not responsible for me.
Vincent: I loved her. She was my world. But I could not protect her from everything.
Diana: I'm not Catherine.
Vincent: Diana...
Diana: You need me.
Vincent: No.
Diana: Please.
Vincent: You must forget me.
Diana: I can't.
Vincent: Then remember me as you would a dream.

Vincent: I'm remembering how I once loved this city at night. Imagined myself a part of it, saw stories behind each and every light.
Diana: And now?
Vincent: Now I am a stranger here.
Diana: You found Catherine in one of those lights.
Vincent: And I lost her in another.

Ms. London: We're going to break through from the Manhattan side, that's the consensus of the city engineers
Bloom: Consensus my ass
Ms. London: Who's this?
Bloom: That tunnel is being held up by Kettle Point Pressure
Ms. London: I asked your NAME!
Frank: Why don't you forget what her name is and listen to what she's saying to you

Vincent: Diana... there's something that I've kept from you; a secret that I couldn't share with you before about where I live, those I live among.
Diana: I know about Jacob.
Vincent: Yes, but there are many others. Good people whose lives depend on the secret of how and where we live.
Diana: I've... I've tried imagining, but...
Vincent: It is a more wonderful place than you could imagine, because it is real. Ours is a world woven with of most delicate threads. Our only protection against those who would threaten us is trust.
Diana: Tell me more about this world.
Vincent: No. Let me show you.

Diana: Do you know the meaning of "veritas te liberabit"?
Jacob: Veritas... yes. "The truth will set you free."

Gabriel: This is my son, Ms. Bennett. He's very beautiful. Don't you agree? Look at his hands, Ms. Bennett. And his face. There's nothing unusual there. Do you find that strange?
Diana: Why would I find it strange?
Gabriel: I think the resemblance is in the eyes. What do you think?
Diana: I don't think he looks anything like you.
Gabriel: Precisely. The trouble is... he's dying. Some powerful illness. The doctors don't know how to help him. I do. And I believe you do, too. The child needs his natural father.
Diana: You lost me about two steps back.
Gabriel: You have brass, Ms. Bennett. I'll give you that. Unfortunately, I don't have any time to play. Maybe a few hours.
Diana: I still don't know what you're talking about.
Gabriel: The ring, Ms. Bennett. He gave you the ring. I believe you were curious about the inscription.
Diana: Veritas.
Gabriel: Veritas Te Liberabit. All that matters is that you find him. Find him and tell him Catherine Chandler's child is dying.
Diana: What proof do I have that that's Catherine Chandler's?
Gabriel: You have no proof, Ms. Bennett. And the child has no time. Take that message to Vincent.
Diana: And what makes you assume that I can make contact with him?
Gabriel: You'll find a way.

Diana: Cathy was pregnant. Autopsy says she delivered a child less than an hour before she died. Then they injected her with morphine. And whoever did this kept her alive long enough just to have the baby.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: She never said anything to me.
Diana: Look, I'm just throwing out the possibility here that what if all this has more to do with the baby than with the case?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: No.
Diana: Why not?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Look, I gave Cathy a piece of evidence. First she turns up missing, then she turns up murdered. There's a connection there.
Diana: Of course there is a connection there, but you have to keep your mind open to the fact of the pregnancy. What this could mean...
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I don't...! I don't know what this could mean.
Diana: Well, consider it, Joe. This could be the piece that makes everything fit.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: The tiles are Italian made. Turn of the century. They cost a fortune. The importer gave us a list of addresses.
Diana: Hunter Point, Staten Island, Westchester. The rest are all in Manhattan.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Yeah, so?
Diana: So the chopper flew over water. Montauk Point's too far; it's got to be Staten Island.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Then let's move.
Diana: Joe, this guy is gonna have an army waiting for you. Now, it's gonna take you hours to get organized, and by that time he's gonna know you're coming.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: [she turns to leave] What are you gonna do?
Diana: I'm gonna do whatever I can.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: What do you make of this? A woman is violently kidnapped; six months later, she turns up dead in her own bed, only she wasn't killed there. She was murdered someplace else and then brought there later. Up seventeen flights, with no witnesses.
Diana: I don't know.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Nobody does. And in three weeks, nobody's gonna care. And that's why I came here.

Diana: Excuse me. My name is Dianna Bennett. I'm looking for the new acting district att...
[the chair turns around, revealing Joe]
Diana: Joe.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Hi.
Diana: You?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Well, 'till the next election, anyway. Weird thing is, the suspension worked out in my favor. All the dirt turning up on Moreno, was as good as a commendation.
Diana: You don't look too happy about this promotion.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I used to dream that someday I'd sit behind this desk. Only I didn't want it to happen this way.

Diana: Whoever killed Cathy Chandler was not the same person who brought her home.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Now, what makes you think that?
Diana: Vincent brought her home, Joe. He brought her home because he loved her.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Oh, come on.
Diana: Look at these pictures. Moreno and Gates were ripped to pieces. Claw marks on the bones, torn flesh, heavy bruising, heavy bleeding.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Yeah, I read the autopsies.
Diana: Coroner says it looked more like an animal attack than a murder. Now, I ran a computer check just to see if there were any other instances of this same M.O. in the last three years.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I remember these cases. But what do they have to do with ours?
Diana: The earliest was eight months after Cathy Chandler came to work for you. A third of them tie into cases that she was involved with.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: All circumstantial. You can't prove a damn thing.
[she sets a chunk of concrete on the table]
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Vincent? Where'd you get this?
Diana: Drainage tunnel under the park. Did you know there are hundreds of unmapped tunnels underneath this city, with access through Cathy's sub-basement?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: So?
Diana: Oh, Joe, so... I don't know.

Chief: [to Bloom, who has just emerged from an air shaft] Whaddya got?
Bloom: Sorry, Chief. Blocked about twenty feet in.
Bloom: Structure's so shaky, I wouldn't even risk a firecracker.
Chief: What about hydraulics? We brace up as we go...
Bloom: Can't be done!
Chief: You listen to me. The person who says it can't be done is always interrupted by the one who just did it!
[Climbs into air shaft; air shaft immediately collapses, killing Wilson]

Vincent: This is where we began.
Diana: Now I know how Alice felt.
Vincent: I'm sorry the Mad Hatter couldn't be at the feast.
Diana: Well, I think that Mouse was about I could have handled. I want to thank you for making me feel so welcome.
Vincent: You felt welcome because you are welcome. If ever you need a home or a place to rest, these tunnels and chambers will be kept warm for you by friends.

Diana: I was hoping you'd come.
Vincent: I wanted to see you. Thank you for... everything.
Diana: It's over now. He's dead. Gabriel's dead.
Vincent: For so long, he was a... shadow between us.
Diana: When I was alone in that room with him, everything seemed so simple, so... mm...
Vincent: Clear.
Diana: I knew exactly what I was thinking. But when I try remembering, it's almost as if... it never even happened.
Vincent: Memory can be a forgiving thing.
Diana: I don't want to forget.
Vincent: Sometimes it's best to forget.
Diana: I don't believe that.