The Best Joe Stevens Quotes

Tim: [while beginning a Cabinet meeting, reading from a briefing report] flight 131 out of Chicago, 240 passengers, 10 crew members: they collided with a small commuter jet carrying 21 people. There's also a high probability of casualties on the ground, the aircraft went down in a residential neighborhood near Edge Borough. We also just got an alert, Congressman Bragman and his wife may have been on board, we're still waiting for confirmation
Joe: How many planes are still in the air?
Tim: Over 13,00
Joe: Madam President, this is a catastrophic loss of American lives, it's only going to get worse, and we have to withdraw our forces before the next deadline
Tim: I'm forced to agree Madam President
President: [after they all sit down] go ahead Tim, I want to hear what you think
Tim: We're simply not prepared to "contend" with the scope of damage these people can inflict: the tragedy we just witnessed is nothing compared to what could happen if they begin targeting more "sensitive" installations. Power grids, nuclear facilities, and we're talking deaths in the hundreds of thousands
Joe: All in support of a policy that cannot possibly succeed without Matobo, he's the only man who can stabilize Sangala, without him, the entire operation is pointless
President: There's still a "chance" Prime Minister Matobo will be recovered and while that "chance" exists, I'm not giving in
President: [Looking at him] Admiral Smith, your strike force will remain position at full battle readiness
Admiral: Yes madam President
Joe: [Stands up] madam President, you are "guaranteeing" another attack on our country
President: We will not be blackmailed Joe and we will not be held hostage. This country does not negotiate with terrorists
Joe: Tell that to the families of the dead. Do you have any idea what the public reaction will be when the word gets out that these are acts of terrorism? Brought out by your reckless foreign policy, I can "guarantee" there will be call for your impeachment
Ethan: That's enough
Joe: [Raises his voice] I will not stand by and let this happen
President: Then turn in your resignation Joe, I'm not changing my mind: now sit down or leave

President: [to Stevens while he enters Oval Office] what is it?
Joe: The FBI just reported Prime Minister Matobo was abducted from their residence
President: [Surprised] what? Abducted by whom?
Ethan: The bodyguards identified Jack Bauer and Tony Almeida were involved which means Dubaku has the CIP device and Matobo
President: Where's the FBI on finding them? Do they have any "active" leads?
Joe: Not yet madam President: we're just beginning the search operation
Ethan: I think we need to talk about how Matobo's abduction affects the invasion? Matobo is the only man with enough popular support and strength to lead Sangala after an invasion. Without him, the country will collapse in complete bloodshed and chaos
Joe: Which means the best course of action may be to meet Dubaku's demand and withdraw our forces?
President: The best course of action is to find Matobo and the people who took him: make sure the FBI brings in every relevant agency
Joe: [Before leaving] yes ma'am
Ethan: So, where do we stand on your decision to go through with the invasion?
President: We still have thirty minutes before Dubaku's deadline, I want Matobo found by then

President: Where's Almeida now?
Ethan: His in transit to FBI headquarters: he'll be formally interrogated there
President: I don't understand: Almeida was orchestrating these attacks. If he doesn't have the CIP device, who does?
Ethan: The FBI has learned Almeida "handed off" the device to somebody else, they don't know who
Joe: [after entering the room, to Taylor] I may have the answer to that question
President: I'm listening
Joe: Almeida's working for the Jima regime. Approximately five minutes ago, an audio message routed to the state department's subnet: it's from Colonel Iké Dubaku, his Juma's right hand man. His known as the "Butcher of Sangala", over three hundred thousand people were murdered
President: I know who he is: what did the message say?
Joe: [Before playing the message for her] I think you should hear it for yourself
Colonel: "President Taylor, this is Colonel Iké Dubaku as you have no doubt confirmed, the near collusion at JFK at international airport was "no accident." We have the CIP device, we have the capability to kill tens of thousands of Americans and we are prepared to do so. We demand the complete and immediate withdrawal of the US naval strike by this time tomorrow. In order to meet this timeline, we require satellite confirmation within three hours, don't sacrifice your fellow countrymen and madam President, allow the people of Sangala to determine their own destiny, stand your forces down"
Joe: Voice print is an eight nine percent match: it's Dubaku, there's no doubt
Ethan: Looks like your "suspicions" were correct madam President, this is about Africa
President: My God, Dubaku should've been tried for war crimes years ago. Now his giving us ultimatums, we cannot let this monster hold this country hostage. Where do we stand on the planes?
Ethan: There are still twenty five hundreds planes in the air
President: We have got to "shore up" the firewalls so the CIP device will be rendered useless
Tim: We now think we could engineer the code in six days
President: Six days? We don't have the "luxury" of six hours
Tim: I'm sorry madam President but there's no way we could rebuild the firewall in that timeframe
President: I want you to "instigate" a series of orders: keep it to first responders only. I want people to be ready in case we are attacked again but we don't want to start a panic. And gentlemen, Almeida is our only lead, make sure the FBI is aware of the demand, they need to "work" Almeida from the Africa side, and they need to know we don't have a lot of time