The Best Lisa Quotes

[last lines]
Dr. Frasier Crane: Oh... say, uh, do you play pool?
Lisa: [finding the question strange] No.
Dr. Frasier Crane: [beguiled] Neither do I. Hi, my name is Frasier.
Lisa: [He offers his hand. Lisa takes it]
[equally delighted]
Lisa: Hi!

Dr. Frasier Crane: Um, say, uh, don't you have a coat? It's kind of cold outside.
Lisa: I just got spray paint on mine. I wanted to get it cleaned as soon as possible.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Did you put seltzer on it?
Lisa: Of course.
Dr. Frasier Crane: You know a lot of people mistakenly use...
Dr. Frasier Crane,11542: Lemon juice.
Lisa: [They laugh] Which never works.
Dr. Frasier Crane: No. No, and it attracts bees.
Lisa: I did not know that.
Dr. Frasier Crane: Well, I'm not exactly certain that it attracts bees, but, I mean, um, it does make sense, doesn't it?
Lisa: Not really, but you say it with such authority, I bought it.