The Best Lost, Season 2, Episode 4 Quotes

- I thought you said there were 23 of you.
- There were.

- Hi, there, Hurley!
- Jin, you're here.
- I sure am.
- Dude, you speak English. no. You're speaking Korean.

- They've poured concrete all the way down here, too.
- Just as thick.
- Maybe there's a way around it.
- What is all this stuff?
- My best guess? There's a geothermal generator behind this wall.
- That's the power source.

- Everyone's asking me what's in the hatch.
- Well, that's your business, honey.
- Don't you wanna know? well, whatever it is, it's not gonna help get this laundry done, now is it?
- Well, actually, it sort of is.
- It's around here somewhere.

- Wanna trade?
- I don't wanna do this, man.
- I've had lots of jobs
- I didn't want to do.
- But I still did them.
- I'm sorry, Hugo, you don't get to quit.
- Ok, then.

- Now you give a damn.
- I said I'm sorry.
- It was a misunderstanding.
- A misunderstanding is when you bring me lemonade instead of iced tea.
- I said no talking. he was talking to me!
- We're here.
- What are you gonna do, beam us up?

- Did you see this?
- Interesting.
- Good thing this is titanium.
- Almost no magnetic attraction.
- Well, we're not going to get in up here.
- Up here?
- Perhaps we can go under it.

- Enough! Just chill!
- Every minute I spend down here is another minute my boy is still out there.
- Well, let me break it down for ya,
- Mikey.
- Rambina and her buddies are trying to figure out what to do with us, so until they make up their damn mind, there ain't nothing we can do.

- "Help us out, Hurley.
- Why did you give Kate the shampoo?"
- "Why didn't I get the peanut butter?"
- Then they'll get really mad and start asking,
- "why does Hugo have everything?
- Why should he get to decide?"
- Then they'll all hate me.
- I don't know what to do.

Hurley: Let me tell you something, Rose. We were all fine before we had any potato chips. Now we've got these potato chips, everyone's gonna want them. So, Steve gets them, Charlie's pissed, but not pissed at Steve, he's pissed at me. And I'm gonna be in the middle of it. And then it's gonna be, "What about us?" "Why didn't I get any potato chips?" "Help us out, Hurley. Why did you give Kate the shampoo?" "Why didn't I get the peanut butter?" Then, they'll get really mad and start asking, "Why does Hugo have everything? Why should he get to decide?" Then they'll all hate me.

- Oh, and while you're here: How many times do I gotta tell you those napkins cost money, all right?
- It's two per customer. Two. We're not made of money here at Mr. Cluck's.
- I'm not made of money.
- Are you made of money?
- If you're made of money, maybe you don't want to work here.
- So get it together.
- What, is that a problem, reyes?

- Hey, Hugo.
- You ok, man? yeah. Fine.
- Reyes! My office! Now!
- You wanna tell me something, reyes?
- You sure about that?
- This is last night's surveillance tape.

- I can still be all surprised,
- I can be like,
- "ooh, my, Hurley. Wow, is that you?"
- Listen, Johnny, I'm serious.
- Promise me that you and I will always stay the same.
- I'll do you one better. Not only will I stay gold, ponyboy, I will drink to it.
- Can I borrow two bucks?

Carmen: Yes, it must be something you ate, because you eat basura, and you don't exercise.
Hurley: I do exercise.
Carmen: Falling down is not exercise!

- No one. I swear.
- Dude, it's a big job. I needed...
- Help.
- Hello, Jack. hey, Rose.
- She's cool. She won't tell anyone.
- Honey,
- I don't even know what I would say.

- Pressure sucked and it kind of went cold at one point, and it smelled a little bit like sulfur, but it was a shower.
- Yeah. Yeah, I know what you mean.
- You could use one.
- Maybe a little later.
- I'll leave the shampoo for you.

Jin: Hi there, Hurley.
Hurley: Jin, you're here.
Jin: I sure am.
Hurley: Dude, you speak English.
Jin: No, you're speaking Korean.
Hurley: [in Korean] I am?
[chicken mascot appears next to Jin]
Hurley: [still in Korean] What's he doing here?
Jin: Everything's going to change.
Hurley: [still in Korean] What?
Jin: Everything's going to change. Have a cluckity-cluck-cluck day, Hugo.

- You're gonna lie to the baby? dude, look, I'd never lie.
- And the time you told me you were worth $150 million?
- It's 156 million.
- I'm sorry!
- I must've confused it with the 900 trillion I am worth myself!
- And this baby's made of chocolate lollipops, so excuse us,
- I'm gonna flap my wings and fly off this island.

- The numbers are written right there. yeah. I remember the numbers.
- Locke went back to the beach, so I'll be taking the next shift.
- Awesome.
- Jack told me about your job.
- At least we have jobs again, right?
- Hooray for us.

Carmen: Maybe if you pray every day Jesus Christ will come down from heaven, take 200 pounds, and bring you a decent woman, and a new car...
[Phone rings]
Carmen: Oh! That must be Jesus! Hola? Momento! Yes, it is Jesus! He wants to know what color car you want!

- Oh, my god. dude? Are you ok?
- I'm fine.
- Randy is losing his brain in there!
- You should get back in or he'll make you scrub Johns all week.
- Doubt it. I quit too.
- What? looks like we got ourselves a day off.
- Who needs money when you got good looks?

- Be careful! dude. I am.
- You got it? yeah, I got it.
- All right. Let's go!
- Do you think we got enough gnomes? we're good.
- This is genius. no, no, to the left, dude.
- More of an angle. hey!

Hurley: Dude, look, I'd never lie.
Charlie: And the time you told me you were worth $150 million?
Hurley: It's 156 million.
Charlie: I'm sorry! I must've confused it with the 900 trillion I am worth myself!
[showing Aaron]
Charlie: And this baby's made of chocolate lollipops, so excuse us, I'm going to flap my wings and fly off this island.

Hurley: [Jack is concerned about Hurley showing Rose the bunker] She's cool, she won't tell anyone.
Rose: Honey, I don't even know what I would say.

Charlie: [about the food in the hatch] Is there peanut butter?
Hugo: What?
Charlie: Peanut butter. Nutty, creamy, staple of children everywhere?
Hugo: Er, yeah. A couple jars.
Charlie: Brilliant. How about you give us one. It's for Claire.
Hugo: No can do man.
Charlie: You're saying no to a nursing mother?

- You next.
- Don't do it. She's bluffing.
- Gun's only got one bullet, she ain't gonna waste it on...
- Son of a bitch!
- God! grab the rope.
- You want me, hot lips? You're gonna have to come down here and get...

- Why don't you pee on it?
- Grab the rope.
- Please.
- Don't do it.
- Climb the rope, or I shoot your friend.

- Come on, Jack, the inventory's done.
- This is the only way.
- Are you serious?
- Dude, there's enough food in there to feed one guy three meals a day for another three months.
- We have 40 people.
- It's just not gonna work.
- Look, you put me in charge, this is what we're doing.

Sawyer: Howdy, boys. Thanks for the rescue.
Michael: Everything's cool. We had a talk and they believe we were on the plane, too.
Sawyer: Swell, I guess we can all sue Oceanic together.

- Grab the rope.
- I ain't doing nothing until I know my friends are ok.
- So we're friends now, huh?
- Do it now or the rope comes up.

- And I'm tired of being at the kids' table.
- I got Claire's baby back!
- I didn't go to the black rock on the a-team mission, but I would have, if someone had asked me.
- I think I'm entitled to some sodding answers around here.
- What do you want to know?

- Maybe if you pray every day
- Jesus Christ will come down, take 200 pounds and bring you a decent woman. And a new car.
- Yes, Jesus can bring you a new car.
- Maybe I don't wanna change.
- Maybe I like my life.
- That must be Jesus.
- Yes, it is Jesus! He wants to know what color car you want!

- I'm still working on it, but looks like two-person shifts every six hours or so.
- Shifts. Pushing a button?
- Oh, and there's a record player.
- What's Hurley been doing there?
- He's in charge of the food.
- Food?

- What you got there, Hurley?
- It's dynamite.
- Dynamite?
- Well, what are you doing with it?
- I'm sorry.
- But I can't let it happen again.

Ana: When I tell you to do something, you do it. I say "move", you move. I say "stop", you stop. I say "jump", what do you say?
Sawyer: You first.

James: [to Ana Lucia] You want me, Hot Lips? Gonna have to come down here and get -
[she slams the cage top]
James: Bitch.

- Previously on lost: Locke, do you have a message to go on the raft?
- For when they get rescued.
- They can contact your family.
- Michael!
- Jin!

- What do you think is going on?
- The last time I heard of concrete being poured over everything in this way...
- Was chernobyl.
- Did you hit something?
- I don't think so.
- It's coming from over there.
- I'm gonna check it out.

- We were on a plane.
- Sydney to Los Angeles.
- Flight 815?
- Right.
- Back up!
- Coming out.

- I understand.
- It's getting dark. We're moving out.
- Moving out where? what did I just tell you?
- Sorry. Forgot. Just one thing, though.
- You hit me again, I'll kill you.
- Let's go.