The Best Mac McDonald Quotes

Dick: A hothead like that, you don't know what he's capable of.
Mac: It's all bluster, Dick. His bark is worse than his bite.
Dick: That's what Neville Chamberlain said.

Mac: Dick. We will never beat him. We will never be rid of him.

Ray: While you two boys were content to sit back and become a couple of also-rans... I wanna take the future. I wanna win. And you don't get there by being some "aw shucks" guy sap. There's no place in business for people like that. Business is war. It's dog eat dog, rat eat rat. If my competitor were drowning, I'd walk over and put a hose right in his mouth. Can you say the same?
Mac: [pause] I can't. Nor would I want to.
Ray: Hence, your single location.
Mac: We want you out of this company, Ray.
Ray: Mac, how do you propose we do that?
Mac: We will sue you, whatever it takes.
Ray: And you'd probably win. But you can't afford to sue me. I'd bury you in court costs alone. Mac, I'm the president and C.E.O. of a major corporation with land holdings in 17 states... You run a burger stand in the desert. I'm national. You're fucking local.
[Mac collapses]

Mac: [Giving Kroc his first tour of McDonald's] Speed. That's the name of the game. The first stop for every McDonald's hamburger is the grill. Manned by two cooks, whose sole job it is to cook those all-beef beauties to perfection. Meanwhile, as the patty cooks, our dressers get the buns ready. Watch out. Burger crossing!
McDonald's: Burger crossing!
Mac: Every McDonald's burger has two pickles, a pinch of onions, and a precise shot of ketchup and mustard.
Ray: [Points to the ketchup and mustard despensers] Now, where did you get those?
Mac: We made them.
Ray: Made them?
Mac: Yes, custom-built. The whole kitchen is. Next, this is the finishing station where we put the whole thing together. And...
[Leads Ray to the end of the line, holding up a wrapped hamburger]
Mac: Voila! A fresh, delicious burger from grill to counter in 30 seconds.

Ray: Let me explain something to you, Dick... You boys have full say over what goes on inside the restaurants. But outside, above, below... your authority stops at the door. And at the floor. All right?
Mac: What is he saying?
Dick: He's buying the land.
Mac: Our land?

Mac: This is not your company, Ray!