The Best Dick McDonald Quotes

Dick: I just have to ask you one thing. Something I've never understood.
Ray: All right.
Dick: That day we met, when we gave you the tour...
Ray: Uh-huh. What about it?
Dick: We showed you everything. The whole system, all of our secrets. We were an open book. So why didn't you just...
Ray: Steal it? Just, grab your ideas and run off, start my own business... using all those ideas of yours. It would have failed.
Dick: How do you know?
Ray: Am I the only one who got the kitchen tour? You must have invited lots of people back there, huh?
Dick: And?
Ray: How many of them succeeded?
Dick: Lots of people started restaurants.
Ray: As big as McDonald's?
Dick: Of course not.
Ray: No one ever has and no one ever will because they all lacked that one thing... that makes McDonald's special.
Dick: Which is?
Ray: Even you don't know what it is.
Dick: Enlighten me.
Ray: It's not just the system, Dick. It's the name. That glorious name, McDonald's. It could be, anything you want it to be... it's limitless, it's wide open... it sounds, uh... it sounds like... it sounds like America. That's compared to Kroc. What a crock. What a load of crock. Would you eat at a place named Kroc's? Kroc's has that blunt, Slavic sound. Kroc's. But McDonald's, oh boy. That's a beauty. A guy named McDonald? He's never gonna get pushed around in life.
Dick: That's clearly not the case.
Ray: So, you don't have a check for 1.35 million dollars in your pocket? Bye, Dick.
Dick: So if you can't beat'em, buy'em.
Ray: I remember the first time I saw that name stretched across your stand out there. It was love at first sight. I knew right then and there... I had to have it. And now I do.
Dick: You don't have it.
Ray: You sure about that?
Ray: Bye, Dick.

Dick: A hothead like that, you don't know what he's capable of.
Mac: It's all bluster, Dick. His bark is worse than his bite.
Dick: That's what Neville Chamberlain said.

Ray: Look, if you don't wanna make a profit, that's fine. But don't stop the rest of us.
Dick: Us?
Ray: Us, as in everyone but you.
Dick: Who did you send them to?
Ray: Everyone but you.
Dick: You have no right. You are to stop this instant, is that clear?
Ray: Nah...
Dick: What the hell does that mean, nah? You will abide by the terms of your deal.
Ray: I am through taking marching orders from you... You and your endless parade of NOs. Constantly cowering in the face of progress.
Dick: If phony powdered milkshakes is your idea of progress, you have a profound misunderstand of what McDonald's is about.
Ray: I have a far greater understanding of McDonald's than you two yokels.
Dick: What? You will do as we say.
Ray: Nope.
Dick: You have a contract!
Ray: You know, contracts are like hearts: they're made to be broken.

Ray: Let me explain something to you, Dick... You boys have full say over what goes on inside the restaurants. But outside, above, below... your authority stops at the door. And at the floor. All right?
Mac: What is he saying?
Dick: He's buying the land.
Mac: Our land?

Dick: Ray, we have no interest in a milkshake that contains NO MILK.

Dick: There's a wolf in the hen-house. We let him in.