The Best Mama Harper Quotes

Mama: Back in Mariposa, it was the white man's hatred. Now it's the Negroes angry about what's supposed to be. Seems no matter where we go, we can't get away from the hate.
Dr. Sam Beckett: Maybe it's not the place that makes the difference, but the people.
Mama: That's why you being a doctor here is so important. Show these kids in the street they can be somebody better.

[Sam is embodying Ray, a black medical student whose girlfriend, Susan, is white]
Mama: Raising your children is gonna be hard, no matter where you do it.
Susan: Why?
Mama: Because wherever you go, they won't fit in. They won't be black and they won't be white.
Dr. Sam Beckett: They'll be human.
Mama: Of course they'll be human, child. I'm talking about race!
Dr. Sam Beckett: I know, but, maybe, if we teach our kids to say that they're human, instead of black or white or red or yellow, maybe race won't matter.
Mama: Huh. Not in my lifetime.

Susan: I love Ray, Mama Harper. And I don't wanna see him lose his chance to be someone great.
Mama: He can be great right here.
Susan: No, he can't. He can do good here, but he can't be great.
Dr. Sam Beckett: You know, um... sometimes... sometimes doing good is more important.