The Best Marcus Stokes Quotes

Marcus: Yo man I was waiting around for you in the locker room. Why'd you let me go around you like that?
Will: What you tripping man I didn't let you go around me
Marcus: I know your game Will. You let me go around you. If you was gon play like that why you didn't you just sit in the stands?
Will: Hey man, look you impressed the scouts. You'll go to a division one college and you'll go pro. You'll be able to give your kid everything so what you beefing about?
Marcus: Oh I get it. Because I got a kid, I'm some kind of charity case? Well let's get something straight here homie. My situation does not define who I am. I define... ..who I am
Will: Yo man. I got lucky. Ok I got a rich uncle. You know a lot of brothers come from where we come from don't have those same opportunities man. That's your ticket.
Marcus: Heh. You know something my bel-air brother? You been watching too many made for TV movies.
Will: Look man I'm from Philly. I know it ain't easy to make it.
Marcus: What? To make it to the pros? It's damn near impossible. Look I'm better than good. Until I break my ankle that is then I ain't worth a dime.
[holding up a basketball]
Marcus: Look I'm not depending on this.
[points to his brain]
Marcus: I'm depending on this. My bball scholarship gon get me a free education in engineering so I can provide for my family with my mind.
Will: So you don't even want to play pro?
Marcus: Look I ain't fool now. If somebody offered me a million dollars just to dribble a basketball you best believe imma take it.
Will: With all due respect my brother, I don't think anybody gon offer you no million dollars.
Marcus: Look what I'm saying is... .the chances of that happening are slim, but me getting an education that's gon last me a lifetime? Those are the odds I'm willing to take.
Will: You a pretty deep brother.
Marcus: Yeah. And I'm a better ball player than you too.
Will: Ohhhhhh them be's fighting words. Let's do it!