The Best Mary McGinnis Quotes

Mary: What are those?
Terry: Nothing.
Mary: Don't lie to me. They're slappers, aren't they? I've seen them on the news.
Terry: Mom, it's not what you think.
Mary: The lies, the poor grades, the unexplained absences. It's because of these, isn't it?
Terry: No! They're not even mine!
Mary: Then where did they come from?
Terry: I found them in the locker room at school.
Matt: Yeah, right.
Terry: Jeez, Matt! Mom, you gotta believe me.
Mary: I don't want to hear any more. You're grounded.

Mary: Well, now it all makes sense.
Terry: Huh?
Mary: You've started making your bed.
Terry: Uh, yeah. Anything to help you out, mom.
Mary: And here I was thinking you weren't coming home at night.
Terry: Who, me?

Mary: Have you eaten anything yet? Ter, you haven't said a word all day. Don't you want to talk?
Terry: Why would he open the door, mom?
Mary: What?
Terry: They were Jokers. He wouldn't have opened the door. He would've looked first. How'd they trace me back to him?
Mary: Honey, we don't know if it's the same gang. You've gotta stop...
Terry: I should've been there! I could've helped him. I-I could've done something.
Mary: No.
Terry: Yes! I'm not afraid of those guys. We could've fought 'em off, me and dad. We could've fought...
Terry: I yelled at him, mom. He grounded me, and I wouldn't listen. The things I said... I'm such a jerk.

Matt: [Terry is watching "Inside Peek"] What are they doing?
Terry: [trying to cover his eyes] This isn't for you.
Matt: Oh... I wanna see! I wanna see!
[as Terry starts to chase him around the room, the TV is turned off]
Terry: Hey!
Mary: I don't want you watching this.
Terry: See? I told you.
Mary: I was talking to both of you.
Terry: Come on. It's just entertainment.
Mary: You wouldn't find it so entertaining if you were on the receiving end.

Mary: [serving Bruce coffee] I hope you don't mind milk. We're out of cream.
Bruce: I prefer it.

Matt: You should've been there, mom. It was awesome.
Mary: Matt, I was so worried.
Matt: There was this big guy with this spear and tattoos all over his body, and he put me in this cage.
Mary: What? Why?
Matt: I dunno. But then Batman showed up, and bam, wham, pow! He saved me! Batman's so cool.
[to Terry]
Mary: Not a loser like you.
Terry: Hey, we can't all be Batman.

Matt: He's late, isn't he? What are you gonna do to him?
Mary: Not as much as I'll do to you if you don't get back in bed.

Mary: Matt, where's your brother?
Matt: Don't know.
Mary: It doesn't look like he slept here last night.
Matt: Maybe he came in after we were asleep and left before we woke up. He does that all the time.
Mary: Except when has he ever made his bed?

Mary: I got a call from your school today. They said you were sleeping in class again.
Matt: Ooh! Busted.
Mary: What's going on, Terry?
Terry: Nothing. I've just been busy.
Matt: [taunting singsong] Yeah. Busy with Dana.
Mary: Your teacher said he sent home another demerit file.
Matt: [reaching for Matt's backpack] I'll get it.
Terry: Hey! Out of my stuff, twip!

[several Hamilton Hill students are arrested for using Venom, and the coach is suspended from duty]
Mrs. Mary McGinnis: Why would he allow that to go on?
Bruce: He wanted to win at any cost. So he looked the other way.

Mary: Terry! I was afraid you were gonna miss it.
Terry: Miss what?
Matt: You know, "The Inside Peek." Everybody at school's talking about it.
Mary: And at work, too.
Terry: Aren't you the one who didn't want us watching this? Uh, you said I wouldn't find it so entertaining if I was on the receiving end.
Mary: Yeah, well, what do I know?

Terry: There's something I gotta tell you...
Mrs. Mary McGinnis: After the show, dear.
Terry: No, it can't wait. I... I'm... Batman.
[Mary and Matt both laugh hysterically in response]
Terry: Seriously, I am!
Mrs. Mary McGinnis: Honey, please.
Matthew: Hey, it's coming on!
TV: Today's edition of Inside Peek has been postponed due to technical difficulties, please stay tuned for an encore presentation of...
[Matt turns off the TV]
Matthew: Postponed? Why'd they do that?
Mrs. Mary McGinnis: Maybe Ian Peek lost his nerve.
Terry: Somehow, I doubt that.

Mary: Late again.
Terry: Mom! Matt! Sorry, I got hung up.
Mary: Terry, you knew I was counting on you.
Matt: Someone's gonna get it.
Terry: Zip the lip, twip.
Mary: Look, I've gotta run. You boys are on your own for dinner.
[kissing them goodbye]
Mary: Stay out of trouble.

Mary: You never told me you knew Bruce Wayne.
Terry: Well, actually, uh...
Bruce: Why, I owe this boy my life. He defended me against a bunch of hooligans once. I tried to reward him, but he absolutely refused.
Mary: Mr. Wayne wants to offer you a job.
Terry: A job?
Bruce: It's not much, mind you. I find that my old age, I could use a part-time assistant; you know, a gofer. Go for this, go for that. An ally, as it were. Would you be interested?